i'm not a bad man

Chapter 56 She Has a Story

Chapter 56 She Has a Story
Qiao Jiao was really tired from all the hard work. She lay down on the sofa and looked at the ceiling drowsily. I also felt relieved at this time. Although she was sad, she wouldn't do anything stupid. Because she has the desire to express herself, she can even analyze Luxi rationally with me; but people who are truly desperate and want to die are not in the mood to do this.

After all, she was still a woman, and the reason why she threatened Lu Xi with death was just to test and make her lose her temper. Unfortunately, Lu Xi, who was also a woman, did not accept her behavior at all.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already 12:[-] in the middle of the night. I finally got up and said to her, "I'm leaving. Don't think too much about it. Get some rest early."

Qiao Jiao ignored me and seemed to be asleep, so I looked around and found her handbag on the cabinet at the door. I walked over calmly, and then quietly took the bag that had been taken away. The little deer she occupied; this night, not only did I successfully complete the task assigned to me by Lu Xi, but I actually got such an unexpected reward.

No one can take away what I gave to Lu Xi.


Before leaving, I sent Lu Xi a message, but she didn’t reply, so she must have fallen asleep.I can't help but admire her good attitude. Even though Qiao Jiao has made such a fuss, it doesn't affect her sleep. Maybe Qiao Jiao is right. There is nothing in this world that can make her sleepless, let alone There are people who make her cry.

It seems that she really doesn't care about anything or anyone in particular. She can even give up her status as a star so easily. For this kind of woman, it would be as difficult as climbing into the sky to get into her heart. But the more this happens, The more I want to try it.


When I returned to the RV where I lived, Tu Lin was no longer there, but he was a very particular person. He put away the empty beer bottles, gathered up my folding table, and placed it neatly under the dining table of the car. .The reason why I am willing to make friends with Tu Lin is because he has such advantages.He never brings trouble to others, and as for dealing with favors, he is even more clean and tidy. He is the kind of person who, if you invite him to drink once, he will definitely take the initiative to invite you back; sometimes, it really feels like he is a woman , his thoughts are much more delicate than men.

But he is not without shortcomings. He always likes to say half of what he says. For example, when he said that he wanted to be a woman, I responded to him, but he ignored me. This is also like a woman, who often talks to me. While talking and chatting, there was no follow-up.

But he'd better give me a clear explanation on this matter, because I'm very worried that he will really turn himself into a woman physically under impulse. This is no joke. After all, he chose After that, there was no turning back.

For this reason, before I went to bed, I checked online to see how much it would cost to have a sex reassignment surgery.It was said online that the price ranged from 12 to 20, so I felt relieved.Tu Lin told me before that his entire net worth is only 10 yuan, and the prices ranging from 12 to 20 are already the market prices several years ago. First of all, he is not financially qualified. Denaturing conditions.

Speaking of which, this woman is not that easy to do.

Therefore, even such a serious matter becomes a joke in the face of money.


The next day, I was woken up by the ringing of the phone. I picked it up and looked at it. It was Ren Ran.She asked me to get up now and go with her to see the construction site.

Now that I have decided to stay in Qingdao, I should do something down-to-earth; so, even though I was feeling sleepy, I got up immediately, cleaned myself up briefly, and took a taxi to the place designated by Ren Ran.


This is a seven-story building built on the seaside. The main body has been completed. The customer wants to save worry and plans to outsource all the decoration. Apart from quality, the only requirement is that it must be completed before the end of the year.

"Han Chao, there are only four months left. Are you confident?"

After a short weighing, I replied: "To be honest, the amount of the project is quite large. Unless our construction team can cooperate very well, it will be difficult to complete it within four months... Apart from anything else, the design alone is Blocks, floor plans, construction drawings and renderings will take at least a month to be produced."

"You don't have to worry about the design. I have hired a team of designers from Xiamen. They have been designing hotels and B&Bs before and have very rich experience. If they only focus on the design of this one project and work overtime, 20 God can make a plan."

I nodded and replied: "If you don't leave yourself a way out, I'm sure I'm willing to do it...then let's do it."

As soon as I finished speaking, Ren Ran took out a document bag from his bag, raised it in front of me, and said with a smile: "I have signed the contract, and finally gave us a budget of 520 million... I asked Professionals, for engineering decoration, if the cost is controlled well, we can probably make a net profit of about 200 million yuan, and after the completion, we will share [-]% of it with you."

