Chapter 153 Doomsday Crisis (99)

In front of that dark place, Xu Zhinian saw the clues of the "wall".

Countless red magic powers gather here. They intersect and intertwine with each other, and then converge into an airtight "container" here, or it is called a "wall".

Although she could see the magic power, she could not see Balu behind the "wall" through the magic power.

But Xu Zhinian was very sure that Balu must be behind that "wall".

That's why she stood there with peace of mind, then raised her hand and called Wen Tu, Sidney and Zhu Si behind her to come over.

The three people were startled when she said "come here" and walked over quickly.

The three of them stood behind Xu Zhinian, looking hesitant: "Huh?"

Sidney was impatient and was the first to ask: "Sister Xu, why did you call us here? Could it be that you found Balu?"

Wen Tu glanced around. He couldn't see the magic in his eyes, so he couldn't see the "wall" in front of him.He shook his head: "Ba Lu? Where is Ba Lu? Sister Xu, why did you ask us to come here? We... didn't see anything..."

Zhu Si also stretched his neck and looked around.

He originally wanted to ask, but after hearing the consequences of "otherwise" from Xu Zhinian's own words, he no longer dared to ask casually.

In his heart, if Xu Zhinian wanted to say something, if she wanted to say it, she would have said it long ago, so why bother asking?

So Zhu Si remained silent and didn't say a word.

Just as he imagined, Xu Zhinian opened his mouth to explain first after they all came closer.

Xu Zhinian first rolled his eyes at Sidney and Wentu, and then said: "You are right, Balu is here. I can feel that Balu is in front of me at this moment."

Just as Xu Zhinian imagined, the three of them, including Zhu Si, shouted at the same time: "Huh?"

Since Xu Zhinian had already guessed that this would happen, she was not surprised.

Looking at the surprised faces of the other three people, she began to explain word by word: "I know, I know what you think. Do you think this place is blank, there is nothing, how could Balu be here?"

The other three people nodded together, and then answered in unison: "Yes!"

Xu Zhinian smiled slightly and pointed to the "wall" in front of her: "Since you can't see it, why not reach out and feel for anything?"

When the three heard this, they all frowned and stretched out their hands in disbelief.

Among the three of them, Wentu was the first to understand.He retracted his hand and immediately smiled at Xu Zhinian.

He figured it out. Even if he couldn't understand it, he could explain it to himself and make analogies.

At this moment, there must be a transparent "wall" that he couldn't see, trapping Balu inside.

Wen Tu stood there, just smiling slightly, and did not really reach out like Sidney and Zhu Si.

The two people stretched out their hands and groped forward.

At first it was all air. After taking two steps forward, Sidney and Zhu Si's eyes suddenly widened, and they looked even more unbelievable.

They looked at each other, then turned their heads to look straight ahead, and shouted excitedly: "Is it... really true!?"

At this moment, Xu Zhinian nodded gently and replied gently: "Yes, it really does."

"I can't figure it out, why would I use the reason why Balu is here to deceive you?" "Now that I know, you stand back, I'm going to break this so-called wall!"

After hearing what Xu Zhinian said, the three of them nodded and quickly retreated.

Xu Zhinian took a step forward. She was not sure whether Balu inside could hear her voice outside, but she still reminded Balu inside: "Balu, please take a few steps back. I will use my strength to break this shackles." , so as not to hurt you."

Balu's face was already filled with tears. He could hear Xu Zhinian's words and took a few steps back, reaching behind the dark place.

After waiting for ten seconds, Xu Zhinian formed a seal with his hands.

Several rays of light flowed out from her fingertips, sparkling and sparkling, so cool.

The moment the light burst forward, a stream of air containing powerful magic also followed Xu Zhinian's magic and attacked forward!

A crisp cracking sound reached the ears of Xu Zhinian and others.

The transparent "wall" in front seems to be trying to resist Xu Zhinian's magical attack.When Xu Zhinian's magic attacked forward, a faint scarlet light emitted.

Like a big elastic net, the "wall" wanted to trap Xu Zhinian's attacks.But the magic power was too sharp, and in just an instant, it penetrated the "net" formed by the red magic power.

The moment the "net" was penetrated, from Balu's perspective, the surrounding darkness suddenly faded away.

As if burned by fire, the ashes floated in the wind, gradually revealing the original traces.

When everything settled, Balu finally appeared in everyone's sight.Even his cries spread out through the air and reached the ears of others.

Sidney walked forward quickly and hit Balu's left shoulder with his fist: "You, you are real! In order to avoid the earthquake, why didn't you run with me? If it weren't for Sister Xu, we might not have seen each other. Each other!"

"You, you too?" Balu burst into tears, with runny nose and tears: "I am trapped in this dark place, are you trapped in that kind of place too?"

Sidney nodded slightly: "Yes, I am also trapped in a place with transparent walls. I want to escape, but no matter which direction I run, I will eventually hit the wall. If it weren't for Sister Xu, we would They can’t get out of this predicament.”

Listening to their lively discussion, Xu Zhinian even couldn't bear to interrupt them.

But time is running out at the moment, and the night is about to pass.She had to find Eliade before the sun rose, and then several people got back into the car equipped with solar photovoltaic panels and drove quickly towards the shelter.

She interrupted Balu and Sidney: "Everyone, time is limited. If you want to say something or not, we can talk about it after we get in the car. Now, we have to go to the last place to save Eliade."

Zhu Si nodded and stretched out his left arm in a gesture of invitation: "Come with me, I will take you to the end of Si Kang Road. But to be honest, this Global Trade City and the end of Si Kang Road are in two directions. We You have to walk from Financial Road to the end to see Scong Road."

Everyone else took this as a reminder of the long journey, but only Xu Zhinian understood that this was Zhu Si asking a question.

Zhu Si wanted to know why the three of them were so far away from each other even though they were escaping from the dangerous scene of the earthquake.Especially Balu and Eliade, how could they be separated by two directions?

Of course, others didn't take this seriously at all.

Xu Zhinian just smiled, pretending that he did not understand what Zhu Si meant.

Zhu Si said nothing more and silently led the way.

As one of the main roads in the city, Financial Road is very long from east to west.

Under the leadership of Zhu Si, Xu Zhinian and others walked quickly for nearly forty minutes before walking from the intersection of Central Street to the intersection of Financial Road and Si Kang Road.

Zhu Si stretched out his hand and pointed to the north: "Go along Sikang Road and go further north. The end of it should be Eliade's hiding place."

(End of this chapter)

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