Facing everyone's doubts, Xu Zhinian still kept smiling and grinned gently.

She put her left leg down from her right leg, turned around, and faced Zhu Si sitting on her left and the other people in front of Zhu Si.

Immediately, Xu Zhinian spoke: "Now, you should believe what I just said, right?"

Except for Eliade, who was still in the driver's seat and could not turn his head casually, everyone else nodded vigorously towards Xu Zhinian.

Sidney was still the most impatient and asked directly: "Sister Xu, I still don't understand what you mean by the phantom of a zombie?"

"Yes," Balu also agreed with Sidney and asked, "What on earth is going on? That black shadow of zombies... no, phantom, what on earth is going on? Why, a car crash Once you get on it, it disappears?”

Xu Zhinian clicked his tongue and smiled again: "Have you never heard of a word called mirage?"

Wentu was the first to answer: "I've heard of it."

Speaking is always faster than thinking. After he answered, he thought about it again, and probably came up with various reasons before asking: "Could it be...could it be a mirage just now?"

Xu Zhinian snapped his fingers: "Yes, that is also a mirage. I thought that when I said phantom, you would think of that level. But who knows, you didn't think of anything."

Several people were slightly embarrassed when they heard this.

Sidney asked again: "Mirage, how can zombies be linked to mirage? What on earth is going on? And, Sister Xu, you...how did you find out that it was a mirage?"

Xu Zhinian clicked her tongue, it turned out that she was actually asked to explain everything in detail.

After slightly nodding, she said: "You did also look at the black shadow in front of you, and you looked carefully, otherwise it would be impossible to identify the black shadow as a zombie. But although you are careful, you are not very careful."

Zhu Si knew that he shouldn't interrupt, because he knew the consequences of asking casual questions, but he still couldn't help asking: "But... apart from seeing that the black shadow is a zombie, can you see anything else? I really don’t know where I am not careful enough.”

Xu Zhinian paused and was already thinking about whether he shouldn't explain.

Maybe just pretending that they didn't know anything, and with their own acquiescence, letting the off-road vehicle drive forward, bumping into a few zombies only to find that the phantom suddenly disappeared, would allow them to think clearly.

Damn it!Why should I open my mouth to speak?
She smiled awkwardly while looking at the people in front of her.

After Xu Zhinian thought about it, he decided to tell everything completely.First, the few people who came to the province asked her repeatedly about what happened; secondly, after she told her everything, it was considered over.

She said: "You only pay attention to the group of zombies, but ignore the surroundings. Besides me, who else saw a cactus next to that black shadow? Cacti are natural and only grow in water-deficient areas like deserts. How could they appear here? ? Thinking like this, I also discovered the clue."

"I see!"

"Sure enough, we didn't observe it ourselves!"

"Otherwise, it would have to be Sister Xu. You really have to observe carefully to discover that the black shadow is just a mirage!"


They were just compliments, and Xu Zhinian didn't even bother to listen.

She leaned against the car seat again, turned her head and looked out the window.

Fortunately, those zombies were not real zombies, just phantoms that appeared in the mirage.If not, it would have been another fierce battle.

It's a fierce battle, and I don't know how much time will be wasted.

Xu Zhinian looked out the window for a while and closed his eyes.

After closing her eyes, she told Eliade in the driver's seat: "Anyway, there will be no other people on the road now. If there are other cars, you can drive as fast as you can! But you must pay attention to safety. After two and a half I'll let someone else take your place." Iliad made a sound, gently stepped on the accelerator, and increased the speed of the off-road vehicle by a few points.

Xu Zhinian closed his eyes and told the others: "Since yesterday's day and last night, everyone has hardly had a good rest. Except for Eliad, everyone else closed their eyes and took a nap while they had nothing to do. . In two and a half hours, Balu, you will drive for Iliad."

Balu nodded: "Okay! I'll take his place in two and a half hours!"


"Sister Xu must be tired! Hahaha, I can't bear to open my eyes when I'm talking!"

"Upstairs, what you said is really unreasonable! Sister Xu has been busy for days and nights, and she hasn't even closed her eyes for a long time. No one is an iron man, how can you not be sleepy or tired?"

"That's right, that's right! The person who just said that Sister Xu can't bear to open her eyes is a fan, right? Sister Xu has been busy for several days and hasn't had much rest. Why, you can't even close your eyes and talk after a break? "

"That's right! The person who spoke doesn't even have an avatar, and his nickname is user xxx. He must be a black fan!"

"Really! Sister Xu works so hard, she must have a good rest!"


After saying that, several people also fell asleep.

Eliade was left alone, sitting in the driver's seat, looking ahead attentively, driving the off-road vehicle.

This off-road vehicle, Iliad discovered while driving it, seemed to actually be better than the vehicles he and others had selected.At least, when accelerating to 130 miles, I didn't feel arrogant or stubborn about the bearing.

Time passed like a gap, and when Xu Zhinian opened his eyes again, it was Balu who called Eliade to get out of the car, and the two changed places.

Eliade stepped on the brakes and parked the car aside.

Immediately, he unbuckled his seat belt.Just as he was about to open the driver's door, he was stopped by Xu Zhinian, who had just woken up.

Xu Zhinian rubbed his eyes: "Wait a minute! Are you crazy? The temperature outside the car is no joke. Are you even thinking about opening the car door and exchanging places with Balu?"

Iliad let out an "ang" sound and froze on the spot.After a long time, he asked again: "Well, what if it's not the case? How can we change positions without opening the door?"

Xu Zhinian only said one word: "Climb!"

Climb out of the car.

In short, the car door cannot be opened easily under any circumstances.Not only are people who go from inside the car to outside the car vulnerable to high temperature burns, but also the comfortable environment created by the air conditioner in the car that blows cold wind is destroyed.

After hearing what Xu Zhinian said, Balu didn't dare to act rashly.

He and Eliad exchanged glances, and then along the inside of the car, one of them climbed from the driving position to the back, and the other climbed into the driving position from the back.

Xu Zhinian looked at them and clicked his tongue helplessly.I thought to myself: How stupid!
After Balu sat in the driver's seat, he adjusted the driver's seat and then fastened his seat belt.

He glanced back, stepped on the accelerator, and the SUV continued to drive south.

Xu Zhinian didn't know where he was at this moment, so he asked Balu how much fuel was left in the tank.

Balu replied: "There's half left."

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