I'm a little depressed. This is a woman's entrepreneurial behavior, and it's so emotional. She didn't consider the consequences at all, just out of the prospect of a new life, she signed this contract; I think such an undertaking is neither big nor small. For a project, before signing the contract, you have to confirm it with me again. In this way, at least you will be more serious in your mentality, rather than treating it as a child's play.

From this point of view, there is really no way for Renran to start a business without me, because with me as a serious executor, I can fill the hole dug by her being too emotional.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Ren Ran asked again: "Don't you think 100% is a bit low?" "No, I just think you are too optimistic... When we do decoration, we really have to think about everything. Just us. This project, I dare to tell you 200%, in the end, it will never make a profit of [-] million."

"Why? I'm asking a friend who is a professional estimator."

"We only have a four-month construction period, and many of the projects here need to be done on an expedited basis... Expediting means there will be a lot of unexpected labor costs; there is also a word called mistakes in the rush. For For a team like ours that has never worked together, it is absolutely impossible to avoid making mistakes. Once a mistake is made, there will be a loss of labor and materials... Taking these risks into account, I think in the end, If we can make a profit of 150 million, it will be considered a success."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, even 150 million is fine... You also want to show your stance. I'll give you [-]% of the profit. Can you accept it?"

"You advanced all the initial funds, the company is yours, and the risks are also yours. I feel really guilty for taking [-]% of the profits..." After a pause, I said seriously: "Sister Ran, let me tell you what I feel. Well, I don’t do business with you purely for the idea of ​​making money, I have more of a helping mentality... There are too many things I want to do, and I can’t stay on the construction site all my life... ...So, rather than how much money I can take from you, I hope to do my best to help you pave this road."

After a short silence, Ren Ran replied: "At this age, I still hope that you can have more desire for money and don't focus all your attention on feelings. In this era, money must be more important than feelings. Gives people a sense of security.”

"It would be so boring to spend just a few decades in your life chasing money..."

After saying that, I lit a cigarette for myself, and then looked at the dancing seabirds and turbulent waves, and gradually lost my mind.

It is really difficult for me to have a desire for money unless I have to; this is probably related to my experience. Before I went to college, I lived the most privileged life among my peers.My family has a big house. One of my parents drives a Mercedes-Benz and the other drives a BMW. I also have a motorcycle that allows me to be free and unrestrained at any time. Therefore, I just want to express myself and pursue freedom. I prefer to be with different women. Make friends and experience the pleasure and emotional satisfaction of different genders when they meet.

I always feel that I haven't had enough fun. It wasn't until recently that Luan Yu reappeared in my world and my parents were missing that I started to think about it intermittently...

But this kind of thinking seems a bit boring compared to my good impression of Luxi. Therefore, at this stage, my thinking has not been able to make a qualitative change in me. Maybe, this will be the case for me in this life.

Muddle-headed and romantic to death.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, I must be a bad man; at least, a little ignorant of priorities.


After seeing the construction site, Renran and I separated. However, there was a division of labor between us. She was responsible for the design, and I was responsible for setting up the construction team. The design took about 20 days, so the next 20 days , I am still at leisure.

In the afternoon, I went to the hospital to see Ba ​​Xiaoguang again. He will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow.The two of us put it together and planned to gather all his co-workers together for a meal tomorrow night... While everyone got to know each other, we also came up with a reasonable and efficient manpower plan.


After finishing these two things, it was already dusk.I stood alone on the beach for a while, and Lu Xi finally texted me back at this time: "Last night, when you sent me a message, I was already asleep."

"Sister Lu, you won't sleep till now, right?"

"No, I forgot to reply to you, I just remembered now."

"As long as you remember to go back...are you still staying in the hotel?"

"Already checked out and on the way to the airport."

I was stunned for a moment, and then asked quickly: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Shenyang to relax."

I immediately remembered what Qiao Jiao told me. She said that when she was in junior high school in Luxi, her father brought her to Shenyang for two years because of a job transfer. Now that she is going to Shenyang to relax, I immediately had an association in my mind.

She has a story, it happened in Shenyang!
(End of this chapter)

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