Just looking at the content on the screen, Xu Zhinian was so angry that he wanted to curse.

She didn't understand why this happened. He obviously meant well, but he did bad things. It is better not to change the lighting system. At this time, it is getting dark too early, and the electric lights are turned on at around five o'clock.

It's not completely dark now. Except for the faint light emitted by these giant computer screens, there is no other light source in the entire central control room.

Xu Zhinian paused, thinking that since she found the system that was running incorrectly, she just had to find a way to correct it.

Regardless of whether it is timed or something else, all it takes is that the lighting system can work normally, the lights can be turned on, and the entire white castle can be illuminated.

If it really doesn't work, don't do any timing or automated operation. In the visible way, just expose the switch that can control whether the light is bright or not. In this way, whether you want to turn on the lights or turn off the lights, you just need to press the switch and don't worry about anything else.

In short, how to change the system on that giant computer and how to change the loopholes in the lighting system are the top priorities now.

Xu Zhinian paused. Even if she had the memory of the original owner, once she really got started, there was nothing she could do!

When it comes to things you can do with magic, don't use technology. Technological matters require the use of the brain on the one hand, and the brain on the other hand. In short, it is really difficult for people like Xu Zhinian who know nothing about technology to do it.

She looked at the computer panel, thinking about what to do. She typed up the symbols letter by letter according to the original owner's memory, thinking that even if she couldn't succeed in the end, she couldn't make a mistake.

Over and over again, Xu Zhinian changed the loopholes in the lighting system word by word. Finally, after five minutes of modification, Xu Zhinian finally succeeded in modifying the lighting system.

I don’t know what the final effect of the changes will be. In short, after Xu Zhinian typed the last character, all the lights in the White Castle shelter were lit up.

For just a moment, all the lights in the White Castle shelter came on. The sudden light did not allow Xu Zhinian's pupils to change, and it felt a bit dazzling.

She covered her eyes with her hands and took a while to get used to the light. White electric lights illuminate the entire central control room. Because of this, Xu Zhinian could clearly see the environment of the entire central control room.

When he came here before, Xu Zhinian hadn't discovered that there was another passage behind the central control room. A little curious, she stood up from the chair in front of the computer screen and slowly approached the other passage behind the central control room.

Walking to the passage, Xu Zhinian saw the entire passage for the first time. It was very narrow at first, so Xu Zhinian didn't know whether it would become wider later.

Following his curiosity, Xu Zhinian walked along the passage inside. If it weren't for the sudden light on this time, Xu Zhinian would not have discovered this hidden passage.

After walking about ten steps along the passage, the passage did indeed become wider. After walking a few more steps inside, Xu Zhinian followed the passage and came to a space. This is a closed space, surrounded by transparent glass, and the deep soil can be seen through the surrounding glass.

Xu Zhinian looked at his surroundings and the passage he had just walked, and realized that he was walking underground along the passage.

No wonder I had been outside and walked through the corridor for a long time without seeing any confined space. It turns out that this confined space is not above ground, but underground.

Xu Zhinian moved forward along the surrounding glass walls. After taking two steps, she saw a computer located in the center of the confined space.

This computer is not very similar to the giant computers outside, but it looks like something else. If Xu Zhinian hadn't seen the word "computer" next to it, she wouldn't have been sure that the ethereal cloud-like object in front of her was actually a computer. In short, after seeing the word "computer", Xu Zhinian was sure that it was a computer.

After getting closer, Xu Zhinian saw the screen above. There is an eye-catching series of symbols on the screen, ending with four spaces. It seems to be some kind of password?

Xu Zhinian thought for a moment, and she looked at the blue magic surrounding the computer, which could be regarded as the source of life in the white castle.

Perhaps, if you find the password for this computer and enter it, you can gain some access to the White Castle Sanctuary.

But, what will be the password for this computer? While thinking, Xu Zhinian suddenly had certain impressions in his mind. On the way back to his room, Xu Zhinian had picked up that letter.

The letter mentioned an ultimate password, could it be that one?

Xu Zhinian thought for a moment. Although she was not sure whether the result was correct, she could not find any other passwords now.

Look at the line of small words next to the screen: There are a total of 3 opportunities to enter the password, and there are 3 left. Entering an incorrect password will be counted as one opportunity; entering a correct password will not be counted as an opportunity and the opportunity will be reset.

After seeing those words, Xu Zhinian felt even more relieved. Although I don’t know what will happen inside the White Castle shelter if all three passwords were entered incorrectly. But at least now, she was able to relax and type for the first time.

If the password is correct, then the computer opens and lets her learn something else. On the contrary, if the password is incorrect, at most one opportunity will be counted, leaving only two opportunities to enter the password.

She quickly thought about the pros and cons, and then opened the computer screen. Recalling the letter she had seen before, she then entered the password "[-]" written on the letter into the computer.

The screen flashed blue light, and after a brief two seconds, the computer extended outwards and became more high-tech.

The keyboard of the computer is made of laser, which is directly projected onto a flat place, that is, the desktop in front of Xu Zhinian; while the screen of the computer is projected in front using AR projection technology.

As for the rest, they were all displayed in front of Xu Zhinian in various high-tech ways. Even the clouds that Xu Zhinian thought were incredible at first turned directly into network clouds.

But these feelings about Xu Zhinian at this moment can only be expressed in a few words: It looks awesome!

She is an out-and-out tech nerd. When faced with such a high-tech computer, although she thinks it is powerful, it actually has no meaning and she doesn't know how to use it.

Not to mention that she would be like those computer fans who would shout and cheer when they saw this high-tech product and raise their hands to express their inner excitement.

Xu Zhinian's heart was completely calm.

Later, there were some disturbances in her heart. It's just that I don't know how to control this high-tech computer.

She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, smiled knowingly, and then stretched out her hand to try.

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