Chapter 33 Sun and Moon Continent, Demonic Forest

First, he used the divine power of Pluto to help Lord Samsara recast his body. Except that it was a bit expensive and consumed nearly [-]% of his divine power, the rest was not a problem for Chu You.

As for the remaining [-]% of the divine power, it helped Chu You suppress and subdue the Six Paths of Samsara Flame.

In its heyday, the Six Paths of Samsara Flame was the natal fire of a strong fighting saint. It was transformed from the twin flames of yin and yang after hundreds of reincarnations. Moreover, the Samsara Lord poured his entire life's fighting energy into it before he was incarnated. , although it has consumed a lot so far, its power is still enough to reach the level of Dou Zun, and it is not a big problem to rank among the top ten on the alien fire list.

The power of reincarnation contained in it is a great tonic for Chu You.

After absorbing the Six Paths of Samsara Flame, Chu You's strength increased by another level.

Therefore, after Chu You arranged for Lord Samsara to go to Zhongzhou first and create a force called Hades Palace to serve as an outpost for him, Chu You took Qian Renxue and returned to Douluo Continent first.

First, the plane anchor point of Dou Qi Continent has been set, and Chu You can travel back and forth at any time.

Secondly, with the Six Paths of Samsara Flame in hand, Chu You can be said to have returned home with a full load.

As for the request for help from Dou Po World itself, Chu You has already entrusted it to Lord Samsara.Moreover, this does not happen overnight, so there is no need to rush.

Besides, to confront the Soul Palace, Chu You must first improve his strength. The strength of Soul Heaven Emperor and Nine-Star Fighting Saint is there.

After returning to Dou Qi Continent, Chu You checked the time and found that there was still a year and a half before the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. Chu You decided to get the seventh soul ring first.

If the seventh, eighth, and ninth soul rings scheduled by Chu You were arranged according to age, they should come from Lord Xiong, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, and the Million-year-old Deep Sea Demonic Whale King respectively.

But if you follow the attributes, you can't do this.

Because at this stage, Chu You is about to touch the sixth sense - spirit.

Therefore, Chu You's seventh soul ring should not be the metallic attribute of Lord Xiong, but should be the spiritual attribute dominated by the Evil Eye Tyrant.

For Chu You, who is the king of Hades, he can open a dimensional passage through the plane. It is not difficult to open a space passage and teleport to the Sun and Moon Continent.

After arriving at the Sun and Moon Continent, Chu You casually grabbed a soul master on the side of the road, read his memory with his powerful spiritual consciousness, and then headed straight for the Demonic Forest.

Although Douluo Part [-] mentioned the location of the Demonic Forest, it was ten thousand years ago. Chu You didn't know if there had been any changes, so it would be more reliable to find someone to confirm.

Soon, Chu You arrived at the Demonic Forest.

Thousands of years ago, the development of soul tools in the Sun Moon Continent had not yet reached the stage that ten thousand years later, Douluo Part [-], Peerless Tang Sect period, in terms of power, it was really limited.

In addition, the people of the Sun and Moon Continent relied on soul guides, so the combat effectiveness was really not good.

So this evil forest, ah no, is the goal of Chu You's trip. The core area where the evil-eyed tyrant is located is, to them, an absolute forbidden land, a dangerous place, and a symbol of death.

Chu You walked along a straight line in this evil forest.

It is said that a skilled person is bold. In this evil forest, there will not be any soul beast that will be Chu You's opponent.

To be honest, Chu You really felt a little sad about this.

The cultivation level of a soul beast can often be measured in ten thousand years, but its combat effectiveness is really limited.

The limits of the world are there, and cultivation never equals combat effectiveness.Just like in Chu You's previous life novels, those monster beasts that did not have orthodox martial arts inheritance, even though they worked hard to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, swallowed the moonlight for hundreds of years, condensed the demon elixir, and cultivated the demon body.

The final result was that he was killed by a powerful human monk with a flying sword. The demon elixir that he had worked so hard to condense was just used as a wedding dress for his disciples and became the raw material for alchemy.

While wandering in the sky, Chu You walked all the way to the center of the Demonic Forest.

Not long after, a burst of movement came, and when Chu You arrived, what caught his eyes was this scene——

A three-meter-tall black ape with a tuft of golden flame-like hair on its forehead was confronting another strange soul beast on the opposite side.

Its body doesn't look particularly strong, but it appears to be extremely flexible.

The outer layer of black hair on the whole body exudes a faint purple halo, and a pair of eyes are filled with golden light. The eyes are moving, and they are staring at the soul beast opposite.

It was a spirit beast with a very strange appearance.It floats in the air and looks a bit like a balloon.

Unfortunately, what was suspended was not a balloon, but a huge eye - one meter in diameter, appearing as a blood-red eye.

There are some brown markings around this giant eye.Six soft tentacles hung on the ground, dragging for a long time.

What can be seen is that wherever it was dragged by its tentacles, it left a series of corroded ravines.

Among the six tentacles, three are green, and three are red, clearly distinguishing each other.

Evil eye!

The target of Chu You's trip, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, is the king of the Evil Eye clan.It has more than 70 years of cultivation and nearly 80 years of cultivation.

However, the cultivation level of the one in front of him was only over ten thousand years. The cultivation level of the three-eyed demon ape that was facing him was also similar. Chu You didn't care and killed them all with one sword.

Two head soul bones were exploded.Chu You estimated that Hades' God of Wealth should be at work.

After Chu You put away his soul bone.About to turn around and leave.But he noticed something disharmonious, "Broken!" Chu You's eyes froze, and he spat out a word coldly. In an instant, the surrounding scene began to distort and collapse, like a broken mirror, turning into Countless fragments.

"Okay, okay, with such a strong spiritual power, no wonder you dare to run rampant on our territory like this.

But there's one thing I don't understand. With your cultivation level, you must have reached the so-called Titled Douluo level long ago. Then, you shouldn't have room for any more soul rings. "

Chu You turned around and followed the sound, only to see a huge silver eye appearing about a hundred meters in front of him.

Moreover, this evil eye has as many as seventeen tentacles hanging down from its body.

Chu You's eyes narrowed, and he remembered that in the original work, the one killed by Huo Yuhao was the youngest son of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. In other words, the youngest son of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord had 10 With years of cultivation, let alone the other sons.

It seemed that he was lucky this time. After all, 10-year-old soul beasts were not easy to find.


Sorry, I accidentally overslept and I feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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