Chapter 207 Still Alive
How can he handle it?Yun Li wanted to follow her, but she was so dizzy that she could only wait until she had enough rest before going to find Li Ma to atone for her sins.

Looking at her husband's broken and inhuman body, Ma Li's legs gave way and she knelt on the ground. Her body was trembling, as if she was going to follow him the next second.

The son beside her took her arm and gave her support. One of them burst into tears, and the other's eyes were red.

When Shen Si came over, he saw that Ma Li, who used to take care of him, had become like this, with a hint of unbearable look in her eyes.

"I can give you whatever you want. Enough money to live without worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life." Shen Si said quietly.He was not used to communicating with people and could only say so much.

However, Liang Yueran went up to support Ma Li and said in a gentle voice, "Aunt Li, Uncle Li has gone. We should live well for the rest of our lives. For the sake of your son and future daughter-in-law and grandson, we should... look away."

Thinking of her son, Ma Li felt a little relieved.

But she was still in great pain, "Where is Xiao Li?" She actually didn't blame Yun Li, Yun Li was also innocent.

"Why are you mentioning her?" Liang Yueran looked sullen, "She is a murderer!"

"No, it's not." Li Ma hurriedly squeezed Liang Yueran's hand, "Xiao Li was also implicated. Is she still alive?"

"Still alive." Shen Si's voice had a rare warmth.

"When she wakes up, I'll ask her to come see you."

Shen Si always felt that he could handle this matter well. Just like now, Li's mother is obviously not targeting Yun Li, but Li Xian next to her. Li Xian's eyes are cold, his hands are clenched into fists with a hint of forbearance and anger, " My dad is dead, and you just want to send us away with money? Isn’t it because protecting that woman will kill my dad?”

"Why is she still alive? My father is dead?"

For a young and energetic child, anger is appropriate. Liang Yueran's eyes showed a cold light, and she added a little more seasoning to this impulse, causing Li Xian to completely deny it.

"Xiao Xian!" Li Ma said in a deep voice, "This is the young master. How can you talk to the young master like this?"

"I don't care, she has to pay for my father's life, otherwise I won't let her go!" Li Xian finished angrily.

There were more tears in Ma Li's eyes.

Liang Yueran was quite considerate and handed over the veil, then softly comforted her, "Miss Yun didn't do it on purpose. She was also seriously injured. When she recovers, come to Uncle Li to worship and kowtow a few times." It’s a small size, but it’s a life-saving grace.”

"How many kowtows can I exchange for my father's life? This is your Shen family, it's really good!" Li Xian became even more angry.

Liang Yueran's words always aroused the anger in his heart, and he even wanted to kill someone with a knife.

Shen Si's eyes were slightly cold. The conditions he offered were not bad. The man in front of him was obviously too young and he didn't want to negotiate terms with him.

"Your mother is already old. Five million is enough for her to have enough food and clothing for the rest of her life. You can live a comfortable life with your mother in Jincheng, and you and I can also be arranged to work in Shen's branch with an annual salary of 500."

It is equivalent to Shen Si raising Uncle Li's son. If he doesn't accept this condition, he would be a fool.

Shen Si looked at the camera. Uncle Li was obviously distracted while driving. After that, Yun Li fell into coma. Uncle Li directly regarded him as dead. It was impossible to protect Yun Li, and Yun Li might even be the one who was implicated.

All in all, he was generous enough.

Seeing the young master like this, Ma Li knew that the young master was already a little dissatisfied, but her son was still a dazed young man. She sighed and said to Shen Si, "Thank you, young master, and say hello to my wife for me. It was my husband who failed to protect her. "After saying this, it means that Li Ma is about to leave the Shen family. What happened has already happened, and Li Ma feels that she cannot stay in the Shen family anymore. She will think of her deceased husband when she looks at Yun Li all day long. .

Liang Yueran bit her lip, but when persuasion failed, she could only continue to provoke, "Aunt Li, are you leaving the Shen family? You have taken care of Shen Si for so many years, and you want to go back just because of a woman?"

"That's Madam."

A flash of sorrow flashed in Ma Li's eyes, how could she not feel resentful.It was her husband who died. She could have lived the rest of her life peacefully, but now she could only guard her son for the rest of her life.

"Shen Si, please advise Aunt Li." Liang Yueran had no choice but to step aside. She seemed to be on Shen Si's side, but in fact she wanted to make Li Xian and Li's mother hate Yun Li even more, and then make Yun Li He blamed himself and felt ashamed, and then left Shen Si.

This is the old man who has taken care of him for more than 20 years. Even if Shen Si is reluctant to let her go, she must let her go.

"I will give you another 100 million and a retirement home."

Hearing this, the pain in Ma Li's eyes deepened.

She wanted to take care of the young master all the time, and she could take care of him when his child was born.

In the ward upstairs, Yun Li received a rare call from his master, "Xiao Li, master has offended some people recently. How are you in Jincheng?"

Yun Yan's voice is very gentle. When he does something wrong, he will be gentler, like now.

"Master, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Yun Li endured the pain and burst into tears.

When Yun Yan heard this, he suddenly felt uncomfortable. Who could make his disciple suffer?

"Did that boy Cheng Yan deduct your performance?" Yun Yan thought about this for a long time.

Yun Li said hoarsely, "I killed a person. That person was not killed by me, but because of me."

"Have you already attacked?" Thinking of this possibility, Yun Yan's tone was a bit anxious, "Just wait, I will go back to Jincheng right away."

"Who did you offend? Will they continue to deal with me? Will they deal with Shen Si?"

Unexpectedly, Yun Yan felt resentful that his apprentice would still be thinking about Shen Si at this time.

"If Shen Si dies, let him die. You go back to the underworld, where it is safer."

"No." Yun Li said forcefully, "As you promised me, Shen Si cannot die."

He has lived for hundreds of years, and the disciples he brought out are enough for a human being to live for two lifetimes. In the end, he taught a little love brain, and his mind is full of Shen Si. Even now, his life is at stake, and he is still thinking about Shen Si. Yun Yan even doubted whether she had raised her child crookedly. Her mother, Yun Muran, would not be like this. Yun Muran had a strong and courageous personality, and was not the kind of whining, yellow-haired girl who only had eyes for one person.

"What's going on?" He was keenly aware of the trembling in Yun Li's words. Not only was it just that simple, maybe Shen Si's life was really at stake.

"Chengju said Shen Si only has three months left to live."

What did he think it was, that it was just three months and he wasn't going to die immediately?

As for being so worried?
(End of this chapter)

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