i'm not a bad man

Chapter 445 Let's Get Married

Chapter 445 Let's Get Married

When Qiao Jiao said that she didn't like me as much as before, I suddenly fell into an extremely dull state. After a long time, I subconsciously looked up at the sky. When the sunset and sunset appeared on the horizon at the same time, the dusk turned out to be so beautiful. Shocked, a desire to hug suddenly arose in my heart, and it drifted to the horizon with the wind...

But while I was still dumbfounded, the setting sun had faded away, leaving only the sunset glow that was still blowing to the northwest with the wind...

This scene made me suddenly realize that the beauty of the coexistence of sunset and sunset can only last for a moment. The sunset is destined to disappear from the sky before the sunset. But just when I wanted to keep the sunset, I found that the sunset also disappeared with it. It becomes a lot dimmer with the disappearance of the setting sun; in the end, the sunset will not always decorate this evening for me, and the night is coming after all.


I was still looking at Qiao Jiao dully on the phone screen. She had already applied lipstick, and then asked me with a smile: "Han Chao, does my makeup look good?"

"Okay...it looks pretty."


During the extreme pulling, I asked her bravely: "How is your mother? Is your leg okay?"

"It's okay, nothing happened at all... She just wanted to trick me into coming back, so she deliberately colluded with the neighbors to say that."

After pondering for a while, I replied: "Maybe, she really misses you!"

"Of course she misses me a lot. I am her only daughter and her only hope for a continuation of her life... I suddenly felt that it would be good to stay with her... By the way, my mother asked me to study here, and I agreed. She... The moment I agreed to her, I suddenly became very relaxed, because my dad had always wanted me to study abroad. In this way, the conflict between me and my dad was gone... When I and I My mother no longer has any conflicts, and after the conflict with my father was resolved, I found that the three of us who were once a family can live together peacefully... My mother has not been in contact with my father these years, let alone my father. When we met, yesterday she actually agreed to let my dad come abroad to find her... Therefore, people must learn to go with the flow and not put themselves in adversity at every turn to show how much personality and ability they have. "

I was silent, and in the silence I thought of everything I had experienced with Qiao Jiao, and suddenly felt sad in my heart.

Qiao Jiao's tone gradually lost all emotion: "Han Chao, I have no other meaning in calling you. I just want to tell you not to contact me in the future. If your parents ask about me, you just..."

At this point, Qiao Jiao finally paused, but finally said in a very firm tone: "Just say I'm dead."

"You are not dead."

Qiao Jiao looked at me. She lowered her head. When she raised her head again, she waved to me and said, "Goodbye, Han Chao... You will have a good life in the future."

Before I could react, Qiao Jiao had already disappeared from the phone screen, and I became even more dull. I stared dully at the disappearing sunset. I became increasingly numb, numbly feeling the cool breeze passing by me. , looking numbly at the small town in the distance... the lights are on!

Night also fell.


When she returned to her residence, Lu Xi was not in the house, so she called and found out that she had gone to the Internet cafe and said she was playing games.

I went to the Internet cafe to pick her up. When she came out of the Internet cafe, I suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar. I thought about it seriously and then remembered that when I was in Qingdao, I also went to the Internet cafe to pick her up like this. At that time, I was still addicted to the Internet. Qiao Jiao.

Qiao Jiao likes to go to Internet cafes to play games. She said that even if the place is dirty, she doesn’t have to clean it up herself.


After sitting down in the passenger seat, Lu Xi took off the mask and hat he used to cover up, and then sighed and said to me: "I finally understand why Jiaojiao likes to surf the Internet in the Internet cafe. Even if she eats a lot of snacks, she doesn't need to Cleaning up the mess by yourself… What she fears most is cleaning up.”

I looked at Lu Xi, but Lu Xi didn't really care about my answer and just motioned for me to drive.

She didn't set a destination, and I didn't want to drive to my residence. I just drove through the small town, walked through the one-way street, walked through the tunnel, and finally stopped by a lake.

Luxi opened the car window, and waves of cool evening breeze blew towards us, blowing me very awake...

Lu Xi looked at me, and I looked at her.

"Brother Han Chao..." I was stunned for a long time before replying: "Kid from Luxi."

"Let's get married."

I looked at her, looking at the night outside that seemed to swallow everything.

She still had the same look in her eyes and said to me again: "Let's get married. After we get married, everything will go smoothly... We don't have to ask godfather and godmother to adopt Chao Chao, we can cultivate him ourselves... Yang Yiming also I won’t set my heart on a married woman... You don’t need to be entangled between red roses and white roses... The same goes for me. Once I get married, I can withdraw from that circle with peace of mind... I don’t care How many people have blessed us, if you are sincere to me, don’t treat the marriage as a one-man show for me... okay?"

Time seems to have stopped, and along with the time, my breathing and thoughts have stopped.She is only 23 years old. In my knowledge, no female star has ever chosen to get married at this age, and no man dares to choose a rising female star to start the most sacred marriage when he still has nothing. Life.

This is so dreamy that I can’t connect what Lu Xi just said with following the trend.

I finally spoke to Lu Xi: "Are you sure you are awake?"

"Are you awake?"

"I am not sleeply."

"Then you hug me..."

I looked at her again. She was wearing a white down jacket and was clean and tidy. I looked at her eyes again, which are the windows to the soul and were once praised by everyone as the most beautiful eyes in the world.

The waves in her eyes made my body become stiffer and stiffer. I could barely lift my arms, but at this moment, she gently hugged me.

She probably stayed in the Internet cafe for too long, and her body was tainted with a faint smell of tobacco. Unfortunately, even the smell of tobacco is the smell that I am most fascinated by.

I became unconscious, and it was precisely because I was unconscious that I had enough courage to embrace the woman in front of me who once made me fearless of life and death...

Of course I love her.

Loved her from the beginning.

I hugged her harder and harder, and her touch became more and more real. I felt the warmth on her body and her charming breath. I was almost suffocated. It was like a near-death experience, but with the ultimate excitement. Pleasure; then, something magical happened, and I saw the pictures we had experienced together again...

No, it’s not as simple as seeing it. Even the mood at that time is repeated, as if these scenes are experienced completely again.

Finally, the scene suddenly stopped at the moment when I was about to fall off the cliff. (Han Chao and Lu Xi are getting married? Search and follow the author’s personal satellite number: *** to view the latest chapters.)
I was extremely scared, but I was so unapologetic!

Is this fate?

A wandering man and a star-studded woman.

If it weren't for fate, how could they embrace each other here and experience the emotions of getting married here?

At this time, I thought of Wu Luoge, who believed in fate very much. Is this fate really irreversible?
If I choose to go with the flow of fate...

Will everything be fine?

All the answers are so inaccurate...these inaccuracies are like floating clouds in the sky, unable to let you stand firm, but they can hold you high, the ultimate happiness, the ultimate fantasy, the ultimate madness... …

Or perhaps, only in such an extremely harsh environment can such extreme emotions be inspired.

(End of this chapter)

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