i'm not a bad man

Chapter 471 Wu Luoge’s Entrepreneurship History

Chapter 471 Wu Luoge’s Entrepreneurship History

I am not complimenting Wu Luoge. In the past few years, I have been on the road and met all kinds of people, so it is not that I have never seen someone who started from scratch. But like Wu Luoge, who has no background and is less than 30 years old. It is really unheard of for people to have accumulated billions of wealth. Even if you look at the whole country, I am afraid that only the Internet giants in the early years can achieve such achievements after reaping the dividends of the Internet.

Wu Luoge and I looked at each other for a moment, and finally said to me: "As I said before, the reason why I can complete such accumulation is entirely because I believe in fate... But when I first came out of college, I didn't believe in fate. Yes, I don’t want to be a person who works step by step, and I don’t want those capitalists to exploit my value excessively, so I chose to start a business... When I was in college, I studied medicine... In fact, my biggest My wish is to build my own pharmaceutical company, which not only produces but also does research and development, so that the Chinese people can take good medicine with good conscience... However, the threshold of this industry is too high, and I am not a recent graduate. students can get involved; so, I changed my mind. If I could make a website that sells medicines, provide the most professional consulting services to the people, and let them spend the least money to buy the most symptomatic medicines, wouldn’t it? It is a way to realize value... I started to make plans, hoping to find investment... However, the pharmaceutical industry is a very strange industry. From a people-oriented perspective, of course, it is to spend the least money to buy the most symptomatic medicine; However, this idea is completely unworkable in this industry, so no one is willing to invest in me... I don't believe this fact, so I start to raise money myself... To put it bluntly, I just don't want to accept my fate... At that time, I As if I was crazy, I sold the wedding house my parents bought for me, borrowed it from relatives and friends, and also borrowed a loan shark... Finally, I formed a team of about ten people, but because there was no Business, without a clear profit idea, I lost all the money very quickly... These loan sharks started looking for my parents. My parents had no choice but to mortgage their house to them... and then rented an old house. A small house, barely able to survive..."

Speaking of this, Wu Luoge's voice became deeper and deeper: "One month after they moved into the old and broken-down apartment, the neighbor illegally charged his electric car in the corridor, causing a fire..."

Wu Luoge lowered his head, pressed his temples with his hands, and choked with sobs: "At that time, I was afraid to use my mobile phone because I was being called for debts by relatives and friends. Finally, I saw the list of victims of the fire on the news. There are my parents..."

Speaking of this, Wu Luoge was completely silent.

I felt a little depressed, so I lit a cigarette, then handed another one to Wu Luoge, and said, "Have a smoke and calm down."

Wu Luoge does not have the habit of smoking, but this time, he took the cigarette from my hand. His smoking movements were not unfamiliar. He must have smoked before and then quit.

When the cigarette was almost finished, Wu Luoge spoke again: "From that time on, I began to believe in fate... In those days, I kept telling fortunes, just looking for those roadside stalls... Because listening to them seriously analyze my fate, I will temporarily forget the pain of losing my parents... In their words, I still have hope... Later, I really encountered hope, and I actually got an investment... …I believe in fate even more. I went to the fortune teller I trusted the most and asked him to calculate where my future will be... He told me that my fortune is in the west. The further west I make, the more money I will make. The more... Later, I went directly to the United States. I had no ties at home anymore, so I had to go to the farthest west... After arriving in the United States, I learned the lessons of the failure of domestic entrepreneurship and decided not to do it again. Blind investment... I went to New York and worked in a Chinese restaurant near Wall Street... I washed dishes every day, and gradually worked from the back kitchen to the front desk cashier... One day, a homeless man came to the restaurant... He After finishing the meal, he didn’t have money to pay the bill, so he asked me if he could settle the bill with Bitcoin... He didn’t eat much, so I advanced him with my own money... But from that time on, I had this idea I became interested in this thing. I studied it for a long time and heard a lot of inside information on this financial street... I believed in fate. It said that my fortune would be in the West, so I bought all that investment in Bitcoins. Bitcoin, I remember it very clearly. When I bought it, I bought it for $2015 in August 200. I also encountered high points in the middle, but I didn’t make a move and endured it until 2017, when Microsoft announced that it would support Bitcoin payments. , and finally sold it at nearly [-] US dollars... This was the first pot of gold in my life... During the two years of waiting for the appreciation of Bitcoin, I have been studying finance and investment. In the end, I still I turned my attention back to the pharmaceutical field... I took the money to invest in a pharmaceutical company with poor returns... Not long after that, the epidemic broke out. The pharmaceutical company I invested in had a patent and was awarded The official support is believed to be effective in treating this viral infection... causing the company's market value to skyrocket... and my worth has also increased... I won't say to what extent..."

Having said this, Wu Luoge let out a long breath, and then said to me: "This is my entrepreneurial experience... In this entrepreneurial experience, as long as I make a wrong step, I will not have the benefits I have today. The reason I didn’t make the wrong move is because I have become a complete believer in destiny.”

I nodded, feeling inexplicably...

Wu Luoge finally succeeded, but the price was huge. Of course, his success can be attributed to fate, but I feel that his character is different from ordinary people. If his experience happened to me, the moment I saw the news, I'm afraid I couldn't survive, but he survived and persisted until he became rich... Compared to fate, I think his own character is the key to success.I finally said to him: "Brother Ang, listening to your entrepreneurial experience is like watching a thrilling movie. Although you succeeded in the end, I still don't think it is a comedy... Although you got You deserve it, but your loss is unbearable... From just now until now, I have been thinking about why you were bruised and bruised when you started a business with such a beautiful wish... Instead, you went abroad ,At once……"

I spread my hands, trying to make Wu Luoge understand what I wanted to say but failed to say.

Wu Luoge thought for a while and replied: "It should be a desperate counterattack after disappointment... It is better to believe in fate than to believe in beauty."

I nodded and accepted what Wu Luoge said, and even felt the same, because I was the same. I had tried my best to assist Chang Tianming, and envisioned a bright future for the scenic spot, vowing to benefit the local villagers. But this kind of dedication is not worth Yang Yiming's words.

Capital is really a nasty thing. It can consume all the beauty in this world... However, I don't have the ability to fight against it. After I figured it out, I turned myself into it.

Yes, since you can't defeat capital, then turn yourself into capital, at least you won't be controlled by others.

I also breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Wu Luoge: "Angkor, I have another question. Since you have been so successful and developed well abroad, why do you still want to return to China to do this health care project?"

"I want to settle down and do something good..." After a pause, Wu Luoge said again: "I just told you so much, all in the name of starting a business. In fact, it is more appropriate to talk about the history of the family... because, more or less, it is still It's a bit speculative. I didn't form a team myself, and I didn't enjoy the process of starting a business. All I got was just because I made the right choice... In addition, it was also to give myself more opportunities. Time is in China... I want to find the person who invested in me when I was facing a desperate situation... For some reasons, I lost contact with him... I found the person who told me my fortune, and he told me that I Where did you get this investment? Don’t go far, just stay around here... If we are destined to meet you, we will meet here."

(End of this chapter)

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