The king of the heavens and the underworld, the queen of the underworld Qian Renxue

Chapter 37 "You are unwilling to give up even a mere family member, Yu Xiaogang, how dare you s

Chapter 37 "You are unwilling to give up even a mere family member, Yu Xiaogang, how dare you say you love her?"

Chu You's figure slowly appeared in the hall: "Yu Xiaogang, you really dare to say that!
Will you never be an enemy of Wuhun Palace?

Then who is Tang San's father?

Don't tell me, you don't know. "

"Xiaoyou, are you back?" Bibi Dong was quite surprised at this time.

Chu You walked slowly to Yu Xiaogang and looked at him condescendingly.

"Make a choice, Yu Xiaogang." Chu You looked at him playfully: "You can choose to stay in Wuhun Hall, but I will destroy the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family..."

Before Chu You finished speaking, Yu Xiaogang's pupils shrank.

Yu Xiaogang was about to say something when a pressure as thick as a mountain came down on him, preventing him from saying a word.

And this pressure, which was far superior to that of a titled Douluo, also made Yu Xiaogang understand that the young man in front of him had the ability to do what he just said.

"Or," Chu You's voice sounded again, "You can also choose to turn around and leave now, then I won't do anything.

It’s just that from now on, I will not allow you to see my mother again. Your presence will only make her sad. "

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's voice was a little harsh and he said, "Mother?"

"That's right, 20 years ago, my mother went out to obtain the seventh spirit ring and brought me back to the Spirit Hall as a baby. I am my mother's adopted son."

Chu You said calmly: "Okay, now make your choice!
Should he choose to stay in Wuhun Palace, or should he choose the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family? "

After a long silence, Yu Xiaogang slowly turned around and prepared to walk out the door.

At this time, Chu You chuckled softly: "Haha, Yu Xiaogang, my guess is absolutely correct, you are indeed a ruthless scumbag.

You have never truly loved your mother, in your heart.The so-called Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is always more important than the mother. "

"That's enough!" Yu Xiaogang said with a livid face: "Don't you just want me to leave your mother? Don't you just want me to never see her again from now on?!"

"No," Chu You sneered, "My mother has always told me that although your cultivation talent is not very good, you are extremely wise.

The essence of this choice is for you to make a choice between your mother and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

This choice is the same as before.But at that time, you selfishly chose yourself.

You were unwilling to abandon your family, so your mother, who was the saint of Wuhun Palace at the time, chose to leave Wuhun Palace and elope with you.

Have you never thought about what if your mother, a saint of Wuhun Palace, chooses to openly withdraw from Wuhun Palace?What consequences will it face?
As long as you have some brains, you should be able to think that Wuhun Palace will never allow years of hard work and training to go to waste.

And this is also the source of all tragedies. "

Chu You looked at Yu Xiaogang, sneered again, and then said: "And if you choose to quit the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, then what? Those with half-level innate soul power have long been given up by those people. Isn't it? You have long been an outcast of the family.

In other words, you have long been excluded from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, right?This means that your identity has long existed in name only. Even if you choose to withdraw from the family, the impact will be minimal, and they may not even care at all.

However, you are not willing to give up even this so-called identity for your mother. "

"How dare you say you love my mother?" Chu You became more and more contemptuous of Yu Xiaogang: "Do you dare to be more shameless?"

"What's even more ridiculous is," Chu You's tone became colder and colder: "You have no trust in your mother at all. I have obviously told you that I am your mother's adopted son.

You should be very clear that with my mother’s feelings for you, I will not allow me to destroy the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Otherwise, there will be no possibility between you and your mother..."

Chu You looked at Yu Xiaogang and said with heart-wrenching words: "However, the funny thing is that you don't even have this little trust in your mother. You never thought that my mother would definitely stop me. Haha, a person like you actually still... How dare you keep saying that you love my mother deeply. No, Yu Xiaogang, it is impossible for a person like you to love anyone. You only love yourself.

Without talent for cultivation, without strong power, he cannot protect the people he loves.It's not entirely your fault.

But... if you don't even have the courage to sacrifice everything and become the enemy of the whole world for the one you love, then I can only say, Yu Xiaogang, you are a complete coward!
Even if you don't want to give up your identity as a mere member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Xiaogang, how dare you say that you love my mother deeply?Are you worthy? ! "

"You pretend to be affectionate all day long and deceive an inexperienced girl. You are simply disgusting!"

Chu You waved his hand, and a package fell out and rolled to Yu Xiaogang's feet: "At this point, Tang Hao is more responsible than you. At least he dares to ask Wuhun Palace for his woman. The previous generation of popes swung the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand."

As the words fell, Tang Hao's head also appeared in the package.

The moment he saw Tang Hao's head, Yu Xiaogang was completely stunned.

Looking at Yu Xiaogang's stunned expression, Chu You shouted coldly: "For the sake of my mother, I will spare your life today.

From now on, don’t let me see you again, get out! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Xiaogang rolled and crawled away from the Wuhun Hall.

But what he didn't know was that these were the only days left in his life.

At this time, Bibi Dong had just reacted: "Xiaoyou, when will you give Tang Hao...

Also, why are you doing this? "

Chu You smiled and said: "As long as Tang Hao is alive, Sister Xue'er will always have a thorn in her heart.

Although Sister Xue'er knows that I can't blame you for what happened back then, in Sister Xue'er's heart, if Tang Hao hadn't injured the previous pope, you wouldn't have had this opportunity.

Therefore, it may be said that it is to express anger or to divert hatred.Sister Xueer has always hated Tang Hao.

After so many years, Tang Hao has become a thorn in Sister Xueer's heart. "

Chu You smiled: "Making Sister Xue'er unhappy is a capital crime."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong poked Chu You's forehead angrily with her bright jade finger: "You are really interested in that girl!"

Chu You sighed: "Mother, don't you understand? If a man truly loves someone, he will only hold her in his hands and protect her tightly.

The only person who truly understands a man best is the man himself.

Although Qian Xunji is a scumbag, his judgment about Yu Xiaogang is absolutely correct. This person is definitely not a good match that can be entrusted to him for life. "

"That's enough!" Bibi Dong suddenly burst out, "Get out of here!"

Chu You was confused and was driven out by a furious Bibi Dong.

This fool didn't even know that he drove Yu Xiaogang away, which was nothing.

But he absolutely shouldn't say in front of Bibi Dong that he killed Tang Hao for Qian Renxue and show off his love for Qian Renxue.

This is simply rubbing salt into the wound and jumping into Bibi Dong's minefield.


(End of this chapter)

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