Along the corridor at his feet, Xu Zhinian kept walking in front. Behind her, Zhu Si followed her closely, but he felt that Xu Zhinian was walking faster and faster and he would be unable to keep up with her, so he simply held his trouser legs and lifted them up, and then started running all the way. The two people kept walking forward. After walking for a long time, Xu Zhinian suddenly stopped again. In front of them was the reality of the Doomsday Crisis copy of Kaidan Land. When they were about to enter the White Castle from outside the White Castle, they encountered the sanitizing room used to disinfect external bacteria and viruses. Zhu Si didn't understand why Xu Zhinian stopped suddenly, but he saw Xu Zhinian stop, so he chose to stop too.

As for why Xu Zhinian stopped, in fact, even she herself was not sure. She just saw the washroom in front of her, and suddenly thought of how in the Doomsday Crisis copy of Kaitan Paradise, she never used the washroom when entering and exiting the White Castle. Instead, she used the magic of teleportation to pass through it. toilet. But now, she doesn't know if she still needs to use magic to pass through the decontamination room. After all, this place is not a display, but a historical memory. Since it is in the memory of history, then she and the man named Zhu Si next to her are just illusory shadows. Will they trigger the working system of the washroom?

Xu Zhinian didn't dare to draw a conclusion, because it was just an illusory shadow, but in fact, the two people were still surrounded by magic power due to a specific attraction. These magic powers may be the point of change. She didn't know how to explain it, but she always felt that even if it was a phantom, even if it was an existence that others couldn't see or hear, the disinfection system in the bathroom could always see her. After all, the creation and emergence of machines and their working methods do not need to be seen like humans. Either detection or induction is needed. Xu Zhinian doesn't understand these scientific principles, but she knows one thing: science and magic can always be integrated in the end. Can a being with magical power really escape the scrutiny of a machine?

Xu Zhinian didn't understand, but he didn't say anything or ask anything. He just shook his head gently. Zhu Si stood quietly behind Xu Zhinian, not knowing what to say to her. He was thinking hard in his mind, what questions should he ask? Or should I remain unknown like this? Silence is the best way? He didn't understand, and he couldn't figure it out. In the end, the corners of his mouth were twitching, and he wanted to ask something but in the end he didn't. Xu felt that even if he asked, Xu Zhinian might not answer him.

Then, Xu Zhinian finally spoke. She asked Zhu Si behind her a question: "Zhu Si, do you think that in our current situation, if we walk from the decontamination room in front, will the cleaning system in the decontamination room be turned on? If it is, what do you think? Do you know what this means? I'm a little confused as to whether the sanitary room will be opened, so I want to ask your opinion. Do you think that with our current phantom appearance, we will be detected when we walk there? Did something come by and spray down a lot of warm water and disinfectant and stuff?”

Zhu Si had never thought about these questions, so Xu Zhinian looked at him and asked him these questions. Zhu Si himself didn't know what kind of words to answer. He didn't seem to know how to answer, so he simply remained silent. And this state is like returning to the reality of the doomsday crisis copy world in Kaidan Paradise. Every time Xu Zhinian asked the other four passers a question, if he encountered a question, even if it was actually very simple, he still received no response. The group of people remained silent, saying nothing and doing nothing. Only after Xu Zhinian called on their names and asked them to answer, could Xu Zhinian receive a response.

I didn't think Zhu Si would be like this before, but now I have experienced it myself. Xu Zhinian shook his head slightly, thinking to himself. But in any case, Zhu Sitong and his group of people are still different after all. That group of people seemed to only care about their own interests, so they even pretended not to understand some questions with obvious answers, and just stayed silent and didn't want to answer. But this time Zhu Si is different. The problem Zhu Si faces this time is indeed a difficult problem. Neither he nor Xu Zhinian himself actually had the answer. Sometimes, staying silent without answering is a more perfect answer.

Because I don’t know the answer unless I experience it myself, so even the answer is just my guess. Since it is just a conjecture, it is actually not very important. Xu Zhinian looked at Zhu Si who remained silent. When he didn't think of this at first, he wanted to urge him to answer quickly. After she figured it out, she was no longer anxious. Not answering was the best answer. There was no guessing. To put it bluntly, there was an answer, and that sentence corresponded to exactly - I don't know.

Xu Zhinian stared, nodded slightly, and then said: "That's right, you don't know either. Then let's bypass this problem. No matter whether the decontamination room recognizes our presence or not, we won't go there. . Staying away from the decontamination room is really not a problem for us today. After all, we are now virtual shadows, phantoms, without entity. After bypassing the decontamination room, we can just pass through that wall. As for why I only thought of these things when I got here, it seems that I always find it strange. But it is not a waste of effort. At least after we get here, it will be easier for us to walk out from here and find the door. After we go out, Do not know the way."

That's right, but in fact, Xu Zhinian is still thinking about the bathroom. But what she really cares about is not whether the decontamination room can detect their presence. But, can the existence of magic power really be equivalent to scientific testing? Xu Zhinian was thinking as he walked to the side. After being unable to come up with a conclusion, Xu Zhinian simply gave up. Just at this moment, she had reached the wall. Behind her, Zhu Si followed her closely and came to the wall.

According to what was just mentioned, Xu Zhinian relied on the fact that he was a phantom in the memory of history, without a substantial identity, and stepped forward and walked out without looking back. Although Zhu Si is also aware of the characteristics of himself and Xu Zhinian, he also knows that he is also a shadow in the memories of history, and he can pass through without caring what the objects around him are. But when he looked at Xu Zhinian's behavior and movements just now, he was still shocked by the fact that he walked directly through the wall. After all, since he came to this historical memory, he has never actually done such an action of walking through a wall. The previous two attempts to pass through the wall were stopped due to subsequent changes.

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