Looking at the teachable Zhu Si, Xu Zhinian felt extremely pleased.

She thought that now that they had figured out the outline, they could take action.

But the problem now is that Xu Zhinian doesn't know the specific division of this large supermarket in Malvo.She didn't know which floor the food was on, where the medicines were on, or where the outdoor emergency equipment was.

If you don’t know anything, there will be a waste of taking actions over and over again.

However, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si had no other choice at this moment.If it were in the past, before the doomsday crisis, Xu Zhinian could find out where the partitions were and what they sold by communicating with the salespeople around him.

Unfortunately, the end has come, and there is no one else in this large supermarket building except her and Zhu Si.

That kind of naive idea was unlikely to be implemented from the beginning.

Xu Zhinian paused briefly, pondered for a moment, and finally said to Zhu Si: "In this case, let's find usable food first! Food is the source of energy for each of us, it is very important. Especially in the cold weather, how to have a bite of hot food is even more important."

Zhu Sixen felt the same and nodded fiercely: "Not only that, Sister Xu, I think the best water to drink is hot! It's a cold day, it's snowing outside, no matter how thick you are, it's better to drink a cup of warm hot water!" "

Regarding this issue, Xu Zhinian expressed his strong support.

Indeed, drinking a cup of warm hot water in freezing temperatures is a very luxurious thing.

She agreed happily, but on the way to the food section, Zhu Si expressed a lot of doubts about the idea he just mentioned.He always felt that it was not easy to find ready-made hot food and hot water.

Xu Zhinian didn't think so. She found out in the memory of the original owner that there was such a product called - self-heating product.

For example, self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice and the like are common on the market. As long as you use the contents of the package, you can make a steaming meal.

For a mouthful of hot water, it is actually very simple. There is also this less common "boiling water" on the market.This product contains a total of three things: a bag of heating bag similar to self-heating rice, a bag of non-potable water for pouring the heating bag, and a bag of drinking water for boiling.

After learning this from the memory of the original owner, Xu Zhinian no longer worried that their ideas would not become reality.

She and Zhu Si said: "Don't worry, our idea is not outrageous. At least, you should have heard of self-heating rice, self-heating hot pot and other foods that can be heated independently. But compared to these, I have other plans .”

"Other plans?" Zhu Si listened, feeling very uneasy in his heart. He didn't know what to do: "Sister Xu, I still don't understand what you said. But I... can I understand that you already have something in mind?" Is it a success?"

Xu Zhinian nodded slightly: "You can understand it this way."

Zhu Si smiled: "Well, then I just believe in Sister Xu."

Xu Zhinian: "Well, there is the food section ahead."

Xu Zhinian felt slightly lucky that the food section of this large Malvo supermarket was located in the southwest corner of the first floor.

But Xu Zhinian didn't know whether there would be corresponding food sections on other floors of this building.But according to her understanding, the food section should only be on the first floor.

She walked in front, followed closely by Zhu Si.The distance between the two was not even a few steps away, as if Zhu Sixheng was afraid that Xu Zhinian would leave.

Walking to the first row of shelves in the food section, Xu Zhinian stopped and carefully looked at the products on the shelves.It's still the same. On the most eye-catching shelves in the first row, most of the food displayed are: snacks such as potato chips, fries, biscuits, cookies and spicy strips.

Xu Zhinian expressed his understanding and acceptance. After all, popular snacks should be sold in the most prominent position.You can't put big steamed buns in the most popular place, right?In that case, who would buy it?
Zhu Si sighed: "Oh, there is no self-heating rice or self-heating hot pot! There is not even such a self-heating thing, let alone a sip of hot water!"

Xu Zhinian shook his head slightly: "Calm down, calm down! This is just the first row of shelves. The entire food section is so big, why are you worried that there is not what we are looking for behind? What's more, there is really no need to rush for hot water. Even if there is no corresponding product , I also have a way to let you drink a sip of hot water."

Zhu Si was surprised and his eyes widened: "Really...really?!"

Xu Zhinian nodded with certainty this time: "Well, why should I lie to you? Stop dawdling, and move on to the next row of shelves."

Zhu Si nodded without making a sound, and followed Xu Zhinian silently to the next shelf.

The food on the second row of shelves is slightly different from the first row of shelves.Although they are not particularly popular snacks such as potato chips and spicy sticks, they are also popular foods such as seaweed, hawthorn slices, and preserved fruits.

Xu Zhinian only glanced at it and felt that the row of shelves did not contain the supplies she was looking for.

So, before Zhu Si could take a closer look, she had already walked to the last row of shelves.

The entire food area was very large. Walking back, Xu Zhinian didn't stop firmly until he was in front of the ninth shelf.

Xu Zhinian called Zhu Si behind him and told him: "Look, are these the food we are looking for?"

Zhu Si raised his head and saw countless self-heating rice and self-heating hot pots. He was overjoyed: "Really, really! But, Sister Xu, although we have something to eat now, where is the hot water to drink? Here is , and there’s no hot water that can be heated directly?”

Xu Zhinian nodded silently, pursed his lips and said, "That's true."

But it’s not on the shelf, so it doesn’t mean it can’t be adapted?
Xu Zhinian smiled softly: "That's easy. We'll go to the water shelf later and pick up a box of mineral water. Then we'll have hot water to drink."

Zhu Si was stunned: "Huh?"

Xu Zhinian: "Don't you understand?"

Zhu Si replied: "No... I don't understand."

Xu Zhinian took a long breath: "That's it, then I'll explain it in detail."

"Drinking hot water is actually very simple. You only need three things. One is drinkable water, which is what I just said, go to the shelf to get mineral water; the other is something that holds water and can withstand heating Yes, we can get a set of stainless steel rice buckets later."

"As for the third thing, it's a heating source. I originally thought of using an external flame like a blowtorch or alcohol lamp for heating. But that would be too limiting, so we can open a few packages if you don't like it. Flavored self-heating rice or self-heating hot pot.”

"Take out the heating package, which is a two-layered stainless steel rice bucket. Put mineral water on the top layer, and pour ordinary water on the heating package on the bottom layer. The steam from the heating package will naturally boil hot water for us. "

Zhu Si looked shocked after hearing this.

He said slowly: "Niu... Niubi!"

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