Chapter 150 Doomsday Crisis (96)

After the white light dissipated, Xu Zhinian slowly opened his eyes.

After the void space created by the Kaidan Paradise system disappeared, time restarted again.

Except that after the round-table discussion, her eyes with Wen Tu and Sidney were different from before, Zhu Si continued his actions just now.

"Oh my god! Sister Xu and the others came back so easily? No wonder Sister Xu said this is the easiest way to see everyone!"

"It's a pity that we, the Dragon Kingdom, wasted our only emergency purification authority for them!"

"Yes, nothing happened to our Dragon Kingdom in the first place. It's all because Sister Xu is kind-hearted. If I were Sister Xu, I would definitely wait for the last day and then teleport to the shelter!"

"But we, Sister Xu, don't know where the shelter is, right?"

"Those upstairs, please don't squander your own prestige to embolden others' ambitions! Although Sister Xu doesn't know the specific location of the shelter, she can teleport. Isn't she going faster than them?"


After a few seconds, Zhu Si was stunned and asked: "You guys, why aren't you in a hurry now?"

Sidney was impatient. When he heard Zhu Si's question, he wanted to explain it directly to him.He opened his mouth and was about to explain, but was interrupted by Wen Tu beside him.

Wentu bumped into Sidney with the elbow of his right arm and smiled at him: "Urgent, why aren't you in a hurry?"

Zhu Si's disdain was visible to the naked eye. He was stunned for a moment, looked at Wen Tu and Sidney and asked, "But when I look at you, you don't look very anxious?"

Sidney was reminded by Wen Tu and immediately understood what to say and what not to say.This time, it came out of his mouth: "How can we not be in a hurry? But what can we do if we are not in a hurry? It's not like we can't get past the invisible wall..."

Seeing how he adapts to circumstances, Xu Zhinian wanted to give him a thumbs up and admire him.

When Zhu Si heard this, he nodded silently.Then, he murmured: "Indeed, I tried it just now, and we really can't get through! It seems that there is really a transparent wall, what should we do?"

While speaking, the eyes of Zhu Si, Wen Tu, and Sidney all fell on Xu Zhinian.The three of them had already agreed that Xu Zhinian would have to take action in such a difficult matter.

Sidney came closer and leaned into Xu Zhinian's ear: "Sister Xu, aren't we going to find those two people? Look, how can we walk through that wall?"

"Didn't you think of a solution on your own?"

Listening to Sidney's question, Xu Zhinian was very calm and replied to him word for word.

Sidney was stunned for a few seconds before he responded: "I thought... I thought about it. I originally thought about taking a detour to see if I could bypass the invisible wall. As a result, I am still here. "

Wentu showed a puzzled expression and asked Sidney: "What do you mean you are still here? Can't you make a detour?"

Xu Zhinian only smiled slightly and interrupted Wen Tu's question.

There is really no need to ask Sidney and get the answer.She only took a look at the distribution of magic power around her and understood what "he is still here" meant.

From the moment she, Wen Tu and Zhu Sijin came here, they had already fallen into a trap.Now, except for this small space where you can move freely, the front, rear, left, and right are all blocked by invisible transparent demonic barriers.

In other words, Sidney is still here, not because he doesn't want to leave.

He tried to take a detour in other directions, but the wall he couldn't see was surrounding it from all directions.No matter which direction he tried to escape, it was impossible.

That's why he said, "The result is, I'm still here." He couldn't escape. If he wasn't here, where else could he be?
Xu Zhinian paused, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and kept smiling: "Don't worry, I have a way to get us out of here. You guys take a few steps back."

"Ah?" When the other three heard this, they were stunned for three or four seconds and then stepped back in surprise.Xu Zhinian continued to smile, slowly raised his hands, and cast magic again.

She thought, since the surrounding demonic barriers were formed by the magic power of Kaidan Paradise, then all it took was the invisible magic power of Wen Tu, Sidney and Zhu Si to break up the demonic barriers.

Thinking about it, she moved her hands dexterously.Suddenly moving forward, sometimes upward, streaks of bright white light merged into bundles of magic light, moving with her hands.

The magic light shuttled up and down, swimming and dancing, and with the movements of Xu Zhinian's hands, dexterous totems were instantly formed.

For just a moment, the three people behind them felt a rush of cold air.

The cold wind was biting, causing the three people behind them to tremble involuntarily.After the trembling feeling disappeared, Xu Zhinian looked as if he was done.

She put down her hands and put them behind her back: "Okay, you guys, keep up! I don't know how long this road will last, so move faster."

"Bad review! Bad review! This magic is not amazing at all!"

"Hahaha, you're upstairs, that's enough! Sister Xu is quite tired of using magic, but we can all enjoy it secretly if we can see this magic!"

"I said, don't think this magic is not cool enough! After using the new function of the live broadcast room, you will find out that the magic is invisible to us!"

"Damn it, don't tell me. After watching it, I felt that the magic power confrontation was so cool!"


Zhu Si was stunned and turned to look at Wen Tu and Sidney. The three of them seemed to be carved from the same mold at the moment, and they were doubtful.

They nodded and said in unison: "Okay."

Xu Zhinian said nothing, stood at the front, and walked towards the "wall" proposed by Sidney.

When she walked out, it was considered a personal test. The people behind her immediately stepped up their pace and hurriedly followed Xu Zhinian's pace, walking out from behind the invisible wall.

After the three people behind him walked out, Xu Zhinian turned around and saw the invisible wall again.

She shook her head and murmured in a low voice: "This thing is really harmful to people."

Immediately, she raised her right hand slightly, and a dazzling light burst out from the fingertips of her right hand, attacking the demonic barrier.

A seemingly inconspicuous blow easily shattered the demonic barrier.

They were all within the demonic barrier just now, and she needed to be careful not to hurt others.They have all come out now, so they don't need to worry about anything anymore.

Fortunately, this demonic barrier didn't really hurt anyone.

After they came out, they took two steps forward and left the demonic barrier of right and wrong.

Later, Xu Zhinian asked Zhu Si: "Zhu Si, you have been in this city for a long time, but do you know that there are two places in the city?"

Zhu Si heard this and took two steps towards Xu Zhinian.

He moved to Xu Zhinian's side with small steps and answered her: "I am indeed very familiar with this city. I don't know, sister Xu, which two places are you talking about?"


(End of this chapter)

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