On the off-road vehicle, the four people left behind, Balu, Eliade, Wentu and Sidney, did not have any clothes to keep out the cold, and were shivering in the vehicle.

Although the car was air-conditioned, it could not withstand the cold wind blowing outside the car, and the temperature inside the car slowly began to drop.

Seeing the cold wind blowing endlessly outside the car, and seeing the heavy snow falling in the sky outside the car, several people complained.

Sidney was the most impatient and was still the first to speak.

He turned around, looked at the remaining three people and asked, "Why hasn't Sister Xu and Zhu Si come back after so long? Didn't they abandon us?"

"Don't say it, what Zhu Si said is really possible..." Eliade listened to what Sidney said and blurted it out without thinking.But he suddenly thought that what he said was a little wrong: "But Sister Xu shouldn't be able to run away!"

Balu glanced at him and said sarcastically: "Oh, thank you very much for taking Sister Xu out! Otherwise, Sister Xu would have run away with Zhu Si?"

Wentu listened to their conversation and felt that what Sidney and Eliade said was inappropriate.

He hesitated for a long time before saying: "Yes, there is really no need for you two to discuss this issue. If nothing else, Sister Xu ran away, where did she go? If it weren't for us, Sister Xu might really be able to run away and leave. This place of right and wrong has completed its mission early!”

As soon as the words were spoken, there was another silence in the off-road vehicle.

Neither of them knew how to continue talking, so they both became silent.

Things like this always happen here.For this group of passers-by, no matter what happened, as long as it was insignificant and did not affect themselves, they would remain calm and indifferent.

This silence lasted until Xu Zhinian came back with Zhu Si.

Xu Zhinian walked to the window of the off-road vehicle, freed up one hand and knocked on the window lightly.

The knuckles of his fingers touched the frost-covered car window, making an ethereal crisp sound.

The four people in the off-road vehicle were frightened by the sudden sound.

They turned to look at the car window where the sound came from, but there was a layer of fog on the car window and they couldn't see what was outside.

Through the fogged car windows, they could only tell that there were two figures outside the car, but they couldn't see clearly what they were.

Balu stretched out his hand to wipe away the fog on the car window, but Sidney stopped him with harsh words.

Sidney began to laugh at Balu: "I'm so convinced! How dare you say anything about me? Looking at the figures outside, through the fogged car windows, can you clearly see who is outside?"

Balu hesitated, turned around and answered: "Who is outside? Shouldn't the two figures outside be Sister Xu and Zhu Si?"

Sidney laughed twice and shouted to him again: "You really take it for granted. What if it's not Sister Xu and Zhu Si? What if there are other people outside the car? What’s even more terrifying, what if the two figures outside are not humans at all, but two zombies?”

When asked by Sidney, Balu was also confused.

As soon as he saw the two figures outside the car window, he took it for granted that it was Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si who were back.But after Sidney said this, he felt that there might be other possibilities.

But this kind of inner drama seemed very unnecessary to Xu Zhinian outside the car.

She pursed her lips impatiently, really wanting to slap the four people in the car into pieces.Unfortunately, she can't.

Seeing that the four people in the off-road vehicle still didn't come out and didn't open their mouths to ask, Xu Zhinian knocked on the window three more times.

Several people in the car heard Xu Zhinian knocking on the car window again. They looked at each other and widened their eyes.

Eliade was already shivering in fright, but he was arrogant, saying that he was not frightened, but shivering from the cold.Sidney was shocked: "Damn it! He knocked on the window again. It can't really be a zombie, right?"

Seeing his surprise, Balu, who was already confused, was even more confused now.

He had no idea what the figure outside the car window was.Are they Sister Xu and Zhu Si who have returned, or are they zombies?

After some hesitation, Balu suggested: "Even if it's a zombie, knocking on the car window like that, he must know that there is someone in our car! I think it's better to wipe the fog off the car window and see who it is?"

"Is this okay?" Wen Tu asked from his soul: "What if it's a zombie, and we didn't find it in the first place, but just tested it in a threatening way, wouldn't we expose ourselves and scare the snake away by doing this?"

After some discussion among several people, there was still no progress.

The final conclusion is: stand still. Unless there are really zombies outside and start attacking them, they will stay quiet.

Give the other party the illusion that there is no one in the car. If it is a zombie, they will naturally leave in despair.

Xu Zhinian was really angry at this moment. She had never thought that the four people in the car were not only useless, but also so mentally retarded!
At this time of snow and snow, the sun has not yet set. Even if the clouds cover part of the sun, the light is still stronger than at night, right?

A zombie is afraid of light. Could he come out in broad daylight and knock on the car window without any purpose?

mentally retarded!

Simply retarded!

Xu Zhinian was so angry that he kicked the back wheel of the off-road vehicle.After stepping down, the off-road vehicle swayed greatly, and the four people inside seemed even more frightened.

Zhu Si held three down jackets and struggled to keep up with Xu Zhinian.

He was stunned for half a second, and he really couldn't figure out why the people in the car didn't open the door and collect their clothes.Are they all dead?

Thinking about it, Zhu Si asked Xu Zhinian: "No, Sister Xu, why don't they open the car door to greet us? Who are we looking for clothes for?"

Xu Zhinian waved his hand helplessly: "Haha, you ask me? I don't know either?"

While she was talking, she kicked the rear wheel of the off-road vehicle a few more times, causing the off-road vehicle to swing from side to side.

Zhu Si seemed to understand a little better, and walked closer to the off-road vehicle, shouting: "Hey! Are all four people in the car dead? Come out and meet the supplies!"

His voice sounded loud from the outside, but the doors and windows were closed tightly. After the noise reduction treatment of the off-road vehicle, there was not much left inside the car.

Among the four, only Balu heard a little bit of the content.

He was shocked and talked to the other three people outside: "I seemed to hear Zhu Si asking us to open the door. Are they back?"

Sidney waved his hands with disdain and said decisively: "It's impossible. If Sister Xu and Zhu Si come back, they will definitely tell us. Sister Xu's magic might be able to come up on its own."

Balu: "But our car door is locked!"

Sidney clicked his tongue: "No, haven't you ever seen Sister Xu unlock the door? Not to mention the car door is locked, even if the car is one piece, Sister Xu can come in just as she says!"

"Is not it?"


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