When the magic circle landed, it emitted a ray of light. The light was so bright that it pierced the eyes of several people, including Xu Zhinian.

Even if it is closed tightly, you can still feel the incandescence of the light.

It's too bright, too flashy.So when Xu Zhinian opened his eyes again after the light disappeared, he could see the afterimage of light in front of his eyes.

When everyone opened their eyes, they all froze in place.

Eliade was holding an iron rod in his hand, preparing to move forward and hit the zombies on the opposite side on the head, but when he closed his eyes and opened them, there were no zombies in front of him.

The other people were also very embarrassed. They took their own weapons and made moves, but the zombies disappeared.

Not just a few zombies.

Instead, all the zombies that formed a circle disappeared after the light dissipated.

Xu Zhinian snapped his fingers, feeling like he was indifferent to merit and fame after accomplishing something.

She walked among a few people, glanced at the moon above her head, and wasted a lot of time.

After everyone gathered together, Xu Zhinian said: "The zombies have been solved now, but we wasted too much time. Before the next wave of zombies comes, we quickly enter the city to look for useful supplies, especially gasoline. And the car!”

Everyone nodded and walked quickly towards the city.

Zhu Si froze on the spot, a little at a loss.

Xu Zhinian called for him to follow: "Zhu Si, why are you standing still? Didn't I just say that I would like to learn more about you in detail after I break through the siege?"

Zhu Si hurriedly said "Okay" and trotted all the way to keep up with Xu Zhinian: "Whatever you want to ask, just start asking. I will definitely tell you everything."

"Oh," Xu Zhinian replied coldly, looking at Zhu Si from the corner of his eye as he walked: "Then tell me what you did before and why you were reduced to pretending to be a zombie!"

Zhu Si was silent for a moment: "Okay, let's talk while we walk."

Xu Zhinian nodded.

While walking on the road, Zhu Si opened his mouth and told the other five people about his experience:
"Do you know how long it has been since the world turned into the doomsday scene it is now? Such a corrupt scene, with zombies at night and high temperatures during the day, but this apocalyptic scene only lasted less than three years. "

"At the beginning, people didn't pay attention. It wasn't until zombies appeared in groups and gnawed on humans without restraint that we realized the fear of zombies. And the high temperature during the day only appeared in the past year."

"As for me, it was precisely because of the continuous high temperature that I came out of the shelter in the south. I was chosen to go north for the sake of other people in the shelter, looking for ways to resist the high temperature."

Several people listened very carefully and slowed down unknowingly.

Sidney was startled when he heard him say "come out of the shelter in the south" and quickly asked: "Wait a minute, you just said you came out of the shelter in the south?"

Zhu Si nodded: "Yes, I came to the north to find a way to resist the high temperature."

After hearing his exact answer, everyone suddenly became more motivated to fight.

Balu's eyes were bright, and he looked at Zhu Si and then turned to Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu, did you hear that? He said that he came from the refuge in the south! The refuge is in the south!"

Xu Zhinian nodded lightly. She was not deaf, so how could she not hear it.

But Xu Zhinian didn't expect that Zhu Si would actually come out of the shelter.

She did not ask for the address of the shelter in detail, but continued to ask: "So, you came here to find a way to resist the high temperature. But since you went out alone and encountered danger, why didn't you go back to the shelter? Instead? Are you pretending to be a zombie?"

Zhu Si burst into tears after hearing this: "I, I also want to go back... But I ran out of supplies and weapons. A group of zombies chased me, and I ran hard to get to this city. Even if I wanted to go back, How do I go back?"

"The shelter is far away from here. Even if I run desperately, I will still have to run for several months!"

"I was trapped in a building by a group of zombies. As long as I went out, I would die... After weighing the pros and cons, I smeared the blood of zombies on my face and body, enduring the stench, in order to survive. I can only act as a zombie..."

"I originally wanted to sneak out of the zombie crowd during the day and find a car to drive towards the shelter..." Eliade quickly continued: "Yeah, you just need to find a car and drive to the shelter while the zombies are scared during the day." If you don't dare to act, you can leave them and go to the shelter!"

Zhu Si smiled bitterly: "I haven't finished yet. Who knows, there are also levels in the zombie group. At first, I had no ability, so I could only mix with the lowest level. When I was squatting with a group of zombies in an underground garage to avoid the sun, as long as I had a little more If you make a commotion, you will be beaten by higher-level zombies!”

"Don't say you're leaving," he snorted, and shed a few more tears: "You have to listen to the whispers of the leading zombie even when you take action."

"I didn't expect that this person named Zhu Si would be so tortuous..."

"What shocked me is that the zombie group is so hierarchical. Low-level zombies have almost no right to move!"

"That's right. Zombies can actually be divided into these levels!"

"But there is good news. At least Sister Xu and the others now have clues about the shelter!"

"As expected, Kaitan Paradise always controls the plot direction of the dungeon! Just when I thought there was no clue about the shelter, Zhu Si popped up!"


Xu Zhinian nodded slightly: "I see, that's why you have been pretending to be a zombie among the zombies for so long?"

Zhu Si nodded excitedly: "Yes, that's it! Later, I slowly became a higher-level zombie. I am not afraid of light, I have thinking, and gradually have some rights of action. But I have always been monitored by the leading zombie. , I can’t leave here at all.”

"Not to mention, returning to the shelter."

Xu Zhinian did not continue to follow his topic, but asked another question.

She said: "Then if we invite you to go to the shelter with us, will you be willing?"

"You also want to go to the shelter?" Zhu Si was confused for a moment, and then nodded with absolute certainty: "I am willing, as long as it can keep me away from the zombies, I am willing to do anything."

Xu Zhinian sneered: "Ha! Then there's no need to do everything."

Several people continued to move forward, and the footsteps of zombies were heard around them.

Xu Zhinian immediately signaled a few people to stay quiet to avoid attracting another wave of zombies and causing another tough battle.

Zhu Si looked around and said, "Come with me. I know where there are no zombies."

Xu Zhinian and the other four people looked at each other without speaking, only nodding their heads to communicate.

They did not reject Zhu Si's kindness. After all, he had been among the zombies for a long time, and no one here knew the zombies' actions better than him.

Zhu Si took the lead, Xu Zhinian followed closely behind him, and the remaining four people followed Xu Zhinian closely.

The six people passed through two alleys, dodged waves of zombies, and arrived at a 4S store selling cars.

Zhu Si did not take Xu Zhinian and the others through the main entrance of the 4S store, but walked in from the side door.

After stopping in the lobby, Zhu Si pulled down the curtains on all the glass walls to block the windows.

Now, the lobby of the 4S store is pitch dark.

Sidney asked anxiously: "Why do you have to close the curtains? It's so dark, no... isn't it dangerous?"

Although Xu Zhinian's eyes were dark like everyone else's and she couldn't see clearly what was around her, she could see the color of magic power.

Inside the 4S store, including Zhu Si's body, there was only blue magic surrounding it.

No danger.

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