Chapter 107 Doomsday Crisis (53)

The muscle zombie didn't seem to know what would happen next. He stretched out his palm, thinking of using his sharp nails to scratch around the magic circle.

Unfortunately, the magic circle has already been erected.

The moment his nails came into contact with the magic circle, a "cymbal" sound was heard.

Suddenly, a dazzling white light filled the entire room.

"Damn it! What is going on? It's so dazzling!"

"Warm reminder: Please turn down the screen brightness immediately, otherwise, the screen brightness will blind your eyes!!!"

"Damn it! Sister Xu's magic can already be used in our live broadcast room?"

"Can't laugh or cry.JPG"

"I laughed so hard, my God, I just had the lowest brightness, why is the screen brighter than the highest brightness?"


With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Zhinian immediately waved his hand and put a protective cover on the gasoline barrel next to him.

In fact, there is no need to add a protective cover. The attack magic she used this time relied on cold light.

Even without a protective cover, the barrel of gasoline will not be exposed to open flames and explode.

But Xu Zhinian still added it to the gasoline barrel, it was a smooth thing anyway.

The cold white light was too dazzling, and Xu Zhinian had to squint his eyes.

Even with his eyes closed, Xu Zhinian could still feel the strong brightness.

However, this light goes away just as quickly as it comes on.

Not long after, Xu Zhinian noticed through his eyelids that the surroundings had become dark.

She slowly opened her eyes. The strong light was dazzling her eyes, and it took a while before she could see her surroundings clearly again.

The muscular zombie had become stiff, the sockets of its eyes were sunken, and green blood was flowing down around the eyes, but it had dried up.

Xu Zhinian smacked his tongue helplessly: "We have to make a fuss. If we just lean aside honestly, we won't become a zombie and die."

She rubbed her feet against the zombie's body and pushed him aside out of the way.

Immediately, she walked quickly to the blue gasoline barrel.

After getting closer, Xu Zhinian turned the stopper of the gasoline barrel counterclockwise.

Soon, the bolt was opened.

I looked into the gasoline barrel and saw that there was still more than half a barrel of gasoline left, exuding a strong and pungent smell.

Xu Zhinian snapped his fingers, then turned the bolt of the gasoline barrel clockwise and tightened it tightly.

Then she stood there and began to think.

His thoughts quickly returned, and Xu Zhinian gently shook the gasoline barrel.

She was actually able to move the bucket, although it was a bit difficult, but with the help of magic, it wasn't a big problem.

But why should she bother?
This kind of laborious work is not suitable for ladies.Xu Zhinian nodded affirmatively to himself with a smile on his lovely cheeks.

it's time.

Xu Zhinian walked out of the room without removing the magic protective cover on the gasoline barrel.

He held the long banner above his head, blocking out the moonlight.

She walked quickly and soon gathered the other four people in the yard outside.

Summoned by Xu Zhinian, the other four people hurriedly arrived at the courtyard outside.

The four of them stood in a row on the red brick road. After looking at each other, they invariably looked at Xu Zhinian.

Sidney, who has always been the most impatient, could not hold back his temper: "Sister Xu, why did you call us all here?"

When someone opens their mouth, someone will naturally respond.Balu was still the second child: "Yes, Sister Xu, why did you call us here? I just found a working electric car."

"Electric car?" Eliad's eyes shone, and he came close to him and asked carefully: "What kind of electric car is it? A car? Or a bicycle?"

Balu sighed sadly, "Of course it's just an electric bicycle..."

The light in Eliade's eyes immediately dimmed: "Hey, you really haven't found it yet?"

Wentu, who had been silent until the other three fell silent, spoke slowly.

He said: "Don't worry, everyone, let's listen to what Xu Zhi...Xu Sister has to say!"

Xu Zhinian looked at him and was stunned for two seconds.She was a little unexpected. After the previous unpleasantness, Wen Tu turned out to be the most reliable?
After hearing this, several people looked at Xu Zhinian.

Xu Zhinian also looked at them, tilted his head and kept smiling: "You are finally quiet. I called you here. I found the gasoline barrel and a van."


When Sidney heard the word "van", he almost fainted: "There is actually a van here?"

Eliade on the left and right sides of his body was also very excited: "Van? Although the speed is not as fast as a serious car, it is at least several times faster than an electric bicycle! If we drive more at night, there should be no problem when we reach that coordinate. !”

Balu agreed with him and flattered Xu Zhinian: "Yes, as expected of Sister Xu, we found a van easily. Not only that, but there is also gasoline for driving!"

Xu Zhinian smiled and waved his hand: "But don't be too happy yet. I only found the car, but I don't guarantee that it will work."

When several people heard this, they were about to lose their temper. Xu Zhinian immediately added.

She pointed to a short distance along the red brick road: "The van is there. Instead of imagining here, why not try it out?"

After hearing this, several people moved towards the direction of Xu Zhinian's finger.

Soon, five people gathered next to the black van.

Except for Xu Zhinian, the four of them looked at each other, wondering who had better driving skills?
Seeing that no one came forward, Eliade raised his hand: "Since everyone is humble, let me try the car to see if it works!"

No one vetoed, unanimously agreed.

Eliade nodded and opened the cab door.He turned sideways and sat in. All the structures inside were well preserved.

He didn't close the car door, and Xu Zhinian could look inside the car through the door.

The interior of the car was surprisingly clean, with not a speck of dust visible.

Eliade pressed the accelerator, but the lights didn't come on and the engine didn't start.Only a red light came on on the instrument panel, with "low fuel" displayed underneath.

"Is it broken?" Sidney couldn't hold himself back and asked.

Eliade shook his head and turned the steering wheel.Although it feels a little sluggish, it's generally good.

He paused and replied: "I guess no, this van is in good condition, but it shows low fuel level. I guess the reason why it didn't start is because the fuel tank is out of gasoline!"

Upon hearing this, Xu Zhinian quickly ordered Balu and Wentu behind him to go to the room just now and bring the blue gasoline barrel.

The two of them did not refuse, and after answering, they followed Xu Zhinian's instructions and walked into the room.

Under the light of Xu Zhinian's magic protective shield, the barrel of gasoline was particularly eye-catching.

The two of them worked together to lift the bucket of gasoline, walked out of the house, and returned along the red brick road.

After walking back to the black van, he placed the bucket of gasoline next to the vehicle.

Eliade did not get out of the driver's seat, but turned around and gave everyone an "OK" gesture.

Xu Zhinian nodded and ordered several people to open the gasoline can and add the gasoline inside to the van's fuel tank.

A few people did what they were told and poured half a barrel of oil into the tank.

After closing the fuel tank door, Eliade stepped on the accelerator again and pressed the start button.

The engine is ringing!
The van’s headlights and taillights also came on!

This van works!

(End of this chapter)

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