Everyone remained silent.

After Wentu expressed his support for Balu's statement, the four people sitting at the table in the restaurant all maintained their silence. In their subconscious, when they encounter difficult problems and encounter situations where they don't know what to say, maintaining their silence is the most necessary solution.

After Wen Tu said that, he glanced left and right at the other three people, but he remained silent and didn't say a word. However, he was different from the other three in keeping silent. Others don't want things to get in their way, but Wentu keeps quiet in order to carefully observe the expressions and demeanor of others, see their status, and make plans for what to do next.

In the end, it was the impatient Sidney who was the first to break the silence between the four of them. Sidney stood up from his seat and said immediately: "Which one of us should wash the dishes? Whoever is there should do it. As for me, I have to go back to the room to rest. I watched, There will be no results if the few of us sit down. So, let’s go our separate ways and do what we want to do.”

After listening to Sidney's remarks, several other people could not sit still. Eliade, who had been at odds with Sidney for a long time, once again responded to Sidney's suggestion, but this time he was not arguing with him: "Yes, just do whatever you have to do! The four of us are at this dining table. Sitting in front of me for eternity will not solve the problem. I am really sleepy, so I can go back to the room. Whoever is supposed to wash the dishes should go and prepare it himself! "

Balu and the other Wentu looked at each other, nodded, and said in unison almost at the same time: "Well, just do whatever you have to do! Let's break up, let's break up!"

So, the other three people left, leaving the person who was supposed to wash the dishes in the restaurant. He put the leftover plates and bowls back on the dining cart, and then pushed the dining cart back to the kitchen to wash the dishes. .

As for the other three people who didn't have to wash the dishes, they had already "run away" and walked quickly along the corridor. No one said where they were going, but the final destination was very much the same. The three of them walked along the corridor until they reached their respective rooms, opened the door and walked in.

Approaching the door, the three of them glanced at each other hastily, and then after showing their courtesy, they pushed the door open and entered the room, and then closed the door tightly. In their rooms, some people turned off the lights and fell asleep directly on the bed; others turned on the lights and looked through the bedside table next to the bed, looking for any hidden clues.


On the other side, Xu Zhinian was walking in front, and Zhu Si behind her was following her closely. He was even afraid of being left behind if he couldn't keep up with Xu Zhinian, so he trotted all the way. Now that I have walked a little further, I am already exhausted and out of breath.

After a while, Xu Zhinian led Zhu Si to the central control room of White Castle. In front of the door of the central control room, she suddenly stopped. Because of one thing, she was still in the process of some kind of self-contradiction. Xu Zhinian didn't know if he was doing the right thing by bringing Zhu Si here.

Because just now, before passing the fork in the corridor, Xu Zhinian originally wanted to take Zhu Si to the flower garden separated by a window in her room to talk about things. But later, Xu Zhinian felt that some things should be laid out, Tan Ping said, at least to give Zhu Si an unhidden feeling so that he could believe what she said next.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian had to stand in front of the central control room and think about the problem carefully. She was struggling with another thought in her mind, about whether to take Zhu Si behind her into the central control room, and whether to take Zhu Si to the passage she just discovered?

After thinking briefly, Xu Zhinian made a decision and took Zhu Si behind him into the central control room. As for that passage, before she left, she had blocked the entrance of the passage with other objects. If Zhu Si behind her could find that passage after walking in, then she would tell him all the causes and consequences; Zhu Si did not discover the passage, and Xu Zhinian could not take the initiative to take him in.

When the time comes, sum up what you need to say, and it’s not just a matter of making up excuses. It’s just a matter of picking and choosing, and making it clear to him what’s most important and what cannot be changed. After Xu Zhinian thought about it, he felt suddenly enlightened. Zhu Si, who was behind him, suddenly stopped because of Xu Zhinian, and he seemed at a loss at first. Because he didn't know why Xu Zhinian stopped, he stood in place and walked in a circle while thinking about possible problems and mistakes.

Xu Zhinian smiled at him first, and then said: "We are here, come in. This is the central control room of White Castle. The entire White Castle, various automated operating programs, and some other functions are all affected by this Management of the central control room. Let’s go in. It’s absolutely quiet inside and no one will come.”

When Zhu Si heard the words, he nodded slightly and smiled slightly at Xu Zhinian: "Well, Sister Xu, it's up to you to decide. I mainly follow you wherever you go. If you don't say I can't, I will take it as acquiescence that I can follow. "

Xu Zhinian just smiled softly again, putting that gentle smile on his cheeks. Then, she pushed open the door of the central control room in front of her, and walked in with Zhu Si behind her.

Zhu Si followed closely behind. After Xu Zhinian let go of the hand pushing the door, he did not reach forward. He squeezed in through the open gap before the door of the central control room was closed tightly.

In this regard, Xu Zhinian glanced at him twice, and then joked helplessly: "You don't have to be so lazy. You can reach out and push the door without getting tired. Don't worry, just walk forward without caring about anything. , got caught by a door? You can get caught by a door anywhere, but don’t let your brain get caught by a door, it will make you stupid.”

When Zhu Si heard this, he laughed awkwardly. This time with a smile on his face, he turned around and gently pushed the door behind him with his hand to make sure it was closed tightly.

Xu Zhinian glanced at him lightly, smiled softly, and then said softly: "I was joking just now, don't take it seriously. I don't believe that there are people in this world who are so stupid that their heads are caught by the door."

Hearing this, Zhu Si also responded with a smile: "Haha, yes, yes, it shouldn't be pinched on the head. Before being pinched, there will always be a subconscious action, reaching out to block it, or something. I feel , and really no one would be so stupid as to have their head caught in the door!"

Xu Zhinian smiled slightly and did not continue the topic. She pointed to the chair next to her and motioned for Zhu Si to sit down as well.

After Zhu Si sat down, Xu Zhinian found a clean chair and sat on it.

The two faced each other and had a feeling of "honesty". Xu Zhinian smiled, and then it was time to talk about the main topic.

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