Chapter 5 Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear

The next morning, the golden morning light filled the room. In the hazy state of sleep, Chu You felt a faint fragrance coming into his nose. Chu You suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that he was holding Qian Renxue in his arms. , and at the same time, Qian Renxue also opened her eyes, and was about to scream, when Chu You covered her lips again.

"Sister, don't shout! Do you want to alarm mom and old man?
If the granddaughter of the old man knew about it, it would be strange if he didn't chop me into eight pieces with an angel sword.

Sister Xueer, you don’t want to be a widow, right? "

"Go!" Qian Renxue's pretty face turned red with embarrassment, almost dripping with water. She slapped Chu You shyly and weakly: "You are so young and don't learn well, what are you talking about?"

Chu You hugged Qian Renxue: "The first kiss is mine, sister, you can't run away in this life."

Qian Renxue lowered her head and said nothing.A neck as long as a swan.It was also crimson, completely betraying her mood.

Chu You knew that Qian Renxue was thin-skinned, so he stopped irritating her and changed the subject: "By the way, sister, last night I gave some of the whale gum medicine to you. Take a look, what's your soul now?" What level of strength is it?”

Hearing this, Qian Renxue felt her soul power attentively, and then stared into those crystal eyes in astonishment: "Level [-]?"

This result even shocked Chu You.

At the beginning, Qian Renxue was born at level 750. Under Chu You's suggestion, she first absorbed a [-]-year-old first soul ring, and then absorbed a soul bone in an angelic divine outfit, which was also disguised in the original work. That piece of ability.

This soul bone and soul ring directly sent Qian Renxue to level [-].

After all, the soul bone that Qian Renxue absorbed from the angelic armor was infinitely close to a 10-year-old soul bone.

And this also caused Qian Renxue's second soul ring to directly break through the limit and reach the thousand-year soul ring level.

As for Qian Renxue's third soul ring, it comes from a flaming light lion. Although it is only 7000 years old, its attributes are dual attributes of light and fire, which is very consistent with the Seraphim martial spirit.Excellent quality.

Moreover, absorbing soul rings beyond the limit is an extremely risky matter. The worshipers of Wuhun Palace did not dare to joke with the lives of their eldest ladies.

Therefore, after absorbing these three soul rings, Qian Renxue's soul power has reached level 35.

From level 35 to level 10, among the fifteen levels of soul power, five levels are provided by the soul ring, and almost ten levels are provided by the soul bone that is almost infinitely close to [-] years old.

After that, Qian Renxue also temporarily slowed down the cultivation of soul power at Chu You's request and turned to compressing and purifying soul power.

But even so, three years later, Qian Renxue's soul power has reached level 38.

In addition, the medicinal power of some 10-year-old whale glue was absorbed last night, and it also increased by two levels overnight, reaching level [-] soul power.

As for Chu You, his soul power is also innate level [-]. He was able to shatter the crystal ball in the first place purely because of the divine power contained in his soul power.

As for the medicinal power of whale glue, all of it has been used to improve his physical fitness under Chu You's control.

There is no way, if you want to carry the godhead, you not only need a strong soul, but also a strong body.

The physical body is the container that carries the soul. If the soul is too strong and the physical body is weak, it will cause the physical body to collapse.


After another day, Chu You and the others finally left Wuhun City and set out for the Star Dou Forest.

On the carriage, Qian Renxue was flipping through a thick martial arts illustrated book while looking at Chu You: "Xiaoyou, have you decided on which soul beast to choose?"

"Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, Dark Cyclops or Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. My martial soul is a sword, so the attack or sharpness attribute is my first consideration. Secondly, I consider the darkness or death attribute. .

For example, the Nether Leopard, the Hell Demon Black Tiger, the Dark Cyclops and the like.

Because any soul ring will be corroded by the Sword of Hades, and will be endowed with attributes of darkness and death. "

Qian Renxue touched her chin and immediately sighed: "The Cyclops is fine, but the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is an existence only recorded in classics.

There is also the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, which is a rare space soul beast, and its speed is unparalleled in the world.Your requirements are really not low. "

Chu You chuckled twice: "So, didn't I ask you to invite Senior Guang Ling Douluo? With a master archer here, killing the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon may not be a dream."

At this time, the outer outline of the Star Dou Forest has gradually appeared in the field of vision.

The group of people got off the carriage and headed towards the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

This time, Light Ling Douluo, who was ordered to escort Qian Renxue, couldn't help but said: "Boy, you are quite ambitious. You actually want to capture the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Dire Bear as a soul ring."

Chu You chuckled lightly and said, "Most of the things in the world do not have the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth.

The most typical one is the plant-type spirit beast, whose essential attribute is wood. Of course, it is more appropriate to choose a plant-type spirit beast that also belongs to the wood attribute.

Furthermore, the combat effectiveness of plant-type soul masters is not very high. Is it possible to expect them to fight against soul beasts such as tigers and lions?

Of course, it is more convenient to choose plant-based soul beasts that also have low combat effectiveness.

Strictly speaking, it is not only plant-type soul beasts that are suitable for plant-type martial spirits, but also soul beasts such as the Emerald Swan, which are famous for their vitality.

The predecessors may not have any theories, but they summed up their experiences and lessons, and warned future generations that for plant-based martial arts, it is best to choose plant-based soul beasts.

After all, practice brings true knowledge.

After this has been circulating for a long time, perhaps everyone has agreed by convention that plant-type martial spirits must absorb plant-type soul rings.

This is much more useful than the fantasy of the so-called Wuhun Mimicry Theory.

It's a pity that there are too many people in this world who deceive others and steal their reputation. "

Chu You sighed leisurely, then changed the topic and said: "In the same way, weapons such as swords are forged from metal, so metallic soul beasts are naturally the most suitable.

The Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is the leader among metallic soul beasts. "

A flash of approval flashed in Guang Ling Douluo's eyes, and he said, "Little guy, I do appreciate you a little.

Speaking of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, the eighth soul ring enshrined by the second year was obtained from a golden Earth Dragon King with 7 years of cultivation.

However, with his original strength, it was undoubtedly impossible to defeat this 7-year-old Golden Earth Dragon King...

"The golden earth dragon king was severely injured by a dark gold fearclaw bear, and then was killed by the second worshipper.

A claw was swung out, and a hundred-meter sharp blade flew across the air!

That terrifying scene has made Ercong still unable to forget it and is still frightened!
(End of this chapter)

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