Chapter 624
The journey from Chengdu to Qingdao was nearly [-] kilometers. Because we did not stop for a moment, Qiao Jiao and I arrived in Qingdao in one night and one day. When we arrived in Qingdao, we happened to catch up with the dusk, so we walked again to stay. With so many memories of the "Jiaozhou Bay Bridge", I couldn't help but lose sight of the sea below the bridge...

Obviously the bridge is rooted in the depths of the sea, but I had an illusion that it was the sea that gently held up the bridge, and the sparkling waves were the smiling face of the sea. It became extremely gentle, and not far away. Cities reflect and complement each other, and together they constitute the most beautiful feeling in my heart.

Everything seems to be fate. If it weren't for Luan Yu, I would most likely not have gone to the small town. I would still be in Qingdao, working hard with Ren Ran and doing projects together; even if Ren later divorced Lin Sheng'en and left for Phuket, I will still stay in Qingdao because I also had a bakery agreement with Qiao Jiao.

Therefore, all the various experiences I have experienced this year seem to be just for this moment's inner feelings: kind and gentle...

I looked at Qiao Jiao again, who was still concentrating on driving. She was very nervous, as if she just wanted to reach the destination as soon as possible, and then solve the troubles and dangers that were troubling me as soon as possible.

I wanted her to relax, so I took the initiative and said, "I want to go see the B&B that I renovated with Sister Ran last year. It should be put into operation now."

Unknowingly, Qiao Jiao and I developed a tacit understanding of the same mind. So, without asking why, she handed her phone to me and asked me to reset the navigation.

After crossing several elevated roads, we finally arrived at this B&B before nightfall completely fell.The neon lights of the B&B were already on, and then I realized that the original owner, who was not short of money and just wanted to make progress, gave this B&B a name called "Yuhuo".

Presumably, this boss may have made his fortune in the seafood business in his early years, so he still has such a sentiment in his heart. It is no wonder that he wants to open a B&B by the sea. Only by guarding the sea can he keep his roots in his heart.


After parking the car, Qiao Jiao and I walked side by side to the door of the B&B, and then looked up together at the top floor of the B&B. Then we said to Qiao Jiao: "There is a sunken open-air garden on the top floor. , in the summer, you can sit around this outdoor garden and enjoy the sea view while eating barbecue and drinking beer.”

"When you came to Qingdao, did you stay in this B&B?"

I shook my head and replied: "No, I saw the design drawings when we were decorating it... I also discussed with Sister Ran that after we decorate this B&B, we can come here if we have any group activities in the future. ."

"After all, you have so many promises that you can't keep!"

"This is not what I said, it was Sister Ran's suggestion... Speaking of which, have all the big and small promises you made in your life been fulfilled?"

Qiao Jiao smiled: "The so-called promises are used to make people happy... Why are you so serious?"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao turned around and sat cross-legged on the beach. Thinking of those unfulfilled promises, my heart felt empty and boring, so I followed Qiao Jiao and sat cross-legged on the beach...

The sea breeze was still blowing, blowing up Qiao Jiao's white dress. The next moment, she covered it tightly with her hands, as if she was guarding me, but it didn't matter whether her dress could be opened or not. It is the most beautiful scenery in my heart. I know that there are not many dusk left for us.

Qiao Jiao took out a bag of biscuits from her bag and asked me if I wanted to eat. After I indicated no, she started eating alone, and I lit a cigarette, closed my eyes, and felt the sea breeze and The sound of the waves makes me feel calmer.

Suddenly, Qiao Jiao next to me slapped me hard. I opened my eyes, but before I could look at her, she slapped me faster. I glanced at her quickly and saw that her face was red from suppressing it. One hand pointed at his throat...

My reaction was quite quick and I asked, "Did you choke on the biscuit?" Qiao Jiao nodded with difficulty. My heart was in my throat and my scalp was numb. Fortunately, I have been traveling for a long time and have rich first aid experience. , Dangzhi picked up Qiao Jiao from behind, then made a fist with his hand and pressed hard on Qiao Jiao's lower abdomen...

But this time, my first aid experience failed. Qiao Jiao neither coughed nor vomited anything...

So, I used more strength, and at the same time, I became more and more panicked, as if I was wrestling with death. The more I delayed, the more dangerous Qiao Jiao was.

But Qiao Jiao still didn't spit out anything. I was going crazy with anxiety, but she burst out laughing, then fell to the ground, still laughing and pointing at me, as if she was laughing at me for being a fool.

Due to exhaustion and excessive tension, I collapsed on the ground. Only then did I realize that she was playing tricks on me.


“You’re trying to say, fuck yourself.”

I nodded, and Qiao Jiao laughed again, and then fell silent, and then said to me very lowly: "I just want to try, what is it like when a person is dying... What a pity. , Biscuits are not choking...I should jump into the sea...but you will definitely jump in too, the wind and waves are so big tonight..."

Although Qiao Jiao stopped her sentence here, I knew that she didn’t want to drag me into playing this death game with her, but I also knew that after walking with me through such ups and downs, she also had a lot of despair in her heart, even beyond life and death. .

Just when I was thinking about what to say to her, she came over and asked me with a smile: "Seriously, what do you think of my acting skills? Is it real?"

I was a little speechless, speechless because I didn't know what she was thinking; at this moment, Qiao Jiao's cell phone vibrated again...

Qiao Jiao casually took her cell phone out of her bag, took a look at it, and told me it was from Tu Lin. She then turned on the hands-free function and answered the call.

She first spoke to Tu Lin: "I have arrived in Qingdao, but I am a little tired. I will go to your bar later."

"That's not what I want to say."

Qiao Jiao looked confused, and I was also confused. Under normal logic, Tu Lin must be concerned about whether Qiao Jiao has arrived in Qingdao.

After being silent for half a minute, Tu Lin spoke again and said in an extremely low tone: "Xiao Wei and Guan Yubo were in a car accident on the way here...a very serious car accident...both of them were seriously injured and unconscious, and the other The driver died on the spot..."

Qiao Jiao's hands were shaking and her eyes were full of fear, but my brain had already gone blank... After the blank, there was a sudden awakening. This was the result I had desperately wanted. It really happened. After changing his mind, he failed to stop it...

But I clearly told Lao Wai that he should not attack when Guan Yubo and Zuo Xiaowei were together, and he agreed. But when he really did it, why did he violate what he said to me? Promise of?

(End of this chapter)

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