i'm not a bad man

Chapter 475: Me as the Center

Chapter 475: Me as the Center

Wu Luoge, who was holding my shoulders, suddenly punched me in the chest and said, "You are too incompetent... Your godfather and godmother have been looking for you outside for so many years... How much do you think they ate?" It’s painful, how much psychological suffering you have suffered!”

I looked at Wu Luoge, then smiled and said, "Why don't you believe in fate at this time?... If you weren't looking for me, how could I have met you?"

At this time, my dad also smiled and said: "You two don't have to argue about this matter, I will decide the character of this matter..." After a short pause, my dad said seriously: "It's a blessing in disguise. A blessing or a curse... Anyway, your mother and I are satisfied... When we were young, our biggest regret was that we caught up with the family planning plan and couldn't have one more child... Now it's better, with Luo Ge... you both have each other Be a companion, and even if we are no longer here, we won’t be afraid that you will be alone!”

Wu Luoge and I looked at each other. Of course, I would not have the same violent emotional fluctuations as him, because the relationship between my parents and I is innate, but he was a kind of lost and found, so when he faced me In this family, the emotions may be more complex and the expressions may be more intense.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry. You and Han Chao are a very precious family relationship to me... In addition to providing for you in your old age, I will definitely support Han Chao all the way in the future."

After saying that, Wu Luoge hugged my shoulders again and smiled with my parents. Of course I smiled too.

When we can face the past sufferings, contradictions, differences and incomprehensions with a smile, it is enough to prove that the painful past is completely over, and what is left is some hope and integration for the future.

Now, of course, I don’t know how Wu Luoge will integrate into our family, and I don’t know how our family, which has suffered so much disaster, should adopt such a way and mentality to accept such a man who became rich because of his belief in fate. of Wu Luo Pavilion.

Wu Luoge wants to repay him so much. I can see that it is not only to repay the 300 million kindness he received back then, but also to make up for his regret and debt to his parents.

Sure enough, during the meal, Wu Luoge proposed to buy my parents a villa in Tianjin as a base for our family, including him. Then he said that he would buy me a car. Whatever car you like, just pick it.

After all, my parents are also people who have experienced strong winds and waves. They did not lose themselves in this sudden and crazy feedback...

They did not allow Wu Luoge to spend money arbitrarily, but they repeatedly emphasized that the two of us must support each other and go on. They are old and do not care about material comforts. They only care that the family can be reunited happily.


After the meal, Wu Luoge and I stood outside the hotel. Looking at Wu Luoge again, I suddenly felt very familiar and yet strange at the same time, because this relationship of becoming brothers came so unexpectedly. Before that, I even rejected him a little. Because our ideologies are very different. He is too trusting in fate, but I am eager to strategize.

"Brother, I never thought that we would have such a fate... When I first met you, I had a very special feeling... It's probably because we look so much alike. My parents just He felt pity for me and gave me all the 300 million from selling the house... I believe in fate even more... If you also believe in fate... I think we two brothers should really make a good job together Our careers...we can complement each other...and we are brought together because of such a great fate, so we don't care about each other so much...There really is no better cooperative relationship than this."

I smiled and replied: "Wouldn't it be better if we could each have a career... Life is unpredictable, and no one can guarantee that he can be prosperous for a lifetime... As long as we don't tie our careers together, we can be one of them If we are in trouble, another person can still hold up the family. If they are tied together, the whole army will be annihilated." Wu Luoge looked at me in surprise, and after a while he said: "Although there is great competition in Zhejiang. Risk, but if you are with me, I would still prefer Zhejiang... After all, the market is mature and the economy is developed. If we can break through there, the income will definitely be much higher than here... What's more important is , the land over there is more valuable than here. While doing health care projects, I also care about the value of the land. The value determines the future operating space... Zhejiang is more conducive to us doing health care projects. For vacation real estate, first of all, the purchasing power there is strong, and secondly, the county in Zhejiang must be better than this small town in terms of medical education, and it will be more conducive to the sale of vacation homes in the future... This is my real consideration."

Perhaps because the relationship has become closer, Wu Luoge no longer has reservations when speaking...

After letting out a long breath, I replied: "It's not wrong for you to think so... But I can't go there... Brother, I want control over the scenic spot, real control, and I want it." As the center... completely marginalized Chang Tianming... Moreover, I also want to get a share of the road expansion project that has not been finalized for a long time." After a pause, I smiled and said to Wu Luoge: "Since you After you told me about your experience, I also had some fantasies...Imagining that I have a net worth of billions...That must be a very refreshing feeling...At the very least, I will no longer have to be controlled by others..."

After saying that, I lit up a cigarette and took a few puffs silently... In the diffuse smoke, I thought of my past self who was always controlled by others, and felt depressed again. I really hate this feeling, including Someone who makes me feel this way.

I will never forget what Qin Minhong said to me and what she did. It’s just that for the time being, I don’t have the energy to pay attention to her.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters


"I heard that the scenic spot is a sole proprietorship. It seems unrealistic if you want to marginalize Chang Tianming...at least it is not legal."

I didn't refute or explain, I just said: "We will see the outcome soon."

"Okay, do you need my help?"

I shook my head and replied: "No need... Chang Tianming is not difficult to deal with. Their group of people were able to rise in this small town not because of their high vision, but because they caught up with the wave of opportunities and were bold enough and cruel. … Once it comes to the operation of capital and public opinion, they can’t.”

Wu Luoge nodded and said with great agreement: "Judging from the recent incidents in Xiaocheng... The people of that generation have probably done a lot of dirty things on their hands... They don't respect the economy very much. The law of development has its own set of rules of conduct... To be honest, this set of rules of conduct is no longer applicable in today's economic environment. Therefore, after long-term contact, I don't really want to deal with them. I feel They are from a different world, and their concepts of making money are also different.”

"So, someone has to replace them."

After that, I took another heavy drag on the cigarette. When the cigarette was almost finished, Chang Yuli suddenly called me.

(End of this chapter)

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