i'm not a bad man

Chapter 440: Experience the life of a normal person

Chapter 440: Experience the life of a normal person
After Lu Xi got out of the seven-seater business car, she dragged her suitcase to my side. She looked at me dumbfounded, and then asked: "What are you doing sitting on the ground? Aren't you cold?"

I sat on the ground and answered Qin Minhong's call. The content of our conversation was all about Lu Xi, which made me full of anger and bitterness. But when Lu Xi really came to me, I didn't think about it at all. Instead of complaining, I smiled and said to her: "I was a little bored just now, so I did a handstand... Maybe I haven't practiced for a long time, and one mistake made me fall." After a pause, I Then he asked her: "Why did you come here in this car? I see that there are people in the car, and the car only has such a big space. Don't you think it will be crowded?"

Lu Xi subconsciously turned around to look at the commercial vehicle that was about to turn around and leave, and then replied: "It's a bit crowded and quite uncomfortable... But, I really want to experience how normal people live. ." Lu Xi seemed to be very satisfied with this trip, so when she said this, she smiled and said: "I tell you, it's really interesting... There were students riding in the same car with me. There were couples who came to travel, a migrant worker who came back from work outside the city, and a geography teacher who teaches geography at a high school in a small town... We chatted all the way."

"Did they discover your identity?"

"I was wearing a mask and a hat, so it wouldn't be that easy to spot... However, the student kept saying I looked like a star and asked me to give him an autograph."

"Have you signed it?"

"Signed, I wrote Luxi, Luoyang Branch River in his notebook."

After saying that, Lu Xi laughed loudly. She seemed to like this joke very much... When she stopped laughing, I asked again: "He really didn't recognize you?"

"This student is very talkative. He said that it was fate that we were riding in the same car... Let me take off the mask and show it to him."

"Take it off and you'll be exposed."

"No, no... When I just got off the bus, I really took off my mask... He stared at me for a long time... and then said, it was Luoyang Fenxi... I almost laughed... But I also feel really comfortable... I don’t know how to describe this feeling. Anyway, when you really let go of those so-called halos, throw yourself among the crowd, and be open and honest... others don’t regard you as a star. ...If you think about it carefully, I haven't been this free and casual for several years."

"That's right. Which rising star would ride in such a car."

"So, there is really no need to hide it! I will no longer wear a mask or hat when I go out. If others doubt me, I will insist on saying that I am Luoyang Fenxi."

"What if you are in Chongqing?"

"Chongqing Fenxi... in Shanghai, it is Shanghai Fenxi."

After saying that, Lu Xi took off his mask and hat, and then threw them all into the trash can with a "fuck it" attitude; I couldn't help but laugh: "Just do whatever you want!"

"Why are you doing this?"

"If you were like me and had been to so many places, there would be 296 deer streams in the country. Then you wouldn't be a clone."

“I’ll wait until I’ve been to 296 cities.”

"Anyway, just break the jar and throw it away."

"Yeah yeah……"

Lu Xi responded, then took out a bag of things from his pocket, handed it to me and asked, "Do you eat betel nuts?"

As I took it, I replied: "I really don't have the habit of eating betel nuts... Where did you get this?"

"The uncle who was a migrant worker working in Hainan in the car gave it to me. He said it was a specialty of Hainan and he insisted on giving us a pack... Originally I didn't want it because I thought you might have the habit of eating betel nuts. , I accepted it.”

"I can't tell that you are really getting along with them!"

"I was bored on the road, so someone spoke up and we started chatting... By the way, the geography teacher told us a lot about the history of the small town. He also told me that there is a scenic spot called Yangzigou in the small town... According to Legend has it that during the Zhenguan period of the Tang Dynasty, the famous heroine Fan Lihua adopted and raised her son... When I was a child, my grandfather always told me the story of Fan Lihua and Xue Dingshan... For the first time, I felt so close to the celebrities in the story, so, can you Would you like to take me to Yangzigou Scenic Area for a while?"

"Okay, if the weather is good tomorrow, your wish will come true tomorrow."

Lu Xi nodded with a smile, and then sat down next to me with her legs crossed. At this moment, she seemed to have relieved all her burdens, and she looked much more relaxed. Unfortunately, Qin Minhong couldn't see her like this. ; Therefore, she always shirks the responsibility of Lu Xi’s leaving the entertainment industry on me. At first, I could bear it, but after this call, I really felt a strong sense of discomfort in my heart, and then began to become I hate Qin Minhong... I think she is like an emotionless machine, her mind is filled with profit-seeking programs, and these programs instruct her to violently interfere with Lu Xi again and again. This is what Lu Xi really feels. Tired place...

