Xu Zhinian stood beside Zhan Hong and her master and sneered awkwardly. Although they couldn't see the sneer at all, Xu Zhinian always had to continue to express the reaction he should express. It doesn't matter whether others can see it or not, it can't be just because others can't see it. It doesn't matter if you cry or laugh, right? She thought to herself, that man was really good at drawing cakes. If he had any dissatisfaction to express, he asked the leader of the second group to come to him? No one is a fool. If you know that the other person has a higher rank than you, why should you go over and question him shamelessly?

When Xu Zhinian saw this scene, he felt ridiculous in his heart. Unless the person on her right was stupid, or the second group leader who existed in the conversation was a fool, otherwise the questioning step would not have occurred. But why did Zhan Hong's master talk like this? The reason is also very simple. Xu Zhinian's eyes turned left and right, looking up and down at her master and herself, and clicked her tongue helplessly. He told Jiang Hong about this reason as if he were drawing a pie, and he knew that even if the leader of the second group came back, he would not dare to quarrel with him, but he would not dare to talk nonsense like this.

In the end, Zhan Hong would feel that she owed her master a favor, and the leader of the second group knew that he had arranged the matter, so he did not dare to argue with her master. Her master took care of all the good things and good things, and she had to take care of the rest. There was nothing wrong with her. She could just handle everything at hand and go home under an umbrella. Although it was raining heavily outside, compared to what it was like now, Xu Zhinian imagined that if he were steaming red, he would definitely stay away from the place of right and wrong.

But if Zhan Hong really braves the rain and returns home to the shelter, not to mention whether he will encounter zombies on the way, whether he will catch a cold due to being exposed to the rain, and his body's resistance will weaken, bringing in some disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Go to the shelter. Although the matter of the shelter was important, Xu Zhinian had no intention of thinking about it at the moment. What she is more worried about now is that if Zhan Hong really goes home in the rain, I am afraid that her master will not have a good reason and will blame Zhan Hong for the data error without any explanation.

The trend of historical development, even if Xu Zhi wants to influence it at this moment, he is unable to do so. I have thought about it before and mentioned that historical trends cannot be changed. There was another half to that sentence, and Xu Zhinian thought it would never appear, so he didn't mention it much. It seems that I have to mention it now. Let’s not talk about the memory of history, let’s just talk about someone’s memory. If you want to forcefully change the historical trend in your memory, you will only get the same result in the end. The affected result will disappear in an instant, and it will be forced back to the memory to continue happening. the trend of.

Xu Zhinian thought about it and felt that nothing could be changed. Although she felt sorry that Zhan Hong would be the scapegoat for her master next, Xu Zhinian really couldn't do anything. It's not that she's too lazy to do it, it's just that it's just a memory. Even if you want to do it, you should use the magic of reversing time and space to travel to the past time before doing it. Who would do such a thing to influence the trend in other people's memory? In other words, if you really want to change the historical trend in your memory, it is easy. You only need to use a magic to tamper with your memory. Why waste other efforts?

While Xu Zhinian was thinking, on the other side, Zhan Hong finally spoke to answer her master. She looked at the room with empty beds, stood at the door and looked inside, and answered her master beside her: "If master says this, if I refuse again, I will look too ignorant. Then tonight, I won’t leave. Just as Master said, I will stay here tonight. Looking at the rain outside, I won’t go back, lest I get soaked by the rain. It would be bad if I run into zombies or something again. ”

Her master actually laughed when he heard this: "Hahaha, you are so funny! Zhan Hong, remember, the road from the research institute to the shelter has been laid with polymer laser guns, which are available around the clock and around the clock. After four hours of scanning, coupled with the infrared remote search device, as long as a zombie appears, the system will immediately activate the counterattack mode and kill it. In fact, let alone zombies, some of whom do not have permission to enter and exit the shelter. Those who come to the institute People are also in danger once they are targeted. With such an automated program, you can rest assured that it is almost impossible to encounter zombies on the road. Unless, like others, you do not take the paved road and go somewhere else."

When Zhan Hong heard what her master said to her, she didn't want to refute anything, because what her master said were all serious things and they were correct. She couldn't refute it even if she wanted to. She nodded, which was the expression Xu Zhinian had when he caught a glimpse of her nodding, which might not necessarily be full of respect. Xu Zhinian was always curious. She approached Zhan Hong and used magic to try to find out Zhan Hong's thoughts in this memory. In fact, logically speaking, what Zhan Hong was thinking should not be reflected in the memory of the person beside him.

But everything cannot be taken too seriously. Xu Zhinian also didn't expect that when he stretched out his hand, put one hand on her face, and used magic power to read her heart, the thoughts in her heart would actually be revealed bit by bit as the magic power deepened. Returning to himself, it echoed in Xu Zhinian's own ears. Although it is a bit unbelievable, logically speaking, how could the person on the side know what Zhan Hong was thinking? Unless, he can also understand Zhan Hong's heart. Unfortunately, that kind of scenario is almost impossible to exist.

Xu Zhinian sighed helplessly, but no matter what, she now knew what Zhan Hong was thinking in his heart. No wonder, there is a safe passage between this research institute and the refuge they call it, but when people occasionally mention it, they still say to be careful not to mess with zombies. It turns out that it is this smooth and safe passage that makes the two places far apart. Just like the arrangement of cities in the past, the official roads are smooth and there are no potholes on the road, but the distance is very far. It is built on a very wide avenue; and there are also small roads with potholes through the mountains and forests on the side, but the distance is really very close.

No wonder there are always people talking about zombies. It turns out that the distance on the smooth road is too long, so most people choose the side roads. Xu Zhinian was thinking about this, and Zhan Hong, who was standing beside her, smiled fiercely at her master, and then said vehemently: "No, how can I do that? What master said is that I definitely can't leave without leaving a safe path. There is no one on the dangerous path. Then I will definitely not walk on it. Just stay as far away as possible, no one wants to let zombies threaten them, right?"

It's nonsense. After Xu Zhinian read Zhan Hong's heart, he also knew that people should not be judged by their appearance. Originally, she wanted to take the blame for Zhan Hong, but I'm afraid she also has her own choice.

Xu Zhinian was stunned and smiled helplessly. Just let him be and see what happens next.

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