Facing Wentu's aggressiveness, Xu Zhinian could no longer be particularly stubborn.

She thought, otherwise she could only waste food by emptying out all the soybean oil and corn oil on the shelves at the back, and use the cooking oil barrels to hold gasoline.

Thinking in his mind, Xu Zhinian had already walked to the last shelf.

Wen Tu was anxious and followed Xu Zhinian over.

He hadn't been to the shelves at the back before, so he didn't know there were cooking oil and rice noodles. He was surprised when he first saw them.

Surprised, Wen Tu pointed to the shelf: "Sister Xu, here, there are rice, white flour and soybean oil here?"

Xu Zhinian waved his hand: "Didn't you see it? There's no need to ask me again, right?"

Wen Tu nodded: "So, Sister Xu, what are you going to do when you walk in front of this shelf? Is it possible...?"

Xu Zhinian nodded and pointed to the barrels of soybean oil and corn oil on the shelf: "Well, I was thinking that if we can't find the gasoline barrel, we can't leave empty-handed. Maybe, we can put the soybean oil and corn oil in it Dump the oil and you can use those barrels to hold gasoline.”

It's a good idea, but it's a waste.

After hearing what Xu Zhinian said, Wen Tu looked down at the soybean oil barrels and corn oil barrels on the shelf, then raised his head to look at Xu Zhinian: "But isn't this too wasteful! After all, it is hard-earned food. ah!"

Xu Zhinian didn't know, so she waved her hands helplessly: "But we can't return empty-handed, and there are no other containers. We have no other choice except this."

Wen Tu said angrily: "The only thing we can do is pour out the oil."

The two looked at each other and were about to lift the soybean oil bucket when Zhu Si, who was standing guard outside the door, suddenly came in.

He shouted at Xu Zhinian and Wen Tu: "No! There are a large number of zombies coming outside!"

Wen Tu suddenly panicked. He stepped out from the side of the shelf and shouted at Zhu Si: "What!? A large number of zombies? Zhu Si, did you conspire with those zombies to lead us to this place where there is nothing?" At the gas station, you want to catch us all?"

Zhu Si was stunned when he heard Wen Tu's suspicion.

His eyes widened, he was stunned for a long time and took a few steps forward: "What an injustice! I am a human being, I am not a zombie! If not to survive, who would pretend to be a zombie? Don't you know how stinky the blood of zombies is?"

"I..." Zhu Si was so anxious that he faltered in his explanation: "Am I still colluding with those zombies? Am I colluding with them? Damn! Even if they kill me, I will not conspire with the zombies! "

Wen Tu also didn't expect that the few words he casually said could make Zhu Si so excited.

He smiled and apologized to Zhu Si: "I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully. I just said these conjectures without understanding your whole story."

Fortunately, Zhu Si is not a stingy person.He waved his hand to Wen Tu, and this matter was over: "It doesn't matter anymore, those zombies are coming soon, let's run away!"

"Escape?" Xu Zhinian suddenly laughed out loud: "Where to escape? We haven't accomplished anything, so we have to escape?"

Zhu Si: "But only by escaping from here and living can we have any other hope! If we are surrounded by zombies, do you want to pretend to be zombies like me in order to survive?"

Wentu was stunned. At this moment, he no longer knew who to ask or what to ask.

Xu Zhinian raised the corner of his mouth slightly, but still laughed: "Are you afraid again? They are just zombies. They can just come and deal with them. Why worry?"

Zhu Si was stunned: "Huh?"

Xu Zhinian suppressed his smile and stopped teasing him: "You handle the gasoline thing, and I'll deal with the zombies. I hope that after I take care of the zombies, you can also handle the gasoline thing."

Zhu Si still didn't come to his senses, but Wen Tu, who was standing next to Xu Zhinian, smiled and nodded: "I understand, then I'll leave it to you, Sister Xu, to deal with the zombies."

Xu Zhinian smiled and walked outside the gas station.When she walked to the door, she deliberately tapped Zhu Si's left shoulder a few times: "Don't be afraid, Wen Tu will tell you what to do. You, maybe you should pray for your previous zombie friends?"

"Ah?" Zhu Si was even more confused. He froze on the spot: "What?" Xu Zhinian walked out of the convenience store with a smile and waved back without looking back: "It's nothing. Take care of the gasoline!"

Zhu Si still hadn't come to his senses. He felt that Xu Zhinian's thoughts were too out-of-the-box, and some of them were beyond his expectation.Therefore, he didn't know how to think or answer some words.

It was Wen Tu from behind the shelf who came over and pulled him to the shelf that brought Zhu Si back to his senses.

"Sister Xu, too. Zhu Si is not smart in the first place, yet you still have to scare him, hahaha."

"Yes, but Zhu Si couldn't help but be amused. I was just kidding. You look so scared!"

"Hey! What's this? But Wen Tu should be able to take care of Zhu Si!"

"Of course you can! Srds, the focus is not on him now! Everyone, please switch the perspective and watch Sister Xu deal with the zombies together!"

"Yeah, what's the point of watching them deal with gasoline? Why not watch Sister Xu deal with zombies!"


After coming out of the convenience store, Xu Zhinian deliberately walked towards the main road so as not to disturb the gas station behind him.

What she was thinking was that since she had to deal with zombies, she couldn't be lenient.But there is only one premise for all this - it cannot affect Wen Tu and Zhu Si's handling of gasoline.

As she walked further away, she looked back and put a protective cover on the gas station behind her.

Xu Zhinian was seen waving his arms, and suddenly, a white light enveloped the gas station and convenience store.

White light continued to radiate in all directions, completely covering the gas station and convenience store.

Now, Xu Zhinian has nothing to worry about.

Not long after, the group of zombies came over in a mighty manner.

Xu Zhinian looked up and saw the group of zombies.

They walked towards her unsteadily with extremely uncoordinated steps.I don't know if I heard some noise or smelled something, but I walked straight towards the gas station.

When they got closer, Xu Zhinian slowly formed a seal with his hands, preparing to cast a spell.

She thought: Now that the gas station is protected by her magic and will not be threatened, and the other three are not here, she seems to be free to use a dangerous magic.

She had only used this magic three times in the original world.And those three times, they almost destroyed the world.

After much thought, Xu Zhinian didn't want to attract too much attention.

So, she decided to dial down the power of the magic, so as not to really destroy the city, or even the doomsday dungeon of Kaitan Paradise, which was thousands of miles away.

If it affects whether Kaidan Paradise can successfully pass the level, it will be more of a loss than a gain.


The zombie group continued to approach, and the two leading zombies were already less than ten meters away from Xu Zhinian.

After getting closer, Xu Zhinian saw blood stains on their bodies.The green blood had solidified and dried, but it still had a faint stench.

bad smell!

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