Xu Zhinian originally thought that the matter would be over after her master signed the signature. This person's memory is no longer valid, and it's time for her to break away from this state of exploring other people's memories and return to the memory of the history of that letter. Thinking about this, she gradually became lazier. Looking at Zhan Hong in front of her, her master asked Zhan Hong, "Look where I need to sign." It was just the final touch. She slowly followed him, raised her eyes, and the steaming red in front of her now became more leisurely.

I originally thought that the matter was about to be resolved, but looking at Zhan Hong and her master's behavior, it seemed that the real turning point was here. Xu Zhinian suddenly became energetic and stared intently at Zhan Hong and her master in front of him. After Zhan Hong approached her master, her master also turned his head. No one of them was staring at the data notebook on the table, and no one wanted to reach out and touch the data notebook or the laptop computer nearby. In Xu Zhinian's eyes, these two people looked at each other as if they were not doing anything serious.

Later, Zhan Hong and her master asked Zhan Hong again: "Zhan Hong, did you not hear what I just said clearly? Let me ask you, look, where is the signature?" After hearing this, Zhan Hong was stunned for a moment, and then immediately answered. "Ah", he lowered his head in panic again, and finally went to find the data notebook on the desktop. She listened to her master's question, hesitated, opened the data book, spread out the page to be signed, and then raised the book to show her master: "Just this page, next to this, Proof today is that we did this data mission and then it has passed the review.”

After hearing this, her master Zhan Hong lowered his head without looking very carefully, and then glanced at the data book. He seemed to be thinking about something. After waiting for a while, he spoke slowly: "Logically speaking, before the review, there should be a team leader of each data group to verify and confirm that there are no problems with the data. Sign and submit. When the second step is reached, it is me who, as a first-level position in the research institute, signs the signature, fully confirms the feasibility of the data, completely stores the data into the database, performs data calculations, etc. But we work in pairs , there is no difference between the group leader. After all, I am the final judge. Therefore, I have never asked you to go to anyone else to sign, I signed directly. "

When Xu Zhinian heard Zhan Hong and her master nagging her, she felt like scolding her mother. Damn, you have nothing to do, right? I signed the contract happily, but this matter can't be entirely blamed on Zhan Hong. In fact, Xu Zhinian saw very clearly that this matter had nothing to do with steaming red. Everyone has said that the data is ambiguous and has been marked by yesterday's red line. I want to find some other data to verify it at the same time. It was obvious that the possibility of data errors could be ruled out, so why did her master yell that she couldn't do it? Xu Zhinian felt that even if she wanted to blame, she should blame Zhan Hong and her master, not her.

Damn it! It's a pity that these are only the memories of that person. Even if the memory is tampered with, the outcome of history will not change. Xu Zhinian may also receive backlash from time and space because of tampering with his memory. She thought for a while and then shook her head violently. Because of a historical result that could not be changed, it was really not worth it to bear the backlash. Therefore, Zhanhong can only bear the consequences of all this. In fact, Xu Zhinian was thinking about these things just because he had nothing to do. What's the point of thinking about this situation now? It's all happened before, why bother?

After thinking about it, Xu Zhinian continued to maintain the same silence as before. Then, she found a chair and sat down, quietly watching the conversation, exchange, or so-called action between Zhan Hong and her master in front of her. In short, Zhan Hong and her master continued to communicate like this. What Zhan Hong meant was that if she didn't want to sign, she could just let her master sign the data book like before. But Zhan Hong's master's idea was exactly the opposite to hers. He didn't want to sign anymore. Because someone said yesterday that he was practicing favoritism, he wanted to make Zhan Hong the team leader. On the one hand, he could support Zheng Hong, and on the other hand, he would prevent others from gossiping.

After hearing this, Zhan Hong was startled and directly said how could she become the team leader? If she becomes the team leader between the two of them, then what does her master do? Regardless of his professional title or the relationship between master and apprentice, Zhan Hong felt that he could not be the team leader between the two of them. Wasn't this confusing the order? How could anyone become the leader of a group and then have his master report to him? Although later, Zhan Hong would explain the situation to her master and ask her master to sign, but the essence of the matter had changed. Zhan Hong didn't want to do that, so he refused to agree. As for the place on the data book that should be signed, no one signed it because of these two people.

In this situation, Xu Zhinian should have been anxious. But when she thought about it, this was a memory. Since it was a memory, there was no point in worrying about it. No matter what, it will develop like this, nothing will change. Sure enough, just as Xu Zhinian thought, Zhan Hong couldn't defeat her master in the end, a master who was like a human being. Under half threat and half pleading from her master, Zhan Hong had no choice but to shake her head and agree to his request, and signed her name in the data book for him on that day.

After Zhan Hong signed her name, Xu Zhinian suddenly caught a glimpse of Zhan Hong's master in front of her, and suddenly the corner of her mouth curled up, revealing a very evil smile. It was also at this time that Xu Zhinian understood why Zhan Hong and her master had to ask Zhan Hong to sign this. She got it, she totally got it. What I just said about cheating for personal gain and gossiping is just a rhetoric, a rational reason for not signing, and a reasonable reason for Zhan Hong to sign on his behalf. Xu Zhinian chuckled, smiling that he was still too naive and did not understand the horror of the world and the indifference of human nature.

Perhaps, Zhan Hong, her master who is like a master, has already judged that the data is wrong, so as early as every step of walking upstairs, she is planning how to save herself from the accident of data error. Plan how to take all the responsibility away from yourself. Then, he thought of this method and put all the responsibilities on Zhan Hong. Poor Steamed Hong thought that he had guessed the wrong data, which resulted in data errors. Little did she know that at the last critical moment, it was her most beloved master who harmed her. Xu Zhinian laughed, laughing at her for being too naive.

That smile made Xu Zhinian sigh at the horror of human nature. She took a few last glances at Zhan Hong, and then watched Zhan Hong turn on the computer, enter her name in the final entry stage of the database, and scan her signature in the data book into the database. Then her master slowly walked over and signed in a pretentious manner, ending the day's task. The two looked at each other and smiled. Zhan Hong was sincerely grateful for completing today's mission, while her master was happy that she would no longer take responsibility.

At this time, Xu Zhinian wanted to read the heart of the person on his right in the central control room to see what his mood was at the moment and what was he thinking in his heart? What kind of person would let go of his apprentice and let him take the responsibility for his mistakes?

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