i'm not a bad man

Chapter 542 This is a nightmare

Chapter 542 This is a nightmare

Because of the rising temperature, some restaurants hidden in the ravines of the small town are also opening one after another. The place Renran and Wu Luoge chose to eat is in such a ravine on the edge of the small town. The restaurant's signature is fried chicken. The grass chickens raised in the mountains by ourselves have good taste and good nutritional value, and part of them can be used to make chicken soup. It is said that one chicken can be eaten twice, so it attracts many tourists to taste it every year.

When tourists come to the small town, they always enjoy it and always like to look for these well-hidden farmhouse restaurants. Therefore, even though I have been in the small town for so long, I don’t know that there is such a place. Probably because I have never been a tourist. The mentality to face this small town is still different from Wu Luoge.


The classic one-chicken-for-two meal was served quickly on the table. I didn’t want to waste such a good dining environment and atmosphere, so I took the initiative to propose some wine, and this was already the second day in a row for me to drink.

After a glass of wine, the three of us subconsciously looked around again; Wu Luoge sighed: "After getting in-depth contact with this small town, I discovered that the tourism resources here are really rich. Not to mention the scenery in every ten steps, just the ravine in front of me. Such a hotel, well planned into a resort, is a good place for those of us to relax..."

Ren Ran nodded and agreed: "Yes, if there is a resort in every such ravine, it should form an industrial scale. By then, the external attraction will only be stronger... However, the government must have With such foresight and financial resources, if nothing else, just building a road in such a ravine is a huge investment... But to be honest, the future of the small town does lie in tourism..." At this point, Ren Ran looked at me and said: "The future of the small town is tourism, and the future of tourism must be with people like you who have ideas and dare to innovate. Unfortunately, many things are controlled by capital, such as Chang Tianming, how great it would be if I was willing to trust you 100% at that time... Zuo Xiaowei couldn't save that scenic spot, and Guan Yubo may not be able to do it, but you can definitely... If, we can fight in this war without gunpowder , if you win this scenic spot and successfully revive it, you should leave a mark on the tourism history of this small town. It’s not easy, it’s really not easy!”

I looked at Ren Ran, and felt a burst of emotion in my heart because what she said was not easy. I let out a heavy breath, and then lost my mind while looking at the mountains in front of me and the vegetation that had revived...

I finally smiled and said to Ren Ran: "Since we are here to change history, the difficulty in front of us is not that difficult... After all, what you get and what you give can be directly proportional."

"Of course it can be directly proportional to changing the tourism history of a city. This is such a cool thing!" After a pause, Ren Ran said seriously: "So, I discussed it with your brother, and I will support it no matter what. You make this happen.”

Wu Luoge also nodded, confirming that this was a thought shared by him and Ren Ran. It was at this moment that I realized my mother's intentions more deeply. Ren Ran was probably the indispensable glue between Wu Luoge and I. .

At this time, Wu Luoge said again: "This afternoon, we had a chat with the leader in charge of the scenic spot. What he meant was that due to the current situation of two families fighting, they planned to put the Lover's Valley Scenic Spot up for public auction, including the Land use rights, property rights for commercial operations in scenic spots, fixed assets and other accounts receivable, etc... The time is set for the 28th of this month... By then, there should be not only the two of us, but also other individuals or groups to participate. Auction, but these individual and collective intentions are definitely not as strong as ours. In the end, it is us and Pinwei Cultural Tourism Group Co., Ltd. who compete."

"What's the starting price?"

"Eighty three million."

"I understand, so what's the bottom line we can bear?"

"I don't set a bottom line... I just look at your assessment of the value of this scenic spot."

I had talked about this matter with Wu Luoge before. The bottom line we gave at that time was 3 million, but this time, he overturned the bottom line that he had set before. This is of course support for me, but it also shows that the situation has developed to Now, 3 million is no longer a guaranteed number...

But if it exceeds [-] million, is there still value in doing this?

This is something I have to weigh carefully.

...The public auction is scheduled for the 28th, which is ten days later, which means that there is not much time left for me to weigh. 3 million is the bottom line proposed by myself and Wu Luoge. It exceeds this bottom line. I didn't want to do it, but I also knew that if we were really in a stalemate during the auction, Zuo Xiaowei's bid would probably exceed this number.

Does that mean that I have to be ready to give up completely from now on, put down everything I have done before, leave the small town, and start my life again?
I'm not willing to give in either!After all, success is just a tiny bit away.


This night, I was insomnia due to such emotions. Even after being insomnia all night, I could not find an outlet from this dilemma without having to go shopping; I felt that my thinking had fallen into a kind of rigidity. In this state, but I can't find where the problem lies. It seems that choosing to go shopping with Zuo Xiaowei is the only way out. The only outcome between us is victory or defeat. The criterion for victory or defeat is who wins in the end. to this scenic spot.

Apart from this, there seems to be no other outcome or possibility.


It was already dawn, and I sat by the window. The ashtray on the table was filled with cigarette butts, and the room was filled with the smell of tobacco. It wasn't until I opened the window that a gust of wind blew in, and it became a little clearer.

I finally got a little sleepy. Before I decided to go to bed, I took out my phone and looked at it again. At this time, the express delivery had arrived in the small town, but it had not yet entered the delivery state. Judging from my experience in receiving express delivery in the small town, Usually it will be delivered in the afternoon.

This time, I didn't turn my phone to silent because I wanted to get the express delivery as soon as possible.Follow my Weixin public account: *** to view the latest chapters!

Perhaps because I was too concerned, I had a dream. I dreamed that I received a very big box. It was so big that when I faced the box, I didn’t know where to start unpacking it.

I went to the supermarket to buy a utility knife. After some manipulation, I finally opened a hole in the box. I looked through the hole and saw that there was another box inside.

I went to open the boxes inside again, but the structure was like a Russian matryoshka doll, with boxes within boxes, endless. Soon, I was exhausted and sweating profusely, and felt anxious...

What's even more frightening is that after I opened one box after another, the size of the box did not shrink. It still stood as tall as an adult in front of me, as if all my previous efforts were in vain.

This is a nightmare, just like the dilemma in my heart. I have been unable to open it, but I am unwilling to give up easily.

I finally woke up!
In reality, I was already sweating profusely and felt exhausted. I sat on the bed for a long time before looking out the window. Outside the window, the setting sun was already like a disk, hanging listlessly on the one farthest from me. On the top of the hill, familiar hawking sounds appeared again below the hotel. Some vendors were already preparing for the evening market. The small town began to coexist with depression and fireworks. Just when I was indulging in it and feeling in a trance, my mobile phone suddenly There was a vibrating sound.

I picked up the phone reflexively, and the caller ID clearly stated that this was a courier call.

This express delivery is finally in my hands!

(End of this chapter)

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