Maybe, with a less extreme agent, she might not be so eager to quit the entertainment industry; anyway, it is really painful for two people who don't agree with each other to work together and get along day and night. matter.

...The evening has just come, and as the sun sets, I can clearly feel the fierce conflict between the hot and cold air in the empty valley, but the wind is blowing very lightly, mixed with a spring breeze. smell……

At this time, when I look at the small town, there is no turmoil, it is only filled with a kind of tranquility that can only be found in a small place, and the lights light up one after another in this peaceful atmosphere, colorful, dotted with the small town, and also dotted with our mood. .

If you can forget all the troubles in front of you and don't have to worry about your livelihood, hiding in such a small place to escape from the world is a good choice.

In fact, after living here for several months, I have adapted to this small town. Although it is small, there are shopping malls, beer and barbecue, and places for singing and entertainment.

But this small town is not static, and development is the theme of the whole society, so here comes Wu Luoge, who is building a health care town, and Yang Yiming, who wants to build a film and television city.

In the past few months, when I was chatting with local friends, I kept saying that this small town is a geomantic treasure. It not only has beautiful scenery, but also rich mineral resources. More importantly, in the history of this small town, There is almost no baptism of war, these are all gifts given by God.

Therefore, in such a place favored by God, it will be invaded by capital sooner or later, and my arrival will only speed up the pace of capital invasion and eventually move towards commercialization.


Lighting a cigarette, I once again set my sights on Guan Yubo's hotel. I had been waiting here for nearly two hours, and there was still no sign of Wu Luo Pavilion coming out.

I turned my head and looked at Lu Xi, who had been sitting next to me. She was holding her chin with her hands, already looking drowsy. She didn't ask me who I wanted to wait for here, and just stayed with me.

Feeling the getting lower and lower temperature, I couldn't bear to let her suffer with me, so I pushed her...

She then turned to look at me, and subconsciously straightened her hair that was blown by the wind, and then looked at me with a smile, as if she was looking forward to what I was going to say to her.

The last time I was looked at by a woman like this was back when I first met Luan Yu. This kind of look is difficult to describe in detail, but I know in my heart that it is a kind of trust and dependence. It seems that as long as two people are together, no matter what they do or do nothing, they are happy.

After so long, I finally experienced the feeling of being loved by Lu Xi. Although I still felt like I was dreaming, her eyes were so real.

"Let's go eat and find a place to stay after eating."

"What are you going to take me to eat?" (Han Chao and Lu Xi are getting married? Search and follow the author's personal satellite number: *** to view the latest chapters.)
"Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you to."

"I want to eat the food you cooked, okay?"

In my memory, I haven't cooked a good meal for a long, long time. Even if I'm alone and don't want to go out to eat, I just cook a bowl of noodles. I don't have the desire to cook by myself; but at this moment, But I already have images of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, braised beef with potatoes, sliced ​​pork with mushrooms, garlic pork ribs, Pingqiao tofu soup... These are all my favorite dishes.

"Okay, let's go to the supermarket to buy groceries now... If our hands and feet are quick, we can have dinner before seven o'clock."

Lu Xi stood up first, then opened the car door for me and said with a smile: "Then hurry up, Chef Han."

"Han Erjin, Han Fool, Boss Han, Chef Han...how many characters do you want to create for me?"

"As long as we are together, I will let you, like Sun Dasheng, make up 72 changes."

"72 changes, that's 72 identities!"

"Yes, do you feel like the days are long?"

I nodded heavily, and Lu Xi had already got in the car before me, and I also got in the car. Just when I was about to start the car and leave, a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle suddenly stopped at the front entrance of the hotel. The security guard opened the car door, and I saw Guan Yubo and Yang Yiming in turn.

Not only them, but another man who looked a bit like me came out of the hotel. If I guessed correctly, this man should be Wu Luoge who invested in health and wellness projects.

For Xiaocheng, when the three of them come together, they are definitely qualified to be called the Big Three!
The so-called giants will definitely change the situation and shake things up. (I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve. Search Satellite and follow my personal public account: ***. There is a small event. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement. I will continue to work hard to bring you better works in the new year.)
(End of this chapter)

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