Chapter 237 Doomsday Crisis (183)

Listening to Xu Zhinian's question, Zhu Si slowly turned his head away. He also looked at the passage he had just walked through. Even at this moment in the central control room, the two people sitting on the chairs did not block the passage with anything at all. The passage is very obvious to the left after entering the door of the central control room. But Zhu Si and Xu Zhinian walked in blankly without noticing. Perhaps their attention was too focused, on the conversations and actions of two or four people, and then on the computer screen and the wrong digital code on it.

As a result, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si ignored a particularly obvious passage. Although he didn't know whether the computer host that controlled the entire White Castle was in the glass curtain wall at the end of the passage at this time, Xu Zhinian thought about it for a while and then thought of it, he always had to go down and take a look. Regardless of whether he had a computer host or not, and whether the entire channel was open, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si smiled at each other, glanced at each other, and after showing a smile, they quickly reached a decision without words.

The two of them unanimously decided to go to that passage and walk in to see if it had been built and whether the computer host was inside. If the computer is surrounded by a few glass walls in the passage, then they can see a simpler content display, and they don't have to figure it out and look at a bunch of meaningless code. If the computer is not in the passage, it means that the computer host was built later. Xu Zhinian has to find a way to determine when it was built.

After much deliberation, Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si decided to go to that passage immediately. Walking on tiptoe is actually completely unnecessary. Because for the other two people sitting on the chairs, they could not hear the footsteps of Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si at all. They also couldn't see Xu Zhinian and Zhu Si, unless they had been standing in the ears of those two people talking, making such low voices, causing them to take some extraordinary measures. As for what method to use, Xu Zhinian hasn't decided yet.

The two of them walked to the passage and found it unbelievable when they saw that there was no interception at the entrance. Is it really not well constructed inside? So, no one in this white castle is worried, it is not blocked, and no one is allowed to enter? Maybe they think that there is nothing after entering anyway, so there is no need to block the entrance with objects? Xu Zhinian walked forward, but then he thought something was wrong. Absolutely not right! If that were the case, some people wouldn't even be able to enter the central control room.

Just as she was lost in thought, a security door appeared in front of her, and she no longer had to think about it. It's not that they don't block the so-called passage, but it's really that blocking is not necessary. Even if someone comes in, without an access card or password, they will never be able to open the security door in front of them. Xu Zhinian used magic to measure it and found that the door was half a meter thick. If he wanted to force it open, he would probably have to use rockets and other weapons in the memory of the original owner to attack, and it would also have to explode. Otherwise, no one can easily open this door.

If it were the real world, I'm afraid Xu Zhinian would have to use magic to bring Zhu Si in. Unless it's teleportation magic, or using hole magic to make a teleportation hole in the door. Otherwise, Xu Zhinian would have to use magic to create a sound, and the two people sitting on the chairs outside would be surprised and run in. That would be a bit of a warning. Fortunately, now, she and Zhu Si are both phantoms and phantoms. No entity could stop her and Zhu Si from moving forward, so the security door in front of them was no problem.

Zhu Si also thought of this and smiled softly at Xu Zhinian. He said: "Sister Xu, I didn't expect there to be a door here! However, since we don't have the physical object now, we don't have to worry about how thick the security door in front of us is. We don't need to open the door, we can just get through it. . However, even if we want to open it, we can’t touch the object at the moment, so we probably won’t be able to open the door, right?”

Hearing what Zhu Si said, Xu Zhinian was really not happy to hear it. Will she be able to open that door? There is really a lot to think about! Xu Zhinian snorted softly, took two steps forward, and approached the door. This time, she could see the password input area and the access card swiping area next to the security door. However, Xu Zhinian did not have an access card. That password, she thought about it, might be the so-called ultimate password.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhinian used magic to temporarily materialize his right index finger, stretched it forward and pointed towards the password area. Soon, "1643", the "ultimate password" recorded on the letter, was entered into the password area by Xu Zhinian. After entering the password, the indicator light above the security door began to flash, from red to green, and soon the security door opened. Zhu Si behind him looked at Xu Zhinian in front of him, with a look of disbelief on his face. He really didn't expect this to happen!

Zhu Si asked Xu Zhinian: "Sister Xu? Here, you opened this door? No, how do you know the password? No, the password is not a password. Aren't you, me, we in a state of phantoms or phantoms? Here, we You can't access the access control at all? Sister Xu, how on earth did you do it, open this security door? It's amazing, it's amazing! You, you are really amazing."

When Xu Zhinian heard the words, he smiled softly and just waved his hand to blur the matter over. She didn't want to answer Zhu Si any more, because she felt it was completely unnecessary. As for the rest, Xu Zhinian was too lazy to think about it at the moment. The door in front of you is already open anyway. It doesn’t matter how he opens it and what he does? What's the point of caring what he does after opening it? Xu Zhinian smiled again, and then called Zhu Si behind him to follow. The two of them must move forward quickly now.

After all, Xu Zhinian had no idea whether there would be any prompts outside the central control room, that is, outside this passage after the security door was opened. If so, wouldn't those two people come in immediately? As a result, nothing could be seen, and I'm afraid the white castle would be in chaos. Although this is just a historical memory, the two of them cannot affect the outcome of history that has already happened. But Xu Zhixiang thought, is it not a good idea to just alert the snake at this moment?

Therefore, after the two of them walked in, Xu Zhinian quickly used magic to restore the security door to its original shape and close it. In short, she didn't know if the security door would be alerted when it was opened or closed. But at least when the two people outside walked in, they saw that the security door was intact and the door was tightly closed, so they might not go in. Possibly, this could be attributed to erroneous alerts caused by data errors.

ideal state.

This is the ideal state in Xu Zhinian's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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