73 Threat
The breath of Qiao Jiao's forced kiss was like a breathtaking fragrance. Even though my heart was like a bright mirror, facing this fragrance, my body and mind still felt restless, and then dizzy... I have been exposed to it in my life I have seen so many women, but this is the first time I have met someone as shameless as her.

She didn’t drink, so there was no such thing as drunken sex, and there was no such thing as a deep, uncontrollable love between us. So, how did she do this?Even if I wanted to have fun once in a while, I wouldn't dare to be so proactive and presumptuous!

"Holy shit, what are you doing...Jiaojie!"

As I said that, I pushed Qiao Jiao away, and then subconsciously wiped my face with my hands, wiping off the red lip marks. Looking at Qiao Jiao again, she had a victorious expression, savoring the trophy she had just taken.

"Han Chao, haven't you always said that my gender is a disadvantage?... Let me tell you, as long as you are willing to use your brain and make reasonable use of it, disadvantages can also become advantages..." After a pause, she looked at the information on her phone again. Photo, he smiled happily and said to me: "Tell me, if I send this photo to Lu Xi, what will she think of you?"

I'm not a stupid person. When Qiao Jiao pointed her cell phone camera at me, I had already roughly noticed her intention, and when she said it herself, I was even more sure; this made me feel very Not good, so he yelled at her and said, "Isn't this fucking mutual? If you send this photo to Lu Xi, what will she think of you?"

"She can watch whatever she wants. Anyway, I'm out of business, and I'm not afraid of breaking the jar."

"You are a woman, how can you not even show your face?"

"You have double standards, and now you start to admit that I am a woman?...Huh...You can't even think about the people I can't get." After saying that, she looked at the hotel across the street and said: "Would you like something more exciting?"

"No, not at all."

Qiao Jiao laughed "haha", and I stood up and left. I didn't like the feeling of being plotted against. But I didn't want to, Qiao Jiao said behind me again in a tone that sounded like she was trying to control me: " Brother Chao... Believe it or not, I will send this photo to Lu Xi now... No matter what she thinks of me, we are still best friends. As long as I don't plot against her, we can still go shopping and watch movies together as before. Let’s go on a trip together... What about you? I’m afraid that if I see this photo, I’ll put you on the blacklist as soon as possible, and you won’t even have a chance to talk to her in the future... How pitiful!”

I stopped, turned around, glared at her, and said angrily: "You should have been crushed to death by that glass cover just now... Are you so willing to retaliate for kindness?"

"These are two things. Sister Jiao will keep your kindness in mind... but I will also keep in mind the little tricks you did behind my back." After a short pause, Qiao Jiao said again : "Luxi doesn't welcome me here, then I will go back to Qingdao tomorrow, and you will go back to Qingdao with me. Don't take advantage of my loopholes. And whenever you and Luxi have a chance to interact in the future, I must be there. You can't You must be doing some tricks behind my back."

My liver hurt with anger, and after a long while I pointed at Qiao Jiao and said, "I've never seen a woman who's a bitch better than you!"

"Who told you to always use gender to stimulate me? Are you going to make me passive in front of you for the rest of my life?"

"When it comes to relationships, there is no room for scheming. If you are careful, you will be misled by your cleverness."

"I'm not afraid...Are you afraid?...Haha."

I became more and more speechless. After being silent for a long time, I remembered that she was going to study abroad. Then I asked with a sense of luck: "You promised Lu Xi that you would study abroad, weren't you lying to her?"

"My dad loves me very much, and I have always had a good relationship with him, but what I hate most is his idea of ​​worshiping foreigners. What age is this? He still insists on going abroad for further study. … There are too many good schools in China, and I can promise him to go to further studies, but he doesn’t have to go abroad… Do you understand what I mean?”

"You really give yourself room to do things."

"I can't help it. Who told me to have a higher IQ than others since I was a child? Do you think anyone can get into the career program?"

Looking at Qiao Jiao's smug look, I felt a sense of despair in my heart. As long as she is here to stir things up, the road I have to go will be far and long!

Is there such a man in this world who can bring her sexual orientation back?If so, please show up quickly and rescue me from this dire straits.

This is the cry in my heart, but unfortunately, this guy Tu Lin is really embarrassed.

Just when I was thinking about these things, Qiao Jiao took two more steps in front of me and said, "The theory of three bad and three good that you just mentioned, you can say it again." If I just looked at her pity, I sincerely wanted to persuade her, but at this moment, I was forced by her power, so my tone couldn't help but be a little impatient: "The three worst states in life are: you can't help yourself, you can't speak sincerely, and you can't help yourself; the three best states are : Encounter by chance, self-evident, self-healing without medicine..."

"It's quite insightful, I'll remember it."

"I've taken all three of the worst fucking states right now."

"Brother Chao... don't be so bitter and hateful... I'll get you off the blacklist first. We'll keep in touch from now on. Especially when you want to find Lu Xi, you must inform me first... ...If you find out that you are engaging in small tricks in private again, don’t blame your charming sister for exposing your bestial side... You are so blinded by lard that you dare to invade even the best friend of the person you like!"

"The one who cleans himself cleans himself."

"Seeing is believing, hearing is believing."

As she said that, Qiao Jiao held up the photo she took in front of me. Before she took the photo, I was about to talk to her, so I seemed a little pandering to her...

This is really impossible to wash away even if you jump into the Yellow River.


I went back to the hospital again. This was with Qiao Jiao's consent, because I was entrusted by Lu Xi to take care of her. If I didn't go back to pay a job, Lu Xi would not be relieved, but Qiao Jiao gave me the time In only 10 minutes, she was waiting for me downstairs in the hospital. She said: As soon as I time out, she will immediately send that photo to Lu Xi and ruin my reputation.

Before I could protest the time limit, she had already started counting the time.

So, facing Luxi again, I was already out of breath...

"Sister Lu, I know you are worried about Sister Jiao, but I can tell you now with certainty that nothing is wrong with her. Not only is she fine, she is also a little bit nervous... So, you don't have to worry about her at all... Also, Your brother and your sister-in-law are coming to see you tomorrow, and it’s not convenient for you to entertain them. Do you want me to invite them out for a meal?"

Lu Xi had a puzzled expression on her face, because my speaking speed was more than twice as fast as before. I really wanted to tell her about Qiao Jiao's evil deeds, but I felt that I hadn't established a sufficient relationship with her yet. Trust, so I can only swallow it.

"You don't have to entertain them. They're not sure when they'll come over tomorrow."

"Okay, you go to bed early, I'll be leaving now."

After saying that, I looked at the time limit given to me by Qiao Jiao. There were only 3 minutes left, so I hurriedly wanted to run outside. That is to say, Lu Xi was born with less curiosity. If it were anyone else, he would definitely have to Find out why I suddenly changed like this.

"Han Chao..."

Lu Xi unexpectedly called me again at this time, so I had to stop and look back at her.

"What's going on with your face?"

I was stunned at first, and then I remembered the lip marks left by Qiao Jiao on my face. Although I wiped them with my hands, I probably didn't wipe them all away, so this aroused Lu Xi's curiosity.

It turned out that she was not completely curious, but I was flustered because this matter was difficult to explain.

(End of this chapter)

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