i'm not a bad man

Chapter 613 See You Again

Chapter 613 See You Again
Human emotions are really strange things. My deep hatred for Guan Yubo started when he aborted my and Zuo Xiaowei’s child without authorization, and was later blamed for the death of Zou Chang. It has been pushed to the top, but now, because of the arrival of another life, there are signs of letting go, and even a faint desire to survive has arisen in my heart. I don’t want to end it in this way that may lead to death together. The hatred between me and Guan Yubo!

But I was helpless, because the gears of fate were already turning, and I was forced into a dilemma; but one emotion was clear, I wanted to see Luxi before everything started to happen. To meet our unborn child.

Based on this emotion, I finally said to Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone: "I should meet her..."

"Well... you can meet in Kunming. If you move quickly enough, we should be able to meet you tonight."

If there is another place that can give me a sense of security, it must be Kunming. And the sense of security I need does not refer specifically to the environment, but to the beautiful memories that happened there. If these beautiful memories can If it happens again, I will have a sense of satisfaction.

I suddenly remembered the group we established at the barbecue restaurant, called Escape, all because of the elder brother who was almost misdiagnosed; and Luan Yu’s mother, who seemed to have cut off contact with the society before she went to the nursing home. But even though she was heartbroken, at the last moment of our separation, she still gave Lu Xi and me a hope, saying that if one day we get married, she would definitely go to the wedding venue and send her blessings to us.

For me now, aren’t these two expectations enough to be my beauty and my life-saving straw?So, I accepted Qiao Jiao's proposal to meet in Kunming... She was right, if I move fast enough, we can meet tonight, and this is one of the few two-way trips in my life.

Finally, Qiao Jiao said to me softly: "Don't mention me in front of Lu Xi. Even if she mentions me, don't accept her words... I'm not worthy."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao hung up the phone, but I was distracted for a long time because she said "I don't deserve it." If she doesn't deserve to be mentioned, who am I?

I am even less worthy of meeting Lu Xi, but I know that I don’t have many chances. I want to see her and the child before anything happens.

It has been almost four months, and the child should have a heartbeat. From the moment he has a heartbeat, he is already a life.

Thinking about it this way, my heart became softer and more determined, and I still wanted to see her and the child, even under the psychological pressure I didn't deserve.


I just got on the flight to Kunming. In the evening, when the heat and noise gradually became milder...

On the plane, I saw the most beautiful sunset since the beginning of my life...

At an altitude of more than 1 meters, I kept looking out the window. The sky also had layers at this time. Below the plane were clouds, and above the plane was the vast sky. The clouds were pink and the sky was very blue. So Where the two meet, it looks extremely gorgeous, and parallel to me is the sunset that still has some penetrating power... The golden yellow it emits is sandwiched in that gorgeousness. Just take a look and you will see. It was as if I had entered a world full of psychedelics. I even felt that the splendor might be the destination of life after death. It was so beautiful, and a life that had gone through many hardships deserved it.

I felt relaxed for a moment because of this conclusion, so after looking at it for a while, I leaned back on the chair and fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already dark outside the window, and there was no longer the sense of hierarchy I saw before. Instead, the world was lit up with lights again. Every light was a worry and a destination, and for me The only thing is to put away the worries and find the temporary destination, so that even the pain and anxiety are downplayed, and I just hope that the plane can land as soon as possible. …

In the terminal, I followed the crowd towards the exit. In the past, I had never paid attention to those noisy children, but this time, there was a wonderful change in my mentality. I would deliberately Observe those children, and then imagine what your own child will be like in the future... He may be well-behaved, or he may not be well-behaved... Maybe he is a boy, or she is a girl...

In fact, these are not important, because they are not my choice. What really makes me feel sad is that I can't accompany him as a father. That is, from this moment, the non-marriage principle and DINK dream that I insisted on fell apart. .

I long for a family that is sound in everything, allows me to create, and also gives me comfort.

So, I stopped, chose a quiet corner to sit down, and then watched the children held in the arms of their parents, walking past my eyes one after another... And I wanted to see Lu Xi's mood , also became more urgent in these steps.


The meaning of running in both directions is that one person will not let the other person wait for too long; so, I sat in this corner for less than 10 minutes when I saw Lu Xi walking towards me among the crowd...

Maybe it was because I no longer had any shining points, so she failed to notice me at the first time and kept walking towards the exit without looking away... She was still wearing sunglasses, a mask and a baseball cap, so it was difficult. I can identify her mood by observing her words and expressions. It is precisely because I cannot see her mood that I feel even more: we have really been separated for a long, long time!
I stood up before she passed by me; this action may have been a bit sudden for her, so she was frightened and unconsciously said "Yeah" and took a step back until she realized that it was I just stood still...

I just looked at her, and I was one of the few people in the world who could recognize her even when she was wearing a hat, sunglasses and a mask.

She took off her sunglasses first, and I saw her eyes, which are known as the windows to the soul. She was not very melancholy, so because of her smile, her eyes were like crescent moons. For just a moment, she looked at the person she was looking at. The light penetrated into my heart.

There were so many words that I was holding back in my heart, and there were also those hidden infinite sorrows that made me not know how to speak to her immediately, but she took my hand and asked me in the most understated manner: "are you hungry?"

I looked at her and realized that it was already 08:30 in the evening. It was already time for dinner, but because I was flying on a low-cost airline that did not provide meals, I was still hungry.

She would definitely not fly on a low-cost airline, but since there were two of us, the food on the plane would not be enough, so she would most likely be hungry.

I looked at her again, imagining what kind of changes a pregnancy of less than four months would bring to a woman... She seemed to be slightly fatter, but because she wore relatively loose clothes, it didn't look that obvious. .

(End of this chapter)

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