Chapter 490
After I gave Wu Luoge such an explanation, he believed it, and finally believed that the series of violent turbulence in the small town was caused by two big guys fighting for their own benefit.

Wu Luoge's views represent the public to a certain extent, but for me, who is trying to control the overall situation, of course I have a different interpretation. However, at present, I am not 100% sure. The only thing I can be sure of is that this The situation is what I want... Chang Tianming tried his best to make things worse for me, but in the face of the law, all he did was just a futile struggle.

After a brief silence, Wu Luoge asked me: "If Chang Tianming is really determined to be involved in gangs and the shares are auctioned publicly, do you think I should participate?"

"Of course, but time cannot be decided by others. You have to grasp the timing well so that you can gain control of the entire scenic spot at the minimum cost." After a pause, I added: "In terms of time, we can Calculated, it seems that not long after Chang Tianming entered, the relevant leaders couldn’t wait to call you and expressed their intention to let you take over the scenic spot. What does this mean?... It means that this is also a problem for the above. This hot potato may lead to thunderstorms if not handled well... Because Chang Tianming's restructuring plan has been launched. He will give up part of his shares to investors who have invested in the scenic area. Those villagers are also looking forward to the restructuring and let the scenic area After regaining their vitality, they can rely on themselves to survive, so if Chang Tianming had not gone in, they would definitely have become the beneficiaries... Now, Chang Tianming suddenly went in, which means that what they are doing has become a mess... ...Can they accept this uncertainty? ...Definitely not, especially those investors. They are going to make trouble. They will force the superiors to give them a clear answer as soon as possible. For foreign investors, and they are large Investors of this size will not be ignored by the superiors, because if they make too much noise, it will worsen the investment environment of the small town. In this environment of internal and external difficulties, who will dare to invest in the small town in the future?... Therefore, this is what the superiors can’t wait to give. The reason why you called to communicate is that they hope you can take action as soon as possible to stabilize the situation."

Wu Luoge nodded in agreement, and then asked, "Then do I have to cooperate with them?"

"Of course we have to cooperate, but not now... Let them make trouble. The more violent the trouble, the better, until the entire scenic spot is turned into a mess, and then they can clean it up. At that time, not only will the cost be minimal, but it will also be easier to control. They will be grateful to you for cleaning up such a mess... But if you enter the market too early, it is not ruled out that some people will think that you are taking advantage of the situation. Once some people have this mentality, it will be very detrimental to future control. "

"Yes, this is human nature... I have to say, you see human nature too clearly!"

After saying that, Wu Luoge took a deep look at me. Besides him, Ren Ran also cast an incredulous look at me. At this moment, she might really understand why she said that the former Han Chao was dead.

Yes, this is my plan. The so-called restructuring is not my ultimate goal. I just hope that through the restructuring, those investors will be tied to the interest chain of the scenic spot, so that they have the motivation to make trouble and put pressure on them. It will help me finally gain actual control of the scenic spot at the lowest cost.

Before that, Chang Tianming must be out; of course, if he could sincerely accept my restructuring plan, I would make appropriate compromises. Unfortunately, he did not do so, and I did not give him another chance. This time, I What we do is a game within a game.


When the family was having dinner together, Qiao Jiao, who I thought we would never interact with again, suddenly called me and asked me to meet with her immediately. The meeting place was where she went for Luan Yu after her death. To soothe my emotions and take me to the Mirror Room.

She told me that Chang Yuli also came to Qingdao.


This time, I was not very punctual. I arrived at the mirror room I had agreed with Qiao Jiao after half an hour's delay, because before that, I had never been sure whether I should meet her again or not. I know she will definitely blame me. She is the only one who can see the situation relatively clearly.We didn't enter her mirror room, we just stood outside. Because it was an abandoned dock with no people coming and going, the privacy was better than any other place I knew in Qingdao. This is probably why Qiao Jiao chose this place. The reason for meeting me here...

I didn't want to speak first, so under Qiao Jiao's questioning eyes, I lit a cigarette and smoked silently. My heart was quite calm, because it was a windless night. Without wind, the world would not be turbulent. .

"Han Chao, are you really happy to do this?... You encouraged Chang Tianming to restructure the scenic spot, and then encouraged Yu Li to ask him for shares. Do you know what the biggest conflict between father and son is? Chang After Tianming got his little wife, he always looked down on Chang Yuli and didn't focus on him. He had hated Chang Tianming for a long time in his heart... You even encouraged him to ask his grandmother to talk to Chang Tianming. , you must be very happy when you know that even his grandmother doesn’t want the shares, because you have stimulated Chang Yuli to the point where he loses all sense and sense, and you are taking advantage of the hatred that is constantly growing in his heart... ...So finally, as you wished, he reported Chang Tianming..."

I looked at Qiao Jiao, she looked distressed, but I still remained calm and said, "Did Chang Yuli tell you, or did you guess it yourself?"

"When he told me that he reported Chang Tianming, I guessed everything... He is very panicked and scared now, because when his father did those things, it was not only his father himself, but also those who Anyone who didn’t go in, if he knew it was him who reported his father in, they would chop him up!”

I took a deep breath of the cigarette, exhaled it heavily, and said with a smile: "Did he wrong his father and those people?... Or is selling drugs a right thing? It is something that can be forgiven and can be done. Something that won’t be held accountable?”

Qiao Jiao was stunned, and after a long while she said: "Don't change the focus, I mean, you shouldn't treat Chang Yuli like this... You know, he has always treated you, the elder brother, with sincerity... and you , but he was using him. If Chang Tianming had done these things in his early years, he deserved it. But you shouldn't have used Chang Yuli's help to expose this matter. His mother would die early, and Chang Tianming would most likely die too. It won't end well. When he realizes it, what will he think? And what will he think of you, the big brother he has always regarded as his idol? "

"If he could figure it out, he wouldn't report his father... As long as you don't talk too much, he will continue to live in such a muddle."

"So, in your mind, he is also a fool, a pawn that you can use at will?"

I crushed the cigarette in my hand, turned my head and glared at Qiao Jiao, and then said to her in a colder voice: "I warn you, don't put the cart before the horse. The root of this matter is that Chang Tianming never regards Chang Yuli as his son." Look, if he could have been nicer to Chang Yuli, he wouldn't have ended up like this... I did something wrong in this process, I just made Chang Yuli recognize Chang Tianming's face."

"Warn me?...Han Chao, you are so scheming, the person you target will definitely not end well...So, I will not end well either, right?...Kill you now As for me, watching you become like this little by little, I would rather die than live!"

(End of this chapter)

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