Chapter 244 Doomsday Crisis (190)

It was this scene that Xu Zhinian saw clearly. Fortunately, she has magic and can peek into people's memories. Even though she is in the memory of history at this moment, she can still rely on her powerful magic power to pry into the memories of people in the memory of history. If not, Xu Zhinian had no idea that what happened at that time would actually happen like this. Zhan Hong had actually discovered the problem. She was worried that her casual guessing of data would lead to future errors, and she specifically asked her master what to do.

Xu Zhinian saw with her own eyes that Zhan Hong asked her master, who was sitting next to him and holding the laptop computer, "Do you want to find other summaries and check again?" But she received a very cold reply from her master, and even made some sarcastic remarks about it. Zhan Hong was helpless. In the tasks of this organization, her master was above her, and she had no authority to bypass her master to handle certain matters. What's more, she has no authority at all regarding data. Everything had to be arranged by her master. She nodded helplessly and made a random comment based on her guess that it was a lowercase d.

After Zhan Hong thought for a long time and told her master beside her that it was a lowercase d, although Xu Zhinian couldn't understand the data-related matters, she also knew that it must not be a lowercase d but a lowercase a. Xu Zhinian had nothing to say about this. Even if it is expressed, it is only the memory of the person on the right, and nothing can be rewritten. It would be great if this was real history. Although Xu Zhinian didn't understand data and codes, she could manipulate the thoughts of Zhanhong or her master to make them correct the wrong data.

Unfortunately, memories are things that have already happened and cannot be changed. Xu Zhinian sighed, then continued to sit on the chair, watching the actions of the two people in front of him. Zhan Hong kept lowering her head, looking at the data book in her hand carefully, and then described it word by word to her master beside her, telling him. Then Master Zhanhong, who was sitting next to her, followed what Zhanhong said, converting letters or other contents into binary codes and speaking them out. Zhanhong on the other side listened carefully to the response, using multiple guarantees to determine whether the binary numbers were correct.

Xu Zhinian sat on a chair a little further away. At this moment, she couldn't hear clearly the conversation between Zhan Hong and her master. However, Xu Zhinian didn't really care. She couldn't understand the data they were talking about, so she just stopped thinking about it. What's the point of thinking about it for so long? Xu Zhinian thought for a while. Now she knew the reason for the error in the data, so she didn't want to think too much about it. The only remaining part of this data error is which part of the internal structure of the White Castle will be affected, and how to modify it to eliminate the structural error.

However, Xu Zhinian also knew very well that these problems might not be visible in this memory. After all, Zhan Hong and her master didn't know that the data was really wrong. Even if the steamed red is clear, the data may actually be wrong. The lowercase letter a is still a lowercase letter. In fact, she is not very clear. But in the end, Zhan Hong still forgot about this matter. She and her master quickly entered all the data that should be entered today into the laptop computer.

After the man entered all the data into the computer, he immediately closed the laptop screen. He is not a procrastinator, and he is too lazy to waste more time on work. After closing the laptop computer screen, he stood up and put the laptop back on the wooden table painted with silver paint. He immediately turned his head and greeted steaming red behind him: "You should also clean up, put that Put the data notebook back on the table. It's raining heavily today. I'll see if there are any free beds in the research institute. So don't go back and stay here."

Zhan Hong nodded lightly: "Well, I will organize this data book right away. I will first draw a red line on today's date on it, so that when we enter the data again tomorrow, we will not be able to find where it ends. Although there are Repeating text data will not have any impact on the overall structure. The computer system will automatically erase the repeated parts of the data, or merge them together, but that is also a waste of time. Master, go and see if there is any Leave the bed empty, I'll finish this data book right away."

"Okay, then hurry up and put it on the table." Zhan Hong's master glanced at her, then turned and walked towards the inside of the room. Xu Zhinian quickly followed, and then found that after walking a few steps, he came to the built-in stairwell. He had already taken steps to climb up, and then turned back and said: "I'll go upstairs first to see if there are any free beds. In the past few days, The amount of data is huge, and many researchers stay up late to stay here. I'll go up there and see if there are any empty beds, and I'll sign it for you when I get back."

Zhan Hong said "Hmm" behind him. When Xu Zhinian looked over, she had already stood up, took the data book with a red line drawn on it, and placed it on the wooden table painted with silver paint. Afterwards, Zhan Hong turned the data book to the page her master wanted to sign, turned around and left. This data notebook is placed on the table, which is considered a safe range. Although every researcher can touch the table, there is monitoring equipment directly above the table, and whoever takes it is numbered, so it is meaningless.

Therefore, Zhanhong could put the data notebook on the table with confidence and leave. Her master went upstairs to show her an empty bed. As the protagonist who needed an empty bed, Zhan Hong naturally had to go upstairs and take a look. As these two people went upstairs, Xu Zhinian, as an outsider who came to Zhenghong's master's memory, naturally had no trouble. After the two people reached the second floor, he flashed to the second floor. This is the so-called memory confinement. Once it enters the memory of the person being searched, it can naturally only act in places passed by in the memory of the person searching. Once exceeded, the memory imprisonment will be triggered and the memory point will be returned.

Xu Zhinian sighed helplessly. She originally wanted to go over and look through the data book. At this moment, it seemed impossible. Anyway, Xu Zhinian couldn't understand the data at first, so it was in vain. I just wanted to use my memory to remember all the data. At this moment, she couldn't leave the memory of Zhan Hong and her master, so forget it if she couldn't. Besides, Xu Zhinian didn't think that book was complete data. Because this was that person's memory, Xu Zhinian did not believe that his memory was so good that he could write down all the data he had seen once.

Following Zhan Hong and walking forward, Xu Zhinian skipped a few rooms and met some unknown people. The word "unknown" here should be described as a person without a face. This is the drawback of Xu Zhinian's magic power. Although she can also rely on some magic power summary to restore the appearance of the person in the memory. But not everyone's appearance can be restored, because the person being investigated may not remember everyone's appearance deeply. This has resulted in some people still existing in a faceless manner.

(End of this chapter)

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