In fact, while saying this, Xu Zhinian also felt that it was difficult for him to understand. Obviously in her heart, she always felt that such a reason was not credible, but she still said it without changing her face. As if everything in the past was in vain, Xu Zhinian looked at Zhu Si, saw his expression of disbelief and hesitation and wanted to believe, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly again.

The matter is indeed not that unsolvable. Even if it is really a problem with the internal structure of the White Castle, Xu Zhinian can completely solve it as long as he finds out where the problem is. Perhaps for others, if you want to solve this kind of internal structure problem, you have to renovate it. If you are unlucky and the internal structural problems are serious, it is possible to dismantle and rebuild again.

At that time, it may take a lot of time to solve such an internal structure problem. Xu Zhinian and the others only have three or four days left to complete the mission of Kaitan Paradise. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to complete such a big operation as transforming the internal structure. But Xu Zhinian is not an ordinary person. As long as she finds out the internal structural problems of the White Castle and knows how to change it, she can easily wave her hand and use magic to complete the so-called transformation in an instant.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian, who has such ability, is not worried about not being able to complete it. Even if the transformation method is impossible, there is no need to worry in the face of her magic. If she wanted to, she could solve anything. Just look, where is the solution to the problem? She thought of this, and then looked at Zhu Si quietly, wanting to hear Zhu Si's reply. However, Xu Zhinian waited for a long time, only to see Zhu Si's eyes wandering, sometimes glancing at the letter in front of him, and sometimes glancing at the computer slightly downwards in front of him.

Zhu Si didn't answer, so Xu Zhinian couldn't continue to say the following words. After all, Xu Zhinian does not have the ability to read other people's hearts. She cannot directly see what people are thinking by looking into their eyes. Zhu Si didn't speak, and Xu Zhinian didn't know what to say. So the two of them stood in the underground environment of the glass curtain wall, looking at each other. It was as if time had frozen and nothing had happened. The two stood quietly, waiting, accompanied by silence.

Xu Zhinian was increasingly able to understand the mood of the other four passers-by, and why they were always silent. It's not because I want to remain silent, but because I really don't know how to say it, so I have to remain silent. She looked at Zhu Si in front of her, but she didn't say what she wanted to say. Because she really doesn’t know what to say, should she continue to express her own thoughts? But what about after that? Zhu Si has not responded, which means that Zhu Si has not thought clearly, so what can she say?


In fact, Zhu Si appeared very silent at this moment, but he was actually not unresponsive and remained silent. In the silent state at this moment, Zhu Si was also thinking about what Xu Zhinian said. He felt that the White Castle was not useless as a refuge, but the letter mentioned "internal structural problems." With such a large framework, Zhu Si didn't know what the so-called internal structural problems were.

If you want to fully understand what the internal structure problem refers to, Zhu Si thought about it, it will definitely take a lot of time. He didn't know if Xu Zhinian had a so-called time limit, so he didn't know if Xu Zhinian would be too anxious if this scene took too much time. Even if there is no rush, Zhu Si thought, things will not be solved easily. Internal structure problems, even if the specific location of the vulnerability is found, it will not be easy for Zhu Si to solve the so-called vulnerability.

The internal structure affects the whole body. The entire structure of White Castle may have to be redone. Zhu Si didn't know how to transform it. In the end, if we put a lot of effort into rectifying the problem with the internal structure of White Castle and succeeded, can the loophole be solved? What if new vulnerabilities arise after modifying the internal structure?

Zhu Si thought about it for a long time, but finally gave up. He turned towards Xu Zhinian, nodded slightly, and then said: "I understand. Sister Xu, what you said makes sense, but I still say that, the problem of internal structure is a big framework in itself. Just Like sets in mathematical concepts, the set of integers looks very small, but integers have no range and no concept of increase or decrease. So, do we really have a way to solve this internal structure problem?"

Xu Zhinian was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that what Zhu Si had been silent for so long just now was that what he was thinking about at the end was that the internal structure was in a very wide range of concepts, and it was difficult to find out at once. But, what does it matter? When she checked the letter before, she only paid attention to the words on it. But magic and magic are not just words that can be seen at the moment. Of course, only Xu Zhinian knew this, but Zhu Si had no idea at all.

She faced Zhu Si and was about to say something, but she stopped it when she reached her lips. She did not say that sentence directly, but changed it in another way: "Then if I can let you see the environment of the person who wrote this letter, their memories, and some things at that time, Then do you still think it is difficult to find the internal structure problems because the framework is too large? If you saw what happened to them at that time and experienced everything personally, do you still find it difficult? "

Zhu Si was stunned. He had never thought that Xu Zhinian had such ability. But then he thought about it, and it was true that at that time, he saw Xu Zhinian fighting against an entire zombie group by himself. Without even much effort, the group of zombies disappeared after white lights flashed one after another. Not even a moment of time was wasted. In just the blink of an eye, Zhu Si saw the group of zombies that he had smeared with zombie blood to prevent him from harming himself, disappearing.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian told Zhu Si at this moment that she could make Zhu Si and herself go back to the time when she wrote this letter, and show everything that happened at that time again as if she had personally experienced it. Zhu Si didn't think Xu Zhinian was talking big words. On the contrary, Zhu Si also felt that Xu Zhinian could achieve that level. But Zhu Si didn't dare to think about the final result.

Even if he really participated in the historical scene at that time, after so many years, Zhu Si didn't know how to keep it true. Even if it can be guaranteed that what they are experiencing now is true, can he and Xu Zhinian experience the loopholes and problems that people could not solve at that time and come to a conclusion? Zhu Si didn't want to be like this all the time, always looking pessimistic towards everything. However, Zhu Si didn't know why, he just couldn't control his heart.

The more he doesn't think about it, the more things will develop in this direction.

After thinking about it, although Zhu Si didn't want to admit it, he seemed to have no choice at the moment. Because when he raised his head and moved forward, he saw Xu Zhinian using magic.

So, he could only nod: "Okay, then, what should we do?"

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