i'm not a bad man

Chapter 496 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 496 Lead the snake out of the hole
At this time, it was noon, and the entire sea surface was like a mirror, reflecting the sunlight, so that there was a glimmer of light in the corners that should not have had sunlight. The sea surface was shaking, so that the lights were also shaking. This made me I was a little dazed, and in that golden yellow, I gradually forgot about the darkness in my heart. I just felt that the world was so clear at a glance, and everywhere I saw there was only desolation... just like the one I saw when I passed by Gansu. Another stretch of Gobi Desert, as long as there is a little wind, sand and rocks will start to fly...

Based on this state of mind, I finally turned to look at Qiao Jiao. She was also in a trance, but I didn't know why she was in a trance and what she was thinking about, because people's joys and sorrows are not the same.

The only thing we have in common is that I feel regretful when I think of the promises that were not fulfilled in the end; I will never forget that she and Lu Xi stand on each side in my heart, regardless of their superiority or inferiority, which makes me feel entangled. .

At that time, Qiao Jiao really understood me. That kind of understanding was not just understanding, but a very precious understanding. I knew that even if I failed the world, she would stand firmly by my side. We It's like a community. Since it is a community, how can it be easily separated, but now...

The desolation in my heart may be due to her attitude towards me. She is trying to persuade me to give up everything I am doing now.


"Qiao Jiao."

I called her, and she came back to her senses, then looked at me: "Huh?"

"Similarly, I have said to others that the Korean Chao in the past is dead. If it were the Korean Chao in the past, he might be touched by what you said, but the Han Chao in front of him cannot empathize with you. So, just treat him as a stranger you have never met before, and no matter whether his ending is good or bad, you don’t need to take it to heart.”

Qiao Jiao looked at me with an expression of pain and confusion. After a long time, she finally said to me: "Can I be happy if I forget the past?"

"At least you won't be so sad, let alone compete with yourself... Qiao Jiao, where is that free and easy energy in you?... Now that you have an engagement, marry someone else and live a good life. Maybe when you have one My child, when the focus of life shifts, you will no longer recall the things that happened before, let alone those regrets."

"Yeah, why aren't you free and easy? ... Just like before, playing games mindlessly every day, with a group of friends around me, never knowing what loneliness is, and never thinking about those messy things. Let alone worry about gains and losses because of these messy things..." At this point, Qiao Jiao smiled melancholy, and then said: "You said you have changed, why haven't I changed... It's just that you have changed I looked down on everything, but I became unable to take it up and put it down... I am really curious. If you stick to your current ideas and keep going, what kind of life will you live in the future? Who is the woman who stayed with you in the end and became your legal wife?"

After pondering for a while, I replied: "What you are curious about is no longer what I expect..."

"Then what exactly were you expecting?"

The corner of my mouth trembled slightly, and then I stared at the golden sea dyed by the sun for a long time, and then I said: "I hope you can all be happy...happier than ordinary people."

Qiao Jiao seemed to want to say something to me, but suddenly there was a sound of honking from the other side of the street. I looked in that direction with her and saw a red Ferrari parked not far from the platform. At that place, the car window was opened, and the person sitting inside was Qiao Jiao's fiancé Lu Nai. He and Qiao Jiao seemed to have made an appointment to do something together.

Qiao Jiao glanced at me again, but after all she didn't speak again, and then turned around and walked towards the direction where Lu Nai parked her car. In the process, I clearly saw the movement of wiping tears behind her...

I am even more confused. Since we have said so absolutely to each other, why is she still suffering?


After Qiao Jiao left, I stayed at the "Xiaogang Pier", repeating the two things of being in a daze and smoking until my phone vibrated in my pocket.This is a call from Zou Chang. She didn't call me easily. Now that she has called, there must be new progress.

Sure enough, she said to me in a very complicated tone on the phone: "Brother... I have found out that the house his family bought in Zhengzhou was bought a month after his father killed my father..."

"There are no such coincidences in this world, let alone windfalls that fall from the sky for no reason. So, do you now believe that Guan Yubo was the one who planned your father's death?"

"Believe it, believe it without doubt... But brother... Guan Yubo has hid abroad. What we have now cannot be used as evidence. What should we do next?"

After thinking for a while, I replied: "Chang Tianming has been investigated for gang involvement and drug trafficking. In the early days, Chang Tianming and Guan Yubo's father were doing business together, so the Guan family couldn't escape. , and they will only be darker than Chang Tianming... The reason why Guan Yubo fled abroad must be because he heard some rumors. Now as soon as he returns to the country, he will never go out again, and he will probably be investigated. As long as he A case has been filed for investigation, and we will tell the police what we have learned, and the police will dig out the details... So the key issue now is how to lure the snake out of the hole and let Guan Yubo return to the country."

"He is not that stupid. He knew the current situation and returned home rashly."

"Not only is he not stupid, he is also very shrewd... However, no matter how shrewd a person is, he has weaknesses."

Zou Chang questioned, she said: "Guan Yubo is such a ruthless person, can he still have weaknesses?"

"Everyone has a weakness... His weakness is Zuo Xiaowei."

Zou Chang fell into silence on the other end of the phone. After my reminder, she seemed to vaguely understand that Zuo Xiaowei was indeed Guan Yubo's weakness; otherwise, he would not have killed Zuo Xiaowei because of the humiliation he suffered. Zou Chang's father: Everyone knew that this was something that would make him lose his head, but he still did it. One can imagine the position of Zuo Xiaowei in his heart.

Probably having thought it through completely, Zou Chang finally said to me: "Yes, Zuo Xiaowei is his weakness... But it is simply not practical to expect Zuo Xiaowei to persuade him to return to China... She is now officially Guan Yubo's The girlfriend I am dating must be thinking about Guan Yubo."

"It is indeed unrealistic to let Zuo Xiaowei persuade him... However, you can try to make him feel a sense of crisis. As long as the sense of crisis is related to Zuo Xiaowei, I think it will make him lose his mind and choose to take risks."

"Are you trying to put pressure on Zuo Xiaowei to come back to save Zuo Xiaowei?"

"It's useless. He can tell at a glance that the method you mentioned is a means to force him to come back... Moreover, Zuo Xiaowei is now at the top of the music industry. What kind of pressure can you put on her? Even if she is ruined, Guan Yubo can still keep his composure, because a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. As long as he can escape this disaster, Zuo Xiaowei will still live a life without worries about food and clothing... This will not make Guan Yubo really chaotic. position."

"Brother, then I really don't know what else could possibly mess up Guan Yubo's position."

After pondering for a while, I finally replied: "If Guan Yubo hears the news that Zuo Xiaowei has a new relationship abroad, whether it is true or not, based on his feelings for Zuo Xiaowei, do you think he can still calm down? Are you angry?"

(End of this chapter)

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