Xu Zhinian actually didn't use much force, but when the white light flew out from her fingertips, it still gave a heavy blow to the five zombies that the behemoth had just put on the ground.

After the white light faded, the five zombies had been splashed by the light, each stuck on the surface of the large supermarket building opposite Xu Zhinian.

Seeing this, Xu Zhinian nodded with satisfaction.

She was very satisfied with the magic she just used, although it didn't have much power, but it could achieve this level.

While she was satisfied, the behemoth opposite was not.Xu Zhinian watched him take out the five zombies stuck in the wall one by one, and then glanced at her viciously.

After taking down all five zombies, the huge creature placed them on the ground.

But this time, he intentionally or unintentionally took two steps forward and blocked the five zombies behind him.It seemed that he was afraid that Xu Zhinian would wave his hand casually and get the five zombies stuck in the wall of the building behind.

Unfortunately, Xu Zhinian doesn't think so now.

Those five zombies were too simple for Xu Zhinian today.

What Xu Zhinian really needs to worry about is how to get rid of this behemoth in front of him.Counting the time, Wen Tu, Sidney, Eliade and Zhu Si behind her should have walked back to the gas station.

In this way, Xu Zhinian no longer has any worries.

Xu Zhinian took a step forward, frightened the huge creature and took half a step back in panic, stretching out half of his arm to protect the five zombies behind him.

Seeing this, Xu Zhinian pursed his lips and smiled.Unexpectedly, this behemoth is also a "calf protector".It's a pity that he is her enemy and cannot be used by her.

Xu Zhinian nodded slightly and moved his hands flexibly in front of his chest.Several rays of light traced across her fingertips, forming beautiful light traces one after another in the air on her chest.

The traces of light slowly faded, but as the traces of light faded, a huge magic circle gradually formed on Xu Zhinian's chest.

The behemoth opposite seemed to be able to sense this scene.He panicked and stretched out his thick left palm to strike forward.

The huge zombie thought that as long as he exerted force, he could destroy the magic circle set by Xu Zhinian by beating it.

But how could the magic used by Xu Zhinian be so easily destroyed by that behemoth's beating?

The huge creature stretched out its left palm and pounced forward, but it was empty.Another pounce, and this time he could feel his left palm hitting something.

However, as soon as his generous palm landed on it, he felt a stinging pain like a needle.Xu Zhinian's magic circle, even if it has not yet been formed, still has powerful energy.

If it is not touched, the energy will naturally not affect the behemoth.

But the behemoth's left palm touched it, and for just a moment, the burning sensation from the magic circle pierced the behemoth along the palm lines.

The giant creature howled in pain and hurriedly retracted his left palm.However, after just a few seconds of contact, the behemoth's palm was already injured by magic, leaving a long scar.

A long scar was left, and then green blood oozed out from his wound.

There was blood oozing out at first, but over time, the blood burst the wound and started to bleed outward.

Xu Zhinian smelled the disgusting stench again. He pinched his nose and fanned in front of his face with his left hand, but it still had no effect.

As time passed, the magic circle on her chest formed.Xu Zhinian looked at the behemoth opposite, took aim, flicked his finger forward, and flicked the magic circle towards the behemoth.

The magic circle swiped forward and moved forward, leaving a long trace on the road.

There was another loud noise. This was the sound of the huge creature catching the magic circle with his bare hands. He gritted his teeth and tried with all his strength to catch the magic circle and prevent it from moving forward.

Xu Zhinian pinched his fingers and began to regret not injecting more magic power just now as he looked at this scene.It seems that the large supermarket building behind is still in danger of being insured!

"Damn it! This giant creature actually wants to catch magic with his bare hands?"

"Look at Sister Xu's expression, it's like she's facing a behemoth on the opposite side, trying to use her arms as a chariot!"

"That's right, receiving magic with bare hands is the only way this zombie can do it!"

"I don't understand, but I respect it! However, even if I block it temporarily, can I still block the magic?"


After thinking for a moment, she drew her right hand casually, and a ray of magic followed by the light bursting out from her fingertips entered the magic circle that was in a stalemate with the behemoth.

In an instant, the magic circle emitted huge energy.After a dazzling white light flashed by, Xu Zhinian closed his eyes confidently, and then slowly opened them after the light dissipated.

While she was closing her eyes, she heard the building collapse and calls for help.When he opened his eyes again, the large supermarket building in front of him had collapsed, and there was a pool of green blood on the ground.

Under the blood stains, she glanced forward, left and right, and the behemoth and the five zombies had disappeared.

Seeing this, Xu Zhinian waved his hands helplessly, then pursed his lips and smacked his tongue: "Oh, is it really too powerful? Not only were the zombies eliminated, but the building also collapsed."

She sighed, turned around, and removed the magic barrier between her and Wen Tu, Sidney, Eliade and Zhu Si with a wave of her hand.

Now that the danger was over, she should hurry back to the gas station and get back to the off-road vehicle.While the supplies were well prepared and the fuel was filled, we continued to advance south.

Xu Zhinian shook his head slightly one last time, clicked his tongue and walked forward.

Thinking about that huge beast, she actually felt a little bit regretful.Maybe when she encounters zombies in the future, she should come up with another countermeasure instead of just easily eliminating zombies from the world.

What if you can make certain zombies available to you?Will it be easier to survive in this dungeon world of doomsday crisis?
While thinking, Xu Zhinian quickened his pace and returned along the way he came.

Not long after, Xu Zhinian walked back to the gas station.

When she was still about a hundred meters away from the gas station, she saw those people carrying the supplies they had brought back and putting them in the trunk of the off-road vehicle.

When Xu Zhinian walked back to the gas station and back to the SUV, she happened to hear Sidney and Ballu arguing.

Sidney took Baru's arm and argued first: "I said, we met five zombies, and then we met a huge monster, and the supplies we snatched from that large supermarket were all filled up. , Aren’t there still a few barrels of gasoline in the trunk? Why do you continue to put a few barrels of gasoline in it?”

Balu glanced at him: "Have you forgotten the beginning? We had no gasoline, so we had to stop on the road during the day! Fortunately, we have taken care of the solar photovoltaic panels, otherwise you think you and I are still alive under this high temperature. Survive till now? Gasoline is the most important thing among all supplies! Of course, I have to put my gasoline barrel first!"


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