i'm not a bad man

Chapter 505 A light in my heart

Chapter 505 A light in my heart
I sat down opposite Zuo Xiaowei. She even set out the dishes and chopsticks for me, but I didn’t pick up the chopsticks immediately. Instead, I looked at her, and then at the phone that she protected with a mobile phone case. A very good mobile phone. This mobile phone is just a microcosm. In her memory, as long as it is something she often uses, it will be well protected, such as Bluetooth headsets. She will even knit a protective cover by herself, which is both affordable and beautiful.

This kind of meticulousness, if you look at it calmly and without colored glasses, is not a kind of interest.

Luxury goods are not necessarily the only things that can package women; at least, this is how I view it at this stage. Luxury goods can be bought if you have money, but this kind of meticulousness is a rare attitude towards life. What is even more rare is that , even after Zuo Xiaowei got rich, she didn’t throw it away.

"Why don't you eat and keep staring at me?"

I picked up the chopsticks, then put them down and said to her, "You have a broken hair on your face."


"Left cheek."

Zuo Xiaowei reached out and touched it and replied: "No."

I motioned for her to bring her face closer. After hesitating for a moment, she still leaned towards me. I took off the broken hair stuck to her face; although my fingers and the skin on her face were only in contact for an instant. The contact still caused a very familiar and soft feeling in my heart. This feeling made me temporarily lose consciousness, so that my hand was just hanging in the air...

I don’t know if Zuo Xiaowei felt the same as me. She also lost her mind, and then said to me hastily: "Didn't you mean the left side of the face? It's obviously the right side of the face."

I also came to my senses, then smiled and said, "We are sitting facing each other, just like looking in a mirror. The left cheek I am talking about is your right cheek."

Only then did Zuo Xiaowei react, and then she smiled awkwardly, and I laughed. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer, and laughed with me. It seemed that on a night like this, even happiness was easier to come than before. Some, and even this isn't funny, just stems from visual differences.


After dinner, Zuo Xiaowei put the dishes and chopsticks away in the kitchen sink. When she was about to finish washing, she turned to me sitting on the sofa in the living room and said, "I'll buy whatever dishes you want for lunch tomorrow." Come here and do it for you."

"Don't you have to rehearse with the band recently? There's no need to come over and cook lunch for me. I can just order takeout myself."

"We only rehearse for two hours in the morning, so we have enough time... By the way, there are also your dirty clothes. You can change them now, and I will take them to my place for you to wash. The washing machine I have over there has a drying function. The weather will be bad for the next few days after BJ, so it will be difficult to dry if you don’t dry it.”

"It's okay. I can still wear the clothes I'm wearing for a few days. There's no rush to change them."

"When no one is taking care of you, you can wear it for as many days as you want... Wouldn't it be nice if someone takes care of you and is willing to wash your clothes and keep them neat and tidy?"

I was silent.

Zuo Xiaowei urged again: "Go to the bathroom and change quickly."

Seeing her insistence, I got up and went to the bathroom, changed out of my dirty coat and pants, and handed them to her who was waiting outside the bathroom door. She looked at them and said, "Let's change our underwear too." .”

"That's okay...I can just wash it myself."

"Is there anything else you're embarrassed about?"

"It's not that I'm sorry...it's just...it's really not necessary."

Zuo Xiaowei smiled and replied: "Okay, you can wash it yourself..."

"Well, where did you put the facial cleanser and shaving foam I bought?"

"They're all in the cabinet above the sink, and the toothpaste is in there too."


The night Zuo Xiaowei and I were alone together ended with such conversations; before leaving, she brought a whole bag of dirty clothes, and I stood at the window, watching her change me into something new. I put the dirty clothes in the trunk and drove away. …

I don’t know if this is a tacit understanding. When I felt a little empty because she disappeared from sight, she called me again. After the call was answered, she said to me: "Forgot the most important thing." I said...you have to have a set of music equipment, right?...Look, should I give you the money and you buy it yourself, or should you tell me what kind of equipment I need and I can buy it for you?"

"If you have time, let's go together."

"Okay, let's go shopping together after lunch tomorrow."

"it is good."

After settling on the matter of buying music equipment, we chatted for a few more words; it seemed that Zuo Xiaowei's residence was not very far from mine, and in just a few words, she was already preparing to park the car.

She seemed to have met an acquaintance in the parking lot. I heard her greeting the other person on the phone. I thought it was just an ordinary friend. It wasn't until the other person answered the call that I suddenly realized that the voice seemed to be Lu Xi's.

There was no reason for me to mishear such a voice. After Lu Xi greeted her, he told her that the company would have a meeting tomorrow afternoon and asked her to remember to attend on time.

The conversation between the two people only consisted of a few simple sentences.

Lu Xi seemed to have left, so Zuo Xiaowei said to me on the phone: "I met Lu Xi in the parking lot."

"Well..." After a short silence, I asked again: "Does she live in the same community as you?"

"Not only does she live in the same community, but she also lives on the same floor. She is right opposite me... They are all housed by the company."

I forced a smile and asked, "Is it also to facilitate communication?"

Zuo Xiaowei replied with a serious attitude: "No, we have never visited each other. We only say hello after occasionally bumping into each other."

"That is to facilitate company management."

Zuo Xiaowei fell into silence, and finally spoke after a long time: "She lives right across from me. Do you want to see her?"

"I don't want to, it's all in the past." After a short pause, I added, "If you meet by chance next time, don't tell her about me at BJ."

"Don't worry, we can't talk that far." Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

"Okay... let's stop chatting. I'm going to go to bed."

"Well..." "Don't hang up the phone yet. She just told me that the company will have a meeting tomorrow afternoon. How about I transfer the money to you and you go buy the equipment yourself."

"Let's go together. It doesn't matter if we are two days late."

Zuo Xiaowei was a little surprised by my persistence. In her impression, I had always avoided her, but now, I have to pull her to do many things together.

This change was not something I did deliberately, nor did it have any purpose. It was because I really no longer avoided her as I did before; even for a moment, I would regard her as the mother of my child... …

I admit that after coming to BJ this time, my mentality towards Zuo Xiaowei has undergone a very complete change. I feel that there is something in her that I want, which cannot be described in words. Things are what I have been lacking the most. I feel that I am no longer a rootless duckweed. I am finally stationed!And in this indifferent city, there is finally a light shining for me!

When this light shines on the coldest place in my heart, I feel like I am being melted...

For a moment, I even felt that Guan Yubo could not be forgiven... If this light could always stay on in my heart.

Unfortunately, this was only a momentary feeling. Looking at the indifferent lights outside the window, looking at this city that had nothing to do with me, my heart was still terrifyingly rational!
(End of this chapter)

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