After Xu Zhinian glanced at Zhu Si next to him, Zhu Si immediately understood. In addition, Xu Zhinian said "go back" to the side, and Zhu Si understood even more. He immediately followed Xu Zhinian's instructions, turned his head behind him, and then quickly stepped back. After taking about five or six steps back, Zhu Si was already leaning against the wall of the central control room. Even if Zhu Si wanted to retreat, there was already a wall behind him and there was no way to retreat. Unless, he walked out of the central control room.

Before Xu Zhinian jumped into the air, he turned his head and glanced at Zhu Si behind him. Seeing that he had retreated to the wall beside the central control room, Xu Zhinian looked at him and nodded lightly. Zhu Si, who was standing aside, nodded slightly, signaling to Xu Zhinian that he understood. Immediately, Xu Zhinian glanced at the two people sitting on the chairs, then lightly bounced his steps, jumped into the air, and hung in the sky above the central control room of the white castle.

After jumping into the air, Xu Zhinian hung in the air between the two people sitting on the chair. She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, then shook her hands quickly, and after shaking evenly, she used a magic. Then, Xu Zhinian quickly put his two hands on the heads of the two people sitting on the chairs. The two people didn't see anything, but suddenly they felt their scalps tighten and their eyes widened. At this moment, Xu Zhinian is an external shadow to the memories of history, and cannot affect anything or anyone within the memories of history. However, Xu Zhinian is not an ordinary person.

The magic ability possessed by Xu Zhinian can double the magic power in an instant. The magic started from her hands and burst out. Xu Zhinian's hands were currently connected to the heads of the two people sitting on the chairs, and then he quickly retrieved the memories of the two people sitting on the chairs. This historical memory, what is developing and what will develop later, is probably only half a day before and after the letter was written. But with Xu Zhinian's current magic, what she could read was not just the half-day content written in the letter.

Xu Zhinian's magic should not be used unless it is an emergency. This magic should actually be considered taboo. After all, choosing to use this kind of magic to explore memories in memories that are not actual history can easily lead to confusion in time and space. Once you don't control the magic power well, you will fall into a deep vortex of memories if you explore the memories in the memories of history. The so-called memory vortex refers to the confusion of memories and memories in several time and space. Things that should have happened in era A unexpectedly happened in era B, causing time and space confusion and the formation of a memory vortex.

Therefore, Xu Zhinian was highly focused at this moment. She didn't want the danger of the memory vortex to eventually form, and she had to prevent this possibility from happening at the source. How to stop the source depends on the ability of the person controlling the magic power. Xu Zhinian smiled softly, raised the corners of his mouth gently, and then continued to send magic power out continuously with both hands. Those rays of magic followed her fingers, passed through the magic circle she manipulated, and continuously entered the heads of the two people sitting on the chair.


As the magic power continued to be transferred, the memories of the two people sitting on the chairs were also input into Xu Zhinian's mind. Xu Zhinian did not jump down from the air, but was still hanging in the air. Her hands must continue to rely on the heads of the two people so that she can continue to use her magic. In other words, before her magic is completely ended, if she breaks it off due to certain possibilities, then the input and return of magic will cause the final threat - the vortex of memories.

Xu Zhinian couldn't let that situation happen, so once he started, he had to make it to the end. She was hanging in mid-air, reliving the memories of those two people in her mind while searching for relevant content about the internal structural errors of the White Castle in their memories. Unfortunately, there are no very important memories. Maybe it's because these two people are not at a high level and they really don't understand the internal structure of the White Castle? Or something else, Xu Zhinian nodded slightly, but it was not all without gain. At least, after exploring the memories of these two people, Xu Zhinian understood something about the past.

Regarding Steamed Red, and how the erroneous data appeared. Xu Zhinian was hanging in mid-air. When his mind went through this memory, he couldn't help but feel shocked. She really hadn't thought about it. On the surface, everyone was saying that the data, including the one written in the letter, was caused by steaming red. But in fact, it was the man sitting on Xu Zhinian's right hand, Zhan Hong's master, who caused the whole thing to happen. Without his incident, Zhanhong would not have programmed wrong data, the positions of ones and zeros would not have been swapped, the data would not have been wrong, and the internal structure of the White Castle would not have gone wrong.

It was a rainy night three months ago. After seeing the location through that person's memory, Xu Zhinian found it very strange. It wasn't any place in the white castle, nor was it any place she had passed since she came to the Doomsday Crisis copy of the Monster Paradise and from the abandoned school. Because he had never seen it before, Xu Zhinian found it strange. A strange place, but with a very familiar person.

Through his memory, Xu Zhinian seemed to be present at the scene at that time. Her figure walked forward and came directly in front of his sight. It was a table, a wooden table painted with silver-white paint. There is a computer on the table, and next to it is a white notebook with dense data written on it. Xu Zhinian got closer and took a closer look. It didn't matter if he didn't look at it. After taking a look, he didn't recognize him at all. The data on it was human-like. Xu Zhinian could understand it when taking it apart, but she couldn't understand the data put together.

Xu Zhinian, who is good at magic, really doesn't understand scientific matters. She turned her head, and at this moment, she could see the rain falling heavily outside the window, and the rain was beating on the window nearby. Curtains of water had formed on the glass, and it was dark outside. She could not easily see outside the window through the window. She could only see the rain pouring down like a water curtain hole.

At this moment, Xu Zhinian turned around, and an iron security door opened from the outside where she was looking. Two people walked in from the door. One was the person Xu Zhinian had seen sitting on the chair next to his right hand; and the other, Xu Zhinian guessed, should be his apprentice, who lived in the words of the letter and other "Steamed red" in people's words.

Sure enough, this memory cannot escape him, nor can it escape "Steamed Red", Xu Zhinian murmured.

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