Chapter 235 Doomsday Crisis (181)

Xu Zhinian nodded slightly, and then replied to Zhu Si: "Yes, obviously our memory of the history of this letter is just a phantom, an illusory shadow, and has no entity, so why should we care about the door? What about? You just need to forget about the door in front of you and just walk in. Anyway, this door can't stop you, and it can't stop me. Or, do you want to change history now? Let the people inside Feel what's going on? But they can't see who it is?"

Zhu Si shook his head hurriedly and replied to Xu Zhinian: "No, no, no, I don't want to do that. The point is, we want to influence the outcome of history. What's the point of just opening and closing doors? I don't understand, so, It's better to just walk in quietly. Don't let the two people inside think that someone is listening, and then stop talking. In that case, the gain is really not worth the loss. "

Xu Zhinian paused and said nothing more. Anyway, she felt that since Zhu Si knew the result, he would be able to make what he thought was the right choice. There seems to be nothing more to say about the choice at this moment. She looked back slightly, and it seemed that someone was coming next to her. Just when she and Zhu Si decided to enter the central control room, someone really came next to them.

Xu Zhinian was discussing with Zhu Si how to get in, when two people walked over. Zhu Si couldn't see the expressions of those two people. However, Xu Zhinian could see the expressions on the faces of the two people. Looking carefully at the past, the expressions on the faces of the two people were very anxious. It seemed that he was feeling anxious about something and even started running.

But in this scene, Zhu Si could not see anything. Zhu Si could only see two people walking in the distance, no, no, two people running towards him. The faces of the two people were pitch black, as if they had no faces, and they could not see anything. Zhu Si couldn't even see the appearance of his cheeks, so how could he mention the expressions and affection of those two people? Simply, it's not important. Zhu Si could judge from the movements of the two people running quickly that the matter was very urgent. Knowing that the matter was urgent, one could naturally infer that the expressions on the faces of the two people must be very anxious.

Therefore, Zhu Si did not open his mouth to ask Xu Zhinian. He even subconsciously predicted that Xu Zhinian could see the expressions on the faces of the two people. So Zhu Si felt that it was meaningless to ask at this moment. Since it is a meaningless thing, there is no need to ask. In the end, it was just Zhu Si and Xu Zhinian standing at the door, returning to the original theme.

Zhu Si just wanted to stretch out his arm and pass through the door that blocked the entrance to the central control room. As a result, before his fingers even touched the door, the two people who were running over just pushed the door open with a swipe. Therefore, Zhu Si and Xu Zhinian could walk directly into the central control room without even going through the door.

Taking advantage of the gap between them opening the door and not closing it, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si looked at each other and walked into the central control room with a swish. After the two of them entered the central control room, the two people who had just ran into the central control room turned around and closed the door. When Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si saw this scene, they both looked at each other and smiled.

Later, when Xu Zhinian thought about it, he felt speechless at this scene. It was obvious that she and Zhu Si were just shadows in this world of historical memories. Even if the door is closed, you can go right through without pushing it open. Why did you rush in while the door was open? What is the use of wasting such strength? Xu Zhinian thought about it and couldn't think of any reason to justify his nonsense.

In other words, the action just now was extremely meaningless.

Xu Zhinian paused, then made a silencing gesture toward Zhu Si, reminding Zhu Si to keep his voice down. Although the two of them are invisible shadows to the four people around them. But their voices will be recalled in the form of low-frequency sound waves around the four of them. In other words, when the two of them were having a conversation, although the four people around them couldn't hear what they were saying, they could always hear a strange low-frequency sound. If they become suspicious because of this, Xu Zhinian only feels that the gain outweighs the loss. Therefore, in order to ensure that the four people around them continued to act according to their original trajectory, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si only looked at each other and reached an agreement - not to speak, to remain absolutely quiet, and then let the four people around them Continue their original actions.

The four people beside him originally heard a little commotion. But soon, the sound faded away. So no one said they heard strange noises, it was as if there had never been any strange noises nearby. The two people sitting on the chairs saw the two people running in. One of them asked the two running over: "What happened? Why did you two run over together?"

One of them pointed outside, breathing heavily, as if he had run too fast just now. After breathing for a long time, the man could speak: "Outside...outside...Zhan Hong said that she was responsible for her own mistakes. She was responsible for the wrong calculation of the data. Then she ran to the door while the guard at the door was not paying attention. She's gone out! Before she left, she said that her data was wrong and she would definitely correct it."

The two people sitting on the chairs were stunned, and then asked with confusion on their faces: "What? You said, Zhan Hong went out here alone? What did you say about modifying the data? Is she crazy? What's wrong with this data? What is affected is the internal structure of the White Castle, and all the structures are affected by this. How can she solve it if she goes out? Does she want to use her own power to tear down the White Castle and rebuild it? "

Another person also echoed: "That's right, how to solve the internal structure problem? Regarding the data problem, do we need to artificially change that data to be correct? But even if it is changed, there is a problem with the data itself. The original Can the algorithm continue to be applied? Zhan Hong, this guy, doesn't care about the consequences at all. And the gatekeeper, how can he be so negligent? He doesn't even know that Zhan Hong has gone out. If the zombies attack outside, will he not know at all? ?”

The other two people were almost speechless, because they were not Zhan Hong, so how could they know what Zhan Hong was thinking at this moment? The two people sitting on the chairs were helpless for a moment. They looked at the two people standing and said in unison again: "Why are you still standing there? Go after it! Send someone to chase the steamed red for me! Now there are zombies outside. Watching like a tiger, our internal structure is wrong again, why is she causing trouble in her free time?"

"Why are you still standing there?! Hurry up and send someone to chase you!"

"In addition to the gatekeeper team and the monitoring team, everyone else should go out and chase them!"


(End of this chapter)

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