Time flies, and soon another twenty minutes have passed, and the pizza baked in the oven is finally ready.

Xu Zhinian saw that all the preparations were over and the dishes were ready. She stood up from the long stool she was sitting on, walked to the locker next to the refrigerator, picked up the jar of honey, and pushed the dining cart back out.

Wen Tu happened to want to push the dining cart, and when he turned around, he saw that Xu Zhinian had already pushed the dining cart out, and smiled at her: "Ah! I was just about to push the dining cart, but I didn't expect that Sister Xu just pushed the dining cart out. This saves me the time to push the food cart!"

Xu Zhinian smiled and turned to answer him: "Haha, I did it easily, and I wasn't tired, so I just pushed it out. Everyone, please put all the prepared meals on the dining car. We'd better go to the dining table in that restaurant. Let’s eat.”

Everyone nodded lightly, and Wen Tu in front of him nodded and smiled: "Okay, I will take the pizza out of the oven right away. It has been thirty minutes. The dough I kneaded is very thin. It must be ready by now. Wait for me Take out the pizza from the oven, let’s push the dining cart and go to the restaurant to eat!”

The other four people had no objections, including Eliade who was standing next to the refrigerator, and nodded in unison in response to Wentu's suggestion. After Wentu took the pizza out of the oven, he put on the pizza on the dining car with thick cotton gloves.

Now, everything in the kitchen is settled. Xu Zhinian glanced at a few people, put the jar of honey in the dining car, and walked ahead alone.

After walking a few steps forward, Xu Zhinian turned around and called Zhu Si, thinking of fighting Zhu Si first to avoid everyone agreeing in the end, but the failure was on Zhu Si's level.

Zhu Si heard Xu Zhinian's call, walked forward quickly, came to Xu Zhinian's side, and asked with hesitant eyes: "Sister Xu, are you looking for me? What's the matter?"

Xu Zhinian smiled slightly: "It's nothing, I just want to ask you, what does a refuge look like in your mind?"

When Zhu Si heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and then began to think about Xu Zhinian's question. To be honest, he himself had never thought about what a so-called refuge looked like. In his mind, shelter seems to be a common description of a certain place. Either a hospital was renovated, or it was somewhere else.

But in Zhu Si's memory, shelter is a unified name for people, and there seems to be no standard. Therefore, Xu Zhinian suddenly asked him what the refuge in his heart looked like. Zhu Si didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, he had never thought about this question. If he answered Xu Zhinian, he had to think about it carefully.

Along the way, Zhu Si did not answer Xu Zhinian's questions, and Xu Zhinian did not continue to ask. She didn't know if Zhu Si had thought of what the so-called "refuge" should look like, and she didn't know what Zhu Si wanted to tell her.

In fact, Xu Zhinian really wanted to talk to Zhu Si about the shelter. She even wanted Zhu Si to subconsciously think that the shelter should be like a white castle. But after Xu Zhinian thought about it for a while, he still didn't say that to Zhu Si.

Xu Zhinian paused, and while walking forward, he looked at Zhu Si. Looking at the beads of sweat on his head and face, he must be thinking about the question she just asked.

It doesn't matter how the question is answered, it's how you answer it that matters. Zhu Si thought for a long time, what did he think a shelter should look like? In Zhu Si’s memory, he believed that what the shelter looked like should not be important. The function carried by the shelter is the most important. No matter what the appearance is, it doesn't matter whether it's a hospital, a classroom, or anything else. The most important thing is that the shelter can prevent zombies from coming in, and the internal temperature must be maintained at a constant value and cannot be affected by the outside temperature. It cannot be that the temperature is high outside and it is [-] or [-] degrees Celsius indoors; nor is it the low temperature and cold wave outside and the temperature is minus [-] or [-] degrees Celsius indoors.

Zhu Si thought about it for a while, and before he and Xu Zhinian walked to the restaurant of the White Castle Shelter, he felt that he had almost thought about it, so he opened his mouth and said to Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu, I should have a rough idea. idea. However, because I have never thought about what a shelter should look like, so when I answer your question, I may not be able to answer your question very well. But this should be the shelter I have in mind. appearance."

After hearing Zhu Si's answer, Xu Zhinian nodded slightly and responded to him gently: "Well, just say whatever comes to your mind. After all, it's the shelter you have in mind, not what the rest of us have in mind. I think the things that everyone imagines in their minds are different. If they are all the same, how can there be any difference between people!"

When Zhu Si heard the words, he nodded silently and answered first: "Well, what Sister Xu said makes sense, then I will start talking about what I want the shelter to look like."

After that, he paused briefly and continued: "Sister Xu, after you asked, because I had never thought about it before, I also imagined what the shelter should look like. At first, I also I thought that what the shelter looked like was important. After all, the appearance of a building is indeed important. But later, I felt that the appearance of the shelter was not very important. What was more important was the internal structure and function of the shelter. The role it has.”

Xu Zhinian nodded: "Well, for example?"

Zhu Si continued: "For example, a shelter, I think, first needs to be able to accommodate people, a place for people to live, and a place for people to eat, such as a kitchen and a restaurant; then, a shelter must be able to resist foreign enemies. . Today’s foreign enemies, in today’s environment, should refer to the group of zombies after the doomsday. The shelter must be able to resist the zombie invasion. Whether it has heavy weapons or a hidden appearance, in short We need to be able to prevent zombies from entering the shelter and hurting people.”

Xu Zhinian nodded: "It makes sense, is there anything else?"

Zhu Si smiled: "Yes. Because in this doomsday, in addition to the zombie crisis, there are also the previous high temperature invasion and the current low temperature and cold wave. No matter what it is, it is extreme weather. Therefore, in this shelter, It needs to have a constant and comfortable temperature, and it also needs to be able to adjust the internal humidity and all weather-related content. You can’t just lift the roof of this shelter just because there’s a typhoon blowing outside!”

Xu Zhinian nodded at him: "That's right, this is how a shelter should be."

She paused and said nothing more to Zhu Si. At least after hearing the appearance of the refuge in his mind, Xu Zhinian now roughly knew that this white castle was not much different from the refuge in his mind.

In short, with a little polishing later, Zhu Si should admit that this white castle can also be regarded as a refuge.

Xu Zhinian breathed a sigh of relief and looked up slightly. She and Zhu Si had already walked to the restaurant. The four Wentu people pushing the dining cart behind them have already fallen down several positions.

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