Chapter 248 Doomsday Crisis (194)

Because this is memory, and it is someone else's memory, not Xu Zhinian's own, so for Xu Zhinian, she can only stare at others' portions, and she cannot get any. Even if she wanted to eat it, the seller wouldn't serve her a separate bowl! Xu Zhinian thought about it, shook her head helplessly, then found an empty chair and sat down, holding her cheeks with both hands, lifting her chin, looking longingly at Steamed Hong and her master's food. wolf.

Although Xu Zhinian's stomach was growling at this moment, no one could hear it. It does not belong to this memory. Xu Zhinian also wonders, even if it is not a memory, he should not feel hungry in the memory of the history of that letter! At this moment, his stomach was growling, which actually gave Xu Zhinian an illusion. While he was thinking about it, Xu Zhinian did not expect that the waiter in the shop would actually bring out a new portion of rice rolls and place it on the table in front of Xu Zhinian.

It was as if he could see Xu Zhinian sitting there, which shocked Xu Zhinian. She stared closely at the waiter who came over with rice rolls, and the doubts in her heart were growing. Logically speaking, other people in this memory should not be able to see her. Since there is no one at the table, why should she be brought over a rice roll for no reason? Xu Zhinian was puzzled and even muttered in a low voice: "I, I didn't say I wanted rice rolls..."

Strange! Xu Zhinian's words were meaningless, the product of her own mumbling, and even she felt that no one else could hear it in the memory of the person standing next to her right hand. However, when the waiter who had brought rice rolls just now walked back to the kitchen, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and smiled in the direction where Xu Zhinian was sitting, as if he could see her, and said to himself: " The location is good. Who says someone else has to be hungry and order food before they can bring rice rolls over there. Isn’t it okay for me to go over and eat later?”

Sitting next to her, Zhan Hong and her master were eating enthusiastically when they suddenly heard the waiter muttering to himself, and even stopped putting the chopsticks in his mouth. Zhan Hong's master turned his head first, and then Zhan Hong also looked in the direction her master was looking, and found the waiter standing there talking to himself, and the two of them felt a shudder. Steaming Hong's body couldn't help but tremble, and then she asked her master: "Master, what do you think is wrong with that waiter? He's so good, why is he standing there shaking? Do you think that person is possessed by evil spirits, right?"

"Possessed?!" Zhan Hong and her master were shocked when they heard Zhan Hong say this. Even though she was already far ahead of many people in the institute in terms of rank, her master would still be shocked when the mysterious word "poisoned" was mentioned. Even though Zhan Hong's master is still a scientific scholar, he can't attribute this scene to a place where science can explain the current ambiguous situation. This was evil, but he couldn't say that to Zhan Hong, so he had to change to a more vague statement: "The waiter must have his own reasons for doing this."

Everyone has his own reasons. Xu Zhinian was sitting on a chair nearby. Hearing Zhan Hong and her master making such a big deal, she wanted to laugh. Anyway, these are the memories of her master. Xu Zhinian cannot affect memories that have already occurred. If he could, wouldn't it be in conflict with another magic? The name of that magic is memory tampering. Xu Zhinian was thinking, and a question came directly to him. What if the waiter did this at this moment because he felt his presence and heard himself mumbling those two sentences?

This, this is memory! Zhan Hong's memories of her master's personal experience were memories that had not been tampered with by others. As for why it is said that this memory has not been tampered with, when Xu Zhinian used magic to explore the memory before, he also checked whether his memory and the memory of the person on his left had been tampered with, so he knew whether it had been. But if this was all a memory, wouldn't it be that the waiter had done what he was doing so long ago that Xu Zhinian didn't even know what time it was? So, is it now affecting the past, or is it foreshadowed before? Xu Zhinian couldn't understand, but she couldn't think too much and could only sit quietly on the chair.

Later, when Zhanhong and Zhanhong and her master finished their late night snack, Xu Zhinian had to stand up and follow them. Just before leaving, the waiter, who both Zhan Hong and her master thought was possessed, chuckled softly, and then said a few words as if talking to himself: "Actually, it's okay not to leave, I'm sure. Do you have to use your legs to move? Anyway, if you sit here, you can swish over later." Hearing what he said, Zhan Hong and her master were frightened and walked faster.

These words seemed to be meant for Xu Zhinian. Indeed, she could just sit on this chair instead of moving forward. After getting out of that distance, Xu Zhinian would follow the waiter's description and teleport over in a swish, appearing in front of Zhan Hong and her master. within the range. Especially, it was within the surrounding area of ​​Zhan Hong's master. But why did these words come from such a waiter? It was as if the waiter knew Xu Zhinian's identity, so he said these words to Xu Zhinian.

But when these words reach the ears of strangers, such as Zhan Hong and her master, they will feel that there is something wrong with the waiter. He looked crazy, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. Xu Zhinian thought about it and smiled slightly, wasn't he just possessed by evil spirits? If not, how would you explain it to those who saw it? When walking back from the corridor on the third floor, Xu Zhinian saw the "faceless man" who had just walked over, presumably also wanting to eat midnight snacks. Sure enough, in that man's memory, meaningless passers-by didn't have to see his face clearly. appearance. They seemed to have seen the waiter's "evil" scene, and they shouted that they should never go to that restaurant to eat rice rolls.

Xu Zhinian wanted to laugh when he heard that. He didn't know if there was another shop on the third floor that also sold rice rolls? After thinking about it carefully, he decided that it didn't matter. Xu Zhinian continued to keep up with Zhan Hong and her master in front. The two of them still did not go downstairs directly, but walked upstairs. When passing by just now, Xu Zhinian knew that the fourth floor was the rooftop, but she really didn't know where the fourth floor was. Some things can only be understood by experiencing them yourself.

After walking up the stairs to the fourth floor, she was really surprised by the scene on the fourth floor. Xu Zhinian really didn't expect that there would be such a facility in the research institute? On the left is the cinema and on the right is the arcade. This is not for scientific research or data entry. Instead, it is like having fun.

What a pleasure!

(End of this chapter)

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