Chapter 81
Qiao Jiao drove me back to the place where I parked the RV. Although Ren was no longer there, she only left me a WeChat message, so that Qiao Jiao and I didn’t have to be so impulsive. She could digest these grievances by herself, because she I have completely given up on Lin Sheng'en. The reason why I lost my composure today is because I feel sorry for that child. She is not in as much pain as we thought.

Regardless of whether what Renran said was a lie or the truth, we had already beaten the person and the bad temper was coming out, so when we responded to the message, we didn’t say too much, we just reassured her that we had a sense of control and would not What kind of extraneous things will happen.


Perhaps because of the depth of night, the industrial lights on the other side looked extremely bright. In these flickering lights, I seemed to see another starry sky, connected with the real starry sky, so it seemed that the only thing left in this world was There are no extra impurities in the thick soil and yellow sky, nor countless restless consciousnesses. I am wrapped in it, looking at the dreamy and vast starry sky. In addition to being relaxed, my heart is also filled with an indescribable feeling. sense of security……

I was completely immersed in this quiet and peaceful place, but Qiao Jiao beside me suddenly gathered her hands, put them to her mouth, and then shouted loudly. She was really a woman who never stayed quiet, especially in such a situation. After a good time.

I turned around to look at her. Her long hair hanging down her shoulders, her beautiful profile as if she had stepped out of a comic book, her flaming red lips, and her slender willow eyebrows all showed that she was an extremely beautiful Qingdao beauty. , but there is a little boy living in her heart, who hates evil as much as he hates it, and dares to do anything.

After a while, Qiao Jiao finally put down her hands, then faced the waves coming over her and smiled: "It feels so feels so good!"

"Sister Jiao, I'm really happy about what happened today, but there's something I don't understand... Actually, you and Sister Ran are not familiar with each other. I feel like you're not just trying to fight an injustice, you seem to hate the mistress very much, right?"

Qiao Jiao turned around and looked at me. Her expression was full of hatred, but I knew it was not directed at me.After a short silence, she finally spoke to me and said: "My family was torn apart by a mistress. When I was in elementary school, my father found a vixen outside. My mother is a woman who doesn't like to fight for her. , so after I went through the divorce procedures with my dad, I went abroad alone... She has been gone for more than ten years and only comes back occasionally... Therefore, in my life, it can be infinitely equated to the absence of maternal love. …”

After a pause, Qiao Jiao said to me with a hint of sadness: "Do you know why I don't want to be wronged in anything?... When I was ten years old, my mother came back to celebrate my birthday. ...Maybe it was because I was too young at that time and didn't have the ability to discern truth, so my mother didn't say much to me. She just told me before leaving that when I grow up, I don't want to be like her and give in in everything. She asked me to live according to my own ideas, to speak out my hate, and to speak out my love, so from that time on, I learned to fight and fight...not to mention those little guys in the same school. Well, even my dad and my teacher have to give me three points... However, in so many years, this is the first time I have the opportunity to kill the mistress. I feel that the excitement after a great revenge is over. It almost makes me fly...really!"

I nodded, knowing in my heart that Qiao Jiao, who seemed free and easy, actually had such a gray past, but she was not a weak person at heart, so when faced with the dark side of life, she chose to fight. The stream is seeking, but I am staying away...

When people like us come together, there is collision and integration, and then life begins to show its wonderful side, and this night is particularly outstanding.

"Brother Chao."


"You are the most thoughtful man I have ever met... I didn't expect you to follow me all the time, let alone protect me, but you really didn't back down... You and I It's different. I have confidence in my heart, so I dare to take action. But you have no confidence in your heart, and you followed me and took action. Aren't you afraid that the stinky mistress will call the police?... If the police really come, they will at least give us a qualitative assessment. Those who cause trouble will be jailed."

I smiled and replied: "At first, I was a little worried, so I asked you if you had any strategies. But as the situation developed, I didn't want to think about it so much. In fact, I am also a person who goes my own way. My rationality will only exist at the beginning of an event. I don’t want to think about something too complicated, because the more I think about it, the more I will be afraid. Life..."

After saying that, I took a step towards Qiao Jiao and said: "Sister Jiao, there is one more thing that I am also curious about. You have never had any contact with the mistress. How did you find her in such a short period of time?" With the handle?... Even Sherlock Holmes can't be as fast as you!" "I have a friend whose father is doing civil engineering behind Lin Sheng'en. In order to maximize the benefits, he started from Lin Sheng'en's mistress. After he got it, he asked her to give Lin Shengen a pillow... He gave that stinky mistress a lot of benefits. In business, just giving benefits is not enough. Who knows when the mistress will turn his back on him, so his father I asked someone to check the details of this mistress in case of emergency... His father hasn't used it yet, so he gave us an advantage first."

I suddenly realized that from this point of view, this mistress named Cong Lei had really hit the muzzle of the gun, and she was also in line with the sentence, which is: those who do evil will be killed!
"Brother Chao, do you think we two look particularly like swordsmen in ancient times?"

"When you say that, I really feel a little proud."

"Let's make a combination..." As she said that, Qiao Jiao looked at me, and then said, "You are wearing black clothes today, and I am wearing white clothes... How about we call them Black and White Wuchang?"

"Isn't the impermanence of black and white a ghost?...I just want to live, and I don't want to have anything to do with the underworld."

"Then give it a more impressive name."

I thought about it, and then replied seriously: "Let's call him Black and White Shuangsha." (Follow the author's personal public account: ***, reply to Lu Xi to see the heroine's photos!)

"Okay, let's call him Black and White Shuangsha."

"Now that we are all in the same team, in order to ensure the long-term stability of the team, it's time for you to return that photo to me. If you don't want to return it, you can just delete it. Anyway, don't leave it to me like this. A scourge.”

"That's a good idea. There is both cooperation and competition between us... What I said before still stands. As long as you dare to plot against Lu Xi, I will send her the photo."

After saying that, Qiao Jiao seemed to be afraid that I would come hard, so she turned around and ran towards where she parked her car.Then he drove again and disappeared into the vast night...

I smiled and shook my head, but I was still recalling this extremely exciting night.

I'm a little curious. If Qiao Jiao knew about Luan Yu's existence, would she be so aggressive that she would fight for me?I have to say that Luan Yu is really cruel. We could get together and part ways easily, but she used the method of repairing the hymen to overturn our past, which also deeply hurt my self-esteem.

Forget it, I don’t want to resent her, so I’ll just get back together with her unilaterally. After all, I was also immature in this relationship. Maybe this is God’s punishment for me.

(End of this chapter)

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