Chapter 11 Action Plan
At this time, Chu You asked Marikawa Shizuka: "Teacher Marikawa, have you found the bus key?"

Kota Hirano opened the blinds a crack, glanced at the parking lot outside, and said: "As for the bus, it is in the parking lot outside now."

However, before everyone could react, the TV turned on in the office attracted everyone's attention, or in other words, the news being broadcast on the TV attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at the annotation of the news, it seems that it is still live broadcast, "...In response to the frequent chaos in various places, we have now entered a situation of discussing emergency countermeasures..."

"What chaos?! Baga!!" Komuro Takashi broke out a classic quote from his childhood, obviously very angry. Now everyone knows that this dead body is not as simple as chaos.

"What is this?" Miyamoto Rei covered her mouth with a look of disbelief.

"It is said that the number of victims in Saitama Prefecture has exceeded 1, and the mayor has issued an emergency declaration and a disaster dispatch request... Ah!"

The sound of a gunshot prompted the announcer to exclaim, followed by a dutifully urgent report.

"Shot fired! The police finally fired! It's not clear what the situation is!"

At this time, several body bags stood up strangely on the camera screen, followed by several more shots, and the body bags that had just stood up fell back again. This strange scene made the announcer at the scene scream loudly.

"Ahhhh! No! What is this! This is a lie!

……help me!Help! ...Ahhhhh! ! "

In the chaos, the camera fell and the screen was covered with snowflakes. However, in the last scene, you can still clearly see the approach of the dead body. The fate of the announcer and other personnel who remained at the scene can be imagined.

There were no stupid people present. The announcer's tragedy was almost predictable. At this moment, most of them looked at the TV with no picture in horror, with expressions of disbelief on their faces. The whole office became eerily quiet.

The efficiency of the TV station was also good, and the screen immediately changed to a childish 'Please wait' message.

When the screen appeared again, it was no longer the original program, but switched to indoor reporting. Another announcer hurriedly took over. The announcer looked uneasy and read the script mechanically: "It seems that something happened." There is some kind of problem, now... From now on, the live broadcast room will report it to everyone.

It seems that a very dangerous situation has occurred outdoors. Please pay attention to all viewers and avoid outdoor activities as much as possible until the live broadcast resumes.

At that time, on-site reporters will be asked to report on the outdoor situation again.

Also, please close the doors and windows at home as tightly as possible and reinforce them as much as possible.Regardless of the reason, if you are not at home, please go to the designated evacuation center in each area. "

It seems that they want to continue to cover up the truth in a conciliatory way.

"Bah!" Takashi Komuro slammed his fist on the table and said angrily: "Is this all? Why are you so understated? What should I do with this!"

"They are afraid of causing panic." Saya Takagi calmly analyzed.

"It's still happening now..." Miyamoto Rei looked a little unbelievable.

"It's because of the loss of order that this happens." Takagi Saya continued to analyze, "Fear is the root of chaos, and chaos will lead to the collapse of order.

And once order collapses, how will people deal with those moving corpses. "At this time, the reports on TV have completely shattered the luck in some people's hearts.

"It is still unclear how to deal with this comprehensive outbreak of abnormal events. This abnormal event has spread all over the world, and there are currently no signs of being controlled..."

With a "squeak!" sound, the signal was interrupted, and the TV completely turned into a snowflake. It seemed that the situation had become more and more serious, and even the communication industry outside was greatly interfered with.

After knowing that the disaster of dead bodies has spread to the whole world, the people present felt even more desperate. Now that the world is full of dead bodies, where can they go to escape?
"Events that are happening all over the world...Why is this like this? Everything was normal when I was surfing the Internet in the morning, but now..." Kota Hirano said with a look of despair.

"It's unbelievable. In just a few hours, the whole world has become like this." As if looking for comfort, Miyamoto Rei pulled Komuro Takashi's sleeve and said excitedly, "You think so? There should be a place that is absolutely safe. Right? It won’t be long before it changes back to how it used to be, right?”

"How is that possible!" Takagi Saya broke Miyamoto Rei's self-deception illusion very rudely.

"What?" Chu You stared at the senior executive Saya: "What do you know?"

It seems that things are not as simple as the original animation said!Chu You remembered that Gao Cheng Saya's father was a very powerful figure in this city, so he might know more information.

"Isn't there a new type of influenza that has caused chaos recently?" Thinking of the news reports about the new type of influenza that have been frequently broadcast in the news recently, Takagi Saya secretly resented that she actually concealed the seriousness of the incident.

Chu You was speechless. No matter which world he was in, he always behaved like this when he was young. Sure enough, he shouldn't have any expectations.

However, for now.It seems that there are already signs of this situation.

However, the world of "School Apocalypse" is not even a stable plane.Not long after the painting was drawn, the original author died, and the world itself was dying.

The emergence of such a doomsday crisis is actually a harbinger of the end of the world itself.

As the King of Hades, Chu You holds the power of death in all heavens and realms.He saw this clearly.

Not only are all living things in this world going to die, the world itself also has a limit.

However, compared to the human lifespan of just over a hundred years, the lifespan of a world is so long that it is almost eternity.

Chu You sighed: "Anyway, let's determine the course of action now. Do you still have relatives here? Can you determine where they are?

Now, we need food, medicine, water, weapons now.As for medicines, I have already taken the medicines from the infirmary just now.What do you think? "

"None of the teacher's relatives live here. Here, there is only a good friend who is an acquaintance.

However, she doesn’t need me to worry. A few days ago, she said that she would be performing tasks at the sea airport opposite Gobie Bridge. She should be there now!
If possible, the teacher would also like to find her!and.Speaking of weapons, he should have them. "

Marikawa Shizuka was the first to speak. Needless to say, her friend was his good friend, the dark-skinned beauty Minami Rika.

(End of this chapter)

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