i'm not a bad man

Chapter 518 Zuo Xiaowei’s Secret

Chapter 518 Zuo Xiaowei’s Secret
I finally picked up the scattered building blocks and pieced them together. It wasn't until a car window was put together that I asked Zuo Xiaowei, "So, will you sing at their wedding?"

"My career is in Qin Minhong's hands, and I have no reason not to go."

"That was truly a spectacular wedding!"

"As soon as I leave, you will be the only one left at BJ."

"What's the matter? It's not like you won't come back."

"How about you go with me... After attending their wedding, we will go back to BJ together."

I looked at Zuo Xiaowei, and she said again: "When I said we go together, I wanted you to go back to Qingdao, not to attend their wedding."

I put down the blocks in my hand, and after a period of silence, I said to Zuo Xiaowei: "If I go to Qingdao with you, there is a high probability that I will not come back to BJ again. I have more important things to do."

"Have you decided to go back to the small town?"

I was non-committal, but in fact, what I wanted to do was indeed in a small town. Originally, I thought I could delay it for a while, but since I talked to my mother on the phone, I suddenly felt worried about long nights and dreams; so, I I want to get control of the scenic spot as soon as possible while I can still barely control the situation. I have been planning for so long, and even "killed" the former Han Chao for this. I will never allow it to happen when I am about to get it. , fell short of success.

Letting out a gentle breath, I looked around at the house Zuo Xiaowei rented for me, and said with some nostalgia in my heart: "Xiaowei, looking back, we have really known each other for a long time. During the time we have been together, For a long time, I felt that the time I spent in BJ was the happiest... It was precisely because I felt happiness that even the time we spent in the small town didn't seem so painful to look back on..." He paused for a moment. , I asked Zuo Xiaowei again: "Do you know why I feel happy only during this period of time?"

"I don't know. What makes me sad is that we have known each other for so long, but before this, I have never made you truly happy!"

"It's not important. All the previous feelings have passed...This time I came to BJ, met you, drank together, and spoke the truth...I realized how important it is for two people to have the same life experience. , this will make you understand me better than others...especially when you ask me to be cruel...Looking back, all my helplessness and lingering pain are because I am not cruel enough... If I can be harsher in front of your uncle and let him know that I am not an easy person to talk to, maybe he won’t have the guts to steal that pair of bracelets... If he doesn’t steal that pair of bracelets, maybe the child won’t either. Will be strangled by others in that way..."

At this point, I stopped, and spoke again after a long time: "Since we have talked about it based on assumptions, I still have a hypothesis in my mind... If at that time, the place we chose to go to was BJ instead of the small town... Now What kind of situation will it be?"

Zuo Xiaowei looked at me, a little dull, but this time, I really want to hear her fantasy...

Zuo Xiaowei looked dull, but there was activity in her heart, so she cried, and then she choked and said to me: "If we were in BJ, we might be living this life now... for us , I came to BJ just to be a star, I went to a small town just to live an ordinary life... But how can a person like you be ordinary all his life? Even in that small town that should be ordinary, you are not ordinary... So, now Everything that happened happened because I misinterpreted you... I regret it, I really regret it!"

I gently patted Zuo Xiaowei on the shoulder and said softly to her: "Stop crying... Before leaving BJ, I want to ask you for something."

"whats the matter?"

"Don't give up on this house. If one day I feel like I can't live anymore, or there is no way to get rid of the pain, I still want to come here and have a look... We will still drink together, build blocks together, and chat like we do now. Talk about what’s on your mind.”

Zuo Xiaowei seemed unable to believe what I said, so she asked again: "After you leave, will you really miss this place?"

"Yes, for my life, this is a very warm harbor... I have gained your understanding here, and I really need this understanding; so, no matter what changes there are in the future, I hope you can Keep this understanding going...because, because I don't seem to have anyone in this world that I can particularly rely on."

After saying that, I looked up at Zuo Xiaowei, and there was a warm feeling in the corners of my eyes. This was because some kind of mood in my heart was attacking my tear ducts.

Having reached this point, of course I have a lot of grievances in my heart, but I have no way to express them; of course I have not forgotten that I used to be a person with warmth in my heart and goodwill towards the world. I longed for sunshine, fairness, and Harmony, longing for spiritual freedom... and "killing" the past self is really painful and painful, because it is a forced choice.


I didn't expect that I would shed tears for a woman I didn't feel love for before, and my tears deeply touched Zuo Xiaowei; she reached out her hand and gently wiped away my tears, and then He hugged me tightly and said while crying: "Okay, I promise you, I will never return this house. As long as you think about it, I will wait for you in this house... drink with you and accompany you." Put together the building blocks and tell you what’s on my mind..."

My hand kept hanging, and finally I hugged Zuo Xiaowei tightly, like two rootless people, relying on each other for their lives in this house, relying on the only warmth left in their hearts.

Zuo Xiaowei is also a poor person. She has nothing to rely on, so her life is full of forbearance.


When we let go of each other and ended the hug, the rain that had been falling for several days outside the window unexpectedly stopped, and there was a faint light in the originally heavy clouds. It was the moonlight breaking through...

I can't help but look a little fascinated...

"Han Chao."

I turned to look at Zuo Xiaowei, but she was silent again.

"what happened?"

"I...I want to tell you something..."

"You can say whatever you want... In this room, we can talk about anything."

Zuo Xiaowei seemed to have gathered up her courage, and then she spoke to me: "Guan Yubo gave me an account and password before he left... He said that this was an account opened in a foreign bank... No identity authentication is required. , as long as you have an account and password, you can withdraw the money... If anything happens to him, the money will belong to me..."

I was really surprised, not because of the incident itself, but because I saw Guan Yubo's mood and premonition through this incident; just like me, he had already prepared for the worst.

Once a person prepares for the worst, it means that he can do any crazy thing, not to mention that Guan Yubo is extremely vicious.


I finally asked Zuo Xiaowei, "Did he say how much money was in this account?"

Zuo Xiaowei shook her head and replied: "He didn't give a specific number. He only told me that this money is enough for me to spend for several lifetimes. I can spend it as I want."

Since Guan Yubo can say such a thing, it is enough to prove that this is an unimaginable amount of wealth, and it may also be Guan Yubo's last trump card... My heartbeat began to accelerate, although I still didn't know that this was originally supposed to be Zuo Xiao's. What does the secret that Wei is guarding mean to me.

(End of this chapter)

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