Chapter 473

During this period of time, I hardly suffer from insomnia and seldom dream. Every time I fall asleep, I can sleep well for only six or seven hours. Therefore, I wake up early the next day.

Chaochao was not a good sleeper, so I covered him with the kicked-off quilt, got up and washed himself, then sat on the balcony and brewed a pot of tea. I recently fell in love with drinking tea, because when I brew tea, I can I became calm, precisely because I was calm enough to be able to avoid chaos without panicking.


This morning, the temperature in the small town has completely risen. Even the wind blowing from the mountains carries with it bursts of warmth and the smell of reviving vegetation, as if to tell everyone that they have finally survived the desolate and cold winter.

The flavor of the new year has gradually dissipated as the temperature has risen. The streets are no longer decorated with lights, and only some stalls selling fruit and breakfast are still busy.

The holidays are over, and people in the small town are busy again, busy cleaning up the city, busy replenishing supplies, busy improving roads, and then welcoming the next wave of tourism.

This seems to be the rhythm and destiny of a tourist city, and I have completely adapted to it.


After drinking a pot of tea, my parents also got up. My dad and Chang Tianming had an appointment, and they said that they would go together today to see the scenic spots that I had fought for. Of course I wanted to accompany them, so after having a simple breakfast , I drove my dad to the scenic spot, while my mother stayed in the hotel to take care of Chao Chao without accompanying me.

Because the temperature has risen and it is the weekend, the scenic spot has regained some popularity, so I have met many tourists going to the scenic spot along the way. This is of course the result of my operation. Without the night climbing activities planned years ago, the scenic spot would have been With enough popularity on the Internet, the scenic spot will not have such a flow of people, and before the night crawling activity, the scenic spot was almost deserted.

I parked the car outside the parking lot at the ticket gate and walked to the scenic spot with my dad. My dad saw the merit monument. He stood beside it and looked at it for a long time before he spoke to me. Said: "When I was drinking yesterday, I heard your Uncle Chang say that you don't want to work in this place anymore?"

"People are not united and there is nothing we can do."

My dad looked at me and said, "If you had told me this earlier, your mother and I wouldn't have come all the way here..."

"Didn't you drink two bottles of 92 Moutai... Just these two bottles of wine are enough for you to say that your trip was worthwhile."

My dad smiled and replied, "Aren't you afraid that your dad will eat people?"

"Didn't you also accept those wild goods given by others?"

"Then you can't add another one of being soft-hearted... If you take both of them, then your dad really needs to have a good word with you."

I lit a cigarette and waited for my dad to speak.

My dad seemed to like this merit stele very much. He put his hand on the inscription and touched it again and again, and then he said to me: "Your dad has also been in the business world and is used to the warmth and coldness of people." , so I have a little bit of my own experience and insights... What I fear most in my life is the kind of person who is too purposeful. This kind of person will make you very happy for the purpose, but will also kill you in order to achieve the purpose. The hearts of others...Uncle Chang is this kind of person..." After a pause, my dad said again: "I can see that you are heartbroken...I can also see that you don't really want to leave. …”

I was a little surprised. "Son, there is no better son than a father... Your current state is very similar to the state you were in before you ran away from home... When your heart really cools down, even your parents can let go... Not to mention Chang Tianming... But You won't leave. If you really want to leave, you won't drag your feet and let us come here to see... In the past few years, you have grown up and become more mature... So, I can understand your thoughts. , but I can’t understand what you are doing... Is it possible that I am going to find a suitable time to give Uncle Chang a step down, and then continue to work in this scenic spot? "

"Why do you think so?"

"Uncle Chang of yours thinks so too...otherwise, why would they entertain us so warmly? It's just to give both parties a step down."

I shook my head and indicated that this was just Chang Tianming's wishful thinking. However, I did not discuss my own thoughts in depth. When I spoke again, I had already changed the subject. I said, "Dad, you said something happened to our family." From now on, making a comeback seems to have become the theme of our family, but after so many years, this wish has not been realized... So, I really want to ask you, what standard has been reached to be considered as realizing this wish?"

My dad fell into silence, and after a long while he said: "No illness, no disaster, it's good to be able to live a normal life."

"But one cannot live without hope... By the way, Dad, I recently met a friend who works in health care projects... He is only two months older than me, and now he has a net worth of several billion... At noon, he wants to invite our family to have dinner, you and my mother should go together."

"As old as you, he already has a net worth of several billion! ... Is he a truly rich second generation?"

"He is not a second-generation rich man. He made it all on his own..." After a pause, I added, "But in the process of starting his own business, he also met noble people."

"What a noble man this is, so that he can accumulate billions of net worth at such a young age!"

Wu Luoge's family history was obviously beyond my father's knowledge. Not only my father, but everyone who knew Wu Luoge would probably think so, so I accepted my father's surprise with a very calm attitude and just said: "You can have a good chat with him during lunch. His experience is indeed not something that ordinary people can have."


During the conversation, Chang Tianming also came to the scenic spot, and then the three of them walked to the heights of the scenic spot; along the way, there were inns and restaurants that had been shut down. Chang Tianming, who had been acting as a guide to introduce the scenic spot to my dad, saw During this scene, I also fell into silence...

Just when we were about to reach Shuanglong Lake, the most scenic spot in the entire scenic spot, a group of people suddenly came from another intersection, including foreign investors and villagers from the village. They surrounded the three of us.

"Mr. Chang, should you give us an explanation? At the beginning, we only came to invest in the scenic spot because of your promise... and these villagers too. When we heard that the road expansion project was going to be approved for us, The scenic area has become a tourist attraction. Some people are selling their houses, some are taking out mortgage loans, and they are also renovating the original inn... On the one hand, making money for oneself is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to cooperate with the construction of the entire scenic spot... But the information coming now, They say that the expansion project is about to become obsolete, and the health care project that was promised before is also in ruins... What do you want us people to do?"

Chang Tianming was a little embarrassed, and after a while he said to the crowd: "Don't take such uncertain things too seriously..."

Before Chang Tianming finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted: "Then you are sure...what does it mean now?...Chang Tianming, if you still can't give us a guarantee, we will divest all our capital... Moreover, we are going to file a lawsuit with you, and you must compensate us for our early investment... Don't think we don't know that your goddaughter has already withdrawn her investment, and you took over her project in the name of the company... You took us What do you think, a dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist?"

As soon as the foreign investors finished venting their anger, the local villagers became anxious. They demanded explanations and compensation from Chang Tianming, and the situation became out of control for a time.

Chang Tianming unexpectedly cast a look at me for help. At this moment, only I can control this exciting scene, because I am the most trusted person by the villagers, and most of those investors were brought in by me. of.

(End of this chapter)

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