i'm not a bad man

Chapter 437 Betrayal?

Chapter 437 Betrayal?

Before I answered my dad's call, I thought it was just a call out of concern for whether I had arrived in the small town. But after I answered the call, he said to me: "Xiaolu came to see me and your mother. She He also brought us a child, saying that he would let us help look after him for a few days... Hey, what's going on with this child? When she was here just now, I didn't have the nerve to ask her."

Luxi actually sent Chaochao to my parents, which really surprised me. I was stunned for a while before I replied to my dad on the other end of the phone: "Don't get me wrong...it's from Luxi." He is too old to give birth to such a big child... Speaking of which, this child has some connection with our family. His grandfather unfortunately died in our family's construction site accident, and his father died of late-stage lung cancer yesterday in Zhao Yingrou's hospital. When the child was two years old, the child's mother also committed suicide due to postpartum depression... The only grandmother who was still alive could not accept these successive blows, resulting in mental disorder and no longer had any civil capacity... Therefore, this child There is no one I can rely on anymore...you guys can help take care of him for a few days, and then I can arrange for him when I'm done here."

After being silent for a long time, my dad replied: "Is his grandfather's name Zhao Jinbiao?"

"It seems to be the name."

"I see."

"If you and my mother really can't take her, just contact Zhao Yingrou. I'll give you Zhao Yingrou's contact information, and she will make arrangements."

"No, we can take it." After a short pause, my dad said, "When Xiaolu left, he rented a three-bedroom house for us nearby. Your mother and I are preparing to move into it."

"Well, has she told you where she is going... This child was originally entrusted to her care by me."

"That didn't tell us...are you there yet?"

"We're here, we'll be here at noon."

"Then we don't have to worry about it. Just go about your business. The child is with us, so don't worry about it...your mother and I can take care of it."

I responded, and my dad ended the call with me. I was suddenly in a trance. Ordinarily, Lu Xi is a very responsible woman. Since I have entrusted Chaochao to her, if it were not an emergency, she would be I will never give Chaochao to my parents.

So, what emergency happened?

I became very nervous, and then after I came to my senses, I hurriedly called her, but the phone was turned off.


My absent-minded look was noticed by Chang Yuli, and he asked me: "Brother Chao, who called you? Is there anything new?"

"There's nothing new. Things at home...where did we just talk?"

Chang Yuli and Chang Tianming looked at each other before saying, "My dad just said, is there any personal grudge behind this matter?... Even if Yang Yiming wants to invest in building a film and television city in a small town, at least it should be based on Based on research, we should also have a chance to compete fairly."

I cooperated with Chang Tianming with [-]% sincerity, so he had the right to know. After a period of silence, I finally said to him: "I know Yang Yiming... The relationship between us is a bit subtle... We It’s because they met Lu Xi, and Lu Xi’s uncle deliberately brought him and Lu Xi together..."

Chang Tianming and Chang Yuli both had confused expressions, and it’s not surprising that they couldn’t understand the relationship, because in their eyes, Qiao Jiao is my girlfriend, and they didn’t know about the relationship between Lu Xi and me. of the past.

I was not in the mood to go into details, so I took the initiative to change the topic and said to them: "I want to meet the investor of the health care project now... He should be staying in Guan Yubo's hotel, right?"

Chang Yuli replied: "I am staying in his hotel...but we can't contact him now."

"It's okay. I'll wait for him at the door of the hotel. He will come out eventually."

"You don't know him either. Let me go with you."

"Didn't you say that he looks exactly like me? How could I not recognize him?"

Chang Yuli was stunned for a moment, and I turned to Chang Tianming and said, "Uncle Chang, if we can keep that health care project now, will it have any impact on the change of the situation?" Chang Tianming frowned, he seemed After analyzing the situation in front of me, he finally said to me after a while: "This is a big project after all. If we can implement the cooperation in the form of a contract, I don't think it is too unlikely to win. After all, Yang Yiming and Guan Yubo's side was just a verbal agreement... We have now realized deeply that this verbal agreement is not reliable at all. If we can really implement the health care project, I will find a way to move around. That road expansion project may not be impossible... But this matter must be done quickly. Once Guan Yubo's side is also confirmed, there will definitely be no chance for us... As long as we cut through the mess quickly, Kangyang After the project and road expansion project are won, even if Guan Yubo gets the film and television city project, we will still be able to fight... After all, this road is a permanent investment. As long as the road is open, the lower limit of our scenic spot will not be too high. Low."

"I understand, Uncle Chang."

After saying that, I didn’t write any words and immediately walked to the car parked on the side of the road. It was time for me to meet the investors of the health care project.


Just when I was about to get in the car, Chang Yuli followed me again. He called out to me. I looked back at him and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"What happened to you and Sister Jiao?"

I hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Why do you ask this so suddenly?"

"This morning, I called Sister Jiao and told her about the changes in the small town... She has always cared about you the most, but this time such a big thing happened, and she said she didn't want to come back... If you two There was no conflict, she wouldn’t say such things, would she?”

I know that Qiao Jiao has a thorn in her heart, but when it comes to conflicts, we really haven't had any quarrels because of this so-called conflict; to say it, it can only be that Qiao Jiao's own mood has changed after going abroad...

She must be quite disappointed with me. I haven’t taken the initiative to contact her since she left. It’s not that I don’t want to contact her. Too many things have happened in the past two days. I don’t know whether I should tell her or not. she.

Most of these things are worries, and she is far away from home. Without being able to share them together, they just make her anxious.

After another period of silence, I finally spoke to Chang Yuli and said, "We really didn't have any conflicts. She went abroad this time to take care of her mother, so I don't want to disturb her with these annoying things."

"She doesn't know that you don't contact her because of this... She must be blaming you for not caring about her enough... You too, even if you don't want her to know these annoying things, just send her a message and chat for a while. That’s fine too.”

"She understands me so well that I can't hide my emotions in front of her."

Chang Yuli sighed and said: "There are real internal and external troubles now... Heizu went abroad to find Sister Jiao. He left this morning... He said that in his heart, nothing is more important than Sister Jiao. Things here , he doesn’t want to care anymore.”

I had mixed feelings in my heart, and then I had a feeling of being betrayed by everyone; I never dreamed that Blackfoot would leave his career in the small town and go find Qiao Jiao at this time.

When we were drinking, we said more than once that we were lifelong friends! (Weixin searches my official account: ***, and you can know in advance the follow-up of Han Chao and Lu Xi!)
I closed my eyes, shook my head vigorously, and then said: "The legs are on him, let him go... What he said is right, the career in the small town is indeed dispensable to him... It’s great that he can stay here for so long and do so many things for us.”

"He's not interesting enough. If he doesn't want to care about Xiaocheng's affairs, I don't have a problem with it, but it's not interesting enough for him to go to find Sister Jiao at this time."

"How does he know where Qiao Jiao is?"

"Sister Jiao posted a post on Moments last night with a position on it...Brother Chao, are you really so indifferent to Sister Jiao? You didn't even know she posted on Moments."

"I... I have nearly [-] friends on WeChat, and there are hundreds of Moments updates a day. I really don't see every one of them."

Chang Yuli fell into silence again. It was at this time that I received a WeChat message from Lu Xi. She told me that she had taken a plane to Luoyang and would arrive in the small town in two hours.

It turned out that this was the real reason why she entrusted Chaochao to my parents.

(End of this chapter)

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