Xu Zhinian raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled evilly.

It turned out to be such a little trick!

She suddenly raised her right hand, with the back of her hand facing outward, and gently slapped her hand in the direction of the bathroom opposite.

In an instant, a silver light suddenly appeared.

The silver light, following Xu Zhinian's strength, struck hard at the wall of the fourth floor bathroom.

Suddenly there was a strong wind, and even though this was indoors, it felt like being in the center of the desert wind and sand.Wen Tu and Zhu Si, who were behind Xu Zhinian, were startled again, their eyes widened with confusion on their faces.

Just when the two of them were wondering why Xu Zhinian would attack the bathroom wall for no reason, the bathroom wall itself gave the reason.

Zhu Si and Wentu originally saw that the wall was just an ordinary white wall. At best, it was just because it was in a shopping mall and it was an old shopping mall, so the white wall was graffitied and a few advertisements were posted.

Neither of them expected that the wall would show another side after being attacked by Xu Zhinian.

At this moment, it seemed that they could see the color of magic power in their eyes.

Xu Zhinian originally thought that they would think that he was a madman who wanted to attack a white wall for no reason.

But listening to the conversation between Zhu Si and Wen Tu behind them, they both said they saw the wall turn scarlet overnight, and they were suddenly shocked: It turned out that the magic power had already become visible.

The color of magic power cannot be seen by ordinary people in their lifetime.These are the rules that have been set since the magic was created.

It turns out that when he was in the original world, Xu Zhinian was also curious about why such a rule was set.She studied the classics for a long time but could not find the reason.

However, the research is not without success.At least, Xu Zhinian knows one thing: if the power of a certain magic power gathers to a certain amount, the attributes connected to it will manifest the magic power at a special moment.

This is like a magic trick. The magician himself doesn't actually know any magic, he just uses certain tools.

The audience in the audience cannot see the tools used by the magician.

Only when there is a magic trick, many tools are used.When the magician cannot control quickly and accurately and makes mistakes, the audience can naturally see the tools used by the magician.

So, now is the manifestation of magic power.

Xu Zhinian looked at the scarlet-blooded wall and was very sure that Balu, Sidney and Eliade were behind the wall.

Maybe they just wanted to go to the toilet, but they didn't expect that they fell into the trap set by Kaitan Paradise after the end of the world.

The wall is just a cover. What is really useful is the magic power behind the wall, using the technique of mind control.

Use what people desire most and what they lack most to attract people.

I'm afraid, behind that wall of scarlet blood, Balu, Sidney and Eliade are having sweet dreams.In the dream, I am afraid that everyone has completed the mission of Kaidan Paradise and become a great hero.

Xu Zhinian paused and slowly raised his left hand.

She is really in a dilemma now, and the intensity requirements during this period are really difficult.Don't use too much force. After all, you are inside a building. What if the building collapses?Don't use too little effort, otherwise it will only make the evil power grow stronger.

The intensity of this is really difficult to handle.

After she raised her left hand, she faced the bathroom wall with the back of her hand and fanned lightly in the same way.

Suddenly, another ray of silver light suddenly appeared, and along with a gust of wind, it attacked the scarlet blood wall on the opposite side.

After the wall was attacked, the red color became more intense.This was what Xu Zhinian had expected all along. After all, only the color of the magic power is red, which indicates the existence of danger.

Although Xu Zhinian was not surprised by this, Zhu Si and Wen Tu behind her were not.Where have those two people seen such a scene?In particular, the color of the walls turned redder and redder, as red as blood, like oozing blood.

Zhu Si felt horrified just thinking about it and started to tremble unconsciously.

Compared to Zhu Si, Wentu is much better.

He once saw the housekeeper manipulated by the fake countess in the replica of Windsor Castle.That existence, which was like a puppet on a thread, feels scary when I think about it now.

He thought that maybe this wall was just like the secret door at that time.Behind this wall, there must be some secret hidden in the Kaidan Paradise.

Zhu Si was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear. If Wen Tu hadn't supported him, he might have collapsed on the ground.

Xu Zhinian only glanced slightly behind her. Now she was in a hurry and had no time to care about them.

The attack just launched had completely angered the wall.Now she can only continue to attack until the wall spits out Balu, Sidney and Eliade.

Although the word "vomit" is not pleasant to use, it is indeed the most clever word Xu Zhinian can think of at the moment.

She clasped her hands together and began to form seals.In my heart, I really wanted to apply powerful magic directly, but I was afraid that I would use too much force and collapse the building.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian applied magic simultaneously during the seal formation process.The intensity of magical power increases little by little as time goes by.

This means that the intensity of Xu Zhinian's use of magic will not be too strong or too weak all of a sudden.

With the most appropriate force, that is, at the moment when the magic barrier on the wall was broken without causing the building to collapse, Xu Zhinian could stop in time.

As her hands danced dexterously, countless rays of silver light burst out from her hands in an instant, attacking towards the scarlet blood wall.


boom -

The scarlet color of the wall became darker and darker. In the eyes of Zhu Si and Wen Tu, who did not know the reason, the scarlet color seemed to be about to open its bloody mouth and swallow them whole.

Xu Zhinian felt nothing, and continued to increase the intensity of magic.

After a while, dozens of silver rays of light attacked the wall.The light hit the magic barrier on that wall, trying to break through again and again.


It's tough!

Xu Zhinian imagined this in her mind. She was thinking that if this was outdoors and there was no need to worry about the building collapsing, she would have broken through the magic barrier of this wall with one blow.

Why is it necessary to try again and again?

Finally, after Xu Zhinian increased the strength of his magic, a hole was broken in the middle of the scarlet wall under the attack of a silver ray of light.

As for the barrier formed by the magic weaving, once a hole is broken in its shape, it is impossible to recover.

In the blink of an eye, the scarlet wall suddenly lost its color in the eyes of Zhu Si and Wentu, and turned back to the white wall.

Zhu Si and Wen Tu rubbed their eyes vigorously: "What's going on?"

Xu Zhinian retracted his hands, and with a gentle flick, the bathroom door opened.

(End of this chapter)

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