i'm not a bad man

Chapter 79 I’ll give you a copy of the Tao Te Ching

Chapter 79 I’ll give you a copy of the Tao Te Ching
Qiao Jiao is such a hot-tempered person, and it's true that after she expressed to me that she wanted to find trouble with the mistress, she ignored Ran Ran's thoughts and just pulled me towards where she parked her car.

"Sister Jiao, are you a bit of a tiger? ... We don't know the other party's name yet. Even if you have maxed out your force points now, you still have to have someone to vent to."

"Don't you know her husband's name? As long as I know her husband's name, I can dig out the mistress and lay waste to her bones."

After saying that, she opened the car door and got into the car first. Although I cared about Ren Ran, I was more afraid of her misbehaving. I felt that this matter must be done with wisdom. If I did it rashly, I would not be able to achieve the purpose of punishment. He said that it is very likely that he will be involved in it, and in the end he will be accused of making trouble. That is really not worth the loss.

Based on this concern, I also got into her car, and finally left Ren Ran alone where I parked the RV.

Qiao Jiao started the car and drove towards the city with eager eyes. It wasn't until she came to the first traffic light that she distractedly asked me: "What's the name of that dog man?"

"Lin Sheng'en."

"Lin Sheng'en?"


"Is he the big boss of Domain Group?"

"Uh... I don't know what industry group it is. I only know that it is engaged in real estate, and it seems that it is also involved in the retail industry."

"That's him."

"you recognize?"

Qiao Jiao squinted her eyes and replied: "Not only do we know each other, we have had dinner together. My dad is also in real estate. They once worked together on a project in Shinan... I don't even need to ask, I I know who his mistress is, and I’ve even met her once, at that dinner party.”

I don’t think this is a coincidence, but I believe more in the circle. Although Qingdao is very big, there are not many people who can really be called entrepreneurs. After people reach a certain height, they don’t like to work alone, and often We work together as a group, so from time to time we hold industry exchange meetings in the circle, not only to expand personal relationships, but also to find opportunities for win-win cooperation, just like the World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen a few years ago. , the reason why it is so eye-catching is because it brings together the top entrepreneurs in this industry.

After a short silence, I asked, "When did that happen?"

"I can't remember exactly, it seemed like it was November last year."

Qiao Jiao's answer gave me a better understanding of Ren Ran's situation. Lin Sheng'en probably didn't care about her relationship with her at all, let alone Ren Ran's face, so she blatantly brought this up. The mistress went to such a party, and his behavior only fueled the mistress's arrogance, which gave the mistress the confidence to provoke Ren Ran, the principal wife.

The pain in Ren Ran's heart is really indescribable and impossible to tell; if she didn't have someone like me to talk to, how sad and depressed she would be!

At this time, I didn't hate the mistress that much. I hated Lin Sheng'en even more. The reason why the mistress dared to be so arrogant was entirely because he didn't give Ren Ran enough respect, but Ren Ran had lost a child for him. He was committing evil and committing crimes, and Xiaosan was acting as an aide, ultimately causing such severe persecution to Ren Ran.

Think rationally, this is it.

Qiao Jiao had different ideas from me. She only pointed her finger at the mistress. After passing the traffic light, she parked the car aside and said to me, "I have already asked where Lin Sheng'en lives. I’m going to go to their lair now and kill that mistress.”

"How to kill?"

"Han Chao, are you scared?" "I'm not scared at all... I just want to know if you have any strategies."

"Does a mistress still need strategies?"

"Of course, there are two options now. Should we find a time to punish her alone, or should we punish her directly in front of Lin Sheng'en? These two choices correspond to two completely different results."

Qiao Jiao thought for a while, then waved her hand and said: "Stop being ink-marked, I want to give that mistress a good beating right now. I never do things with courtesy first and then attack... I only believe that evil people will have their own way. "

The best way to understand a person is to experience it with her, especially this unusual experience, her choices, her way of coping, her courage, cowardice, strategy, fear, entanglement, impulsiveness, etc. Forbearance will shape the person's image and character in every aspect.

What kind of person is Qiao Jiao?No need to think too much, I already have the answer in my mind.

Since I had the urge to meet the mistress, I didn't say anything more. I simply believed in Qiao Jiao's theory that "evil people will have their own trials and tribulations", and then transformed myself into a villain to get rid of the bad breath in my heart. .


Lin Sheng'en lived in a villa area near the city, which was heavily guarded. When we were stopped by the guard, Qiao Jiao pretended to call Lin Sheng'en, and then moved her father out, saying that she was entrusted by her father. , to give Lin Shengen something, she didn’t specify what it was, but instead aroused Lin Shengen’s curiosity, and immediately let the security guard let her go.

At this time, it was already late at night, and there were not many villas with lights on in the villa area, so Qiao Jiao didn't bother much. She just walked around briefly and locked the residence of Lin Sheng'en and the mistress. She parked the car. After she was stable, she opened the car door and headed straight for the yard gate, as if she had forgotten about my powerful helper, and was completely immersed in the pleasure of fighting alone... This made me a little confused, because she showed This impetus was already somewhat extraordinary. After all, she and Ren Ran only met once. Even if they were passionate and chivalrous in their hearts, they would not be so high, as if the victim was herself. (Follow the author’s WeChat public account: *** to view the latest chapters!)


Qiao Jiao rang the doorbell a few times, and the nanny came over and opened the door. Only then did she realize that I had been beside her. She motioned for me to watch her and then walked straight into the house. Of course I didn't give in. , even if he kept up with her pace.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room was a man wearing gray pajamas. This man looked a little older than Ren Ran, but he was definitely not over 35 years old. I knew he was Lin Sheng'en, regardless of the relationship between Ren Ran and him. Regardless of the past grudges, he and Ren Ran are very compatible. It’s not that he is handsome, but just by the aura he has sitting there, he looks like a rich man; I even feel that he looks familiar. After taking a look at it, I realized that he was somewhat similar to an actor who specialized in playing rich people on TV, especially the faint smile between his eyebrows. It did not give people a gentle feeling, but seemed to be hiding something. , although it lets you know that he is very confident and rich, but there is no way to have a deep relationship with him...

Lin Sheng'en seemed a little surprised at the arrival of me, an uninvited guest, but he didn't worry too much about my purpose. He just smiled, and then said to Qiao Jiao who was looking around: "Jiao Jiao, it's already so late, your dad What do you want me to bring you?"

The absent-minded Qiao Jiao then focused on Lin Sheng'en and replied: "My dad doesn't have anything to give you, but I really have something to give you."

"Didn't you say that your dad had something for me?"

Qiao Jiao was frighteningly frank, and she replied with a half-smile: "If I didn't use my father's guise, would I be able to get in to this place where you hide this little bastard?..."

Lin Sheng'en's face looked a little ugly, but Qiao Jiao didn't care. She continued what she had just finished, and then said: "Just before I came in, I really prepared a gift for you... I bought you a gift online. This Tao Te Ching will arrive tomorrow. You can read it when you have nothing to do... You can't have nothing but money, especially your character..."

Qiao Jiao spoke in a loud voice, and it was a bit like the tone of an argument, so the mistress, who had not shown up until now, finally came down from upstairs at this time. Qiao Jiao and I walked towards the spiraling staircase together. Looking at her mouth, she seemed to be waiting for prey, and the anger in my heart instantly started burning like a fire that was supported by dry wood...

This is an insult to any woman.

(End of this chapter)

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