Even if she pulled out the underworld tree, Cheng Yan wouldn't say anything. The underworld tree was brought to the underworld by Cheng Yan and planted with her spiritual power. It should belong to her.

Yun Li found that he was really obsessed with things recently. In order to save Shen Si, his head was spinning. There must be a better way.

Her eyes fell on Hui Yang Mirror. This mirror was the beginning of her pain, and it was also the existence that could end all her pain. She was resurrected and survived in Hui Yang Mirror. Isn't Hui Yang Mirror the most innocent?
She just used her spiritual power as a medicine introduction, so she was covered in bruises and hatred.

"Cheng Yan, help me." She whispered, "I can't find anyone to help me except you."

This was the first time Cheng Yan heard Yun Li begging for help, but he inexplicably sounded a commanding tone.

Cheng Yan's eyes fell on Yun Li, staring at her young face. Thinking of the scene in the past when this little girl was riding on him and pulling his hair, he couldn't help but twist his lips.

"I said, you will be my servant and work for me for the rest of your life, and I will help you. I can even make Shen Si stop being a wandering soul."

Commonly known as resurrection.

Before Yun Li died, he first became a wandering soul and later became a recycler. He had an upright identity in the third world and could survive.

In addition, her backer is Yun Yan, so she doesn't have to go to the underworld and endure the suffering of hell.

He directly became a recycler.

In other words, she came in through the back door, and Cheng Yan was born inside the back door.

Shen Si is indeed a wandering soul. The wandering souls are collectively called omitted souls in the recycling bureau. The omitted souls are souls that have never gone to the underworld and need the help of their soul recyclers to capture them.

Moreover, the life span of wandering souls is very short. It is indeed a miracle that Shen Si can live for so long. Although Yun Li does not want to admit it, this is right.

Shen Si is indeed a miraculous existence.

He has lived for many years, probably longer than himself, and is very powerful. His grandfather is Shen Yeping. Shen Yeping is an extremely powerful ghost hunter with great spiritual power. He is the leader of his generation. As his successor .

Shen Si is definitely going nowhere.

This is also the reason why the Recycling Bureau has not been able to deal with Shen Si so far.

On the one hand, Cheng Yan cherishes talents and loves talents, so he uses Yun Li, a weakling, to test Shen Si.

On the one hand, he wanted to sacrifice the most mediocre recycler to conquer Shen Si.

Unexpectedly, he was subdued and even subdued to the bed.

Very good, Cheng Yan was completely depressed.

They should have SZ isolation, so it seems like this, but the key point is that the recyclers are wandering souls, and the omissions are also wandering souls. One is editing and the other is not. Is there really such a kind of isolation?

"Actually, my original intention was to belong to Shen Si into the recycling bureau." Cheng Yan sighed, "Do you understand what I mean?"

"I don't understand." Yun Li said decisively. She looked at Cheng Yan as if she was mentally retarded. "If you had thought this way earlier, there is no need to play tricks on me like this. You can't accept that Shen Si entered the recycling bureau because of his body." So angry."

"Why did you suddenly become smarter?" Cheng Yan was slightly surprised, "I remember you were a little fool when you were a child!"

Yun Li had a depressed face and glared at Cheng Yan fiercely with her beautiful eyes. It was difficult for her to fight with Cheng Yan with all her strength even though she was seriously injured.

"You are the idiot!"

"Shen Si was born in resentment. His mother is a very powerful soul. It is normal for him to have violence in him, and I... will purify him personally."

Yun Li said quietly.

Her eyes were firm, but she unexpectedly made Cheng Yan laugh, "You really can't give up until you reach the Yellow River. He's almost dead. Are you still thinking about purification?" "It's only three months." He was still quite lacking. He added, "Have you read the ancient books I gave you?"


Yun Li wanted to tell the truth, but after three months, a heavy stone pressed on her heart, and her heart suddenly felt a dull pain.

"To be precise, it's 68 days and three hours." She lowered her eyes and said, "In these 68 days, I can repair the Huiyang Mirror, but I will steal all your fruits."

"Are you threatening me?" Not to mention, Cheng Yan quite admired her stubborn look, which was indeed a bit cute.

Even if you are too stubborn, you will not be able to recover even if you make a few mistakes.

Don't listen to advice either.

"Otherwise? Master Chengju, help me?"

She said calmly, not realizing that she was asking for help.

Cheng Yan had three black lines on his head and finally said helplessly, "You have the Resurrection Pill, coupled with a Soul Locking Pill, when the hell door opens in three months, it will purify Shen Si's evil spirit, and Shen Si will not I've been seduced. I have the Soul Locking Pill here. It depends on how much you are willing to pay. As for purifying the evil spirit, in the entire recycling bureau, who do you think has the highest ability?"

He curled his lips and waited for Yun Li's next words.

Yun Li decisively fumbled for his phone and started typing frantically in the dialog box.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Yan wondered. He wanted Yun Li to beg him to at least be more sincere and make him feel more comfortable. But in the end, Yun Li took out his cell phone.

"I want to send a message to my master and ask him to come over quickly and beat you out." She said dirty words in a serious manner, "and grab the Soul Locking Pill back from your hands by the way."

This is the benefit of having a backer.Cheng Yan froze on the spot, "Yun Yan is so busy, will he pay attention to you?"

Yun Yan is away from home all year round, and he will occasionally call him hundreds of times. The only answer he gets is Dududu, the other party is on the phone or every once in a while.

If the number you dial is empty, he won't believe it, and Yun Yan will treat you differently.

In fact, Yun Yan did treat him differently. When his young apprentice sent him a message, he went directly to the phone and began to comfort his young apprentice, "Did something happen to Shen Si again?"

His tone was gentle, not as harsh as he was towards Cheng Yan.

Yun Li looked up at Cheng Yan and found that he was particularly hurt. Sure enough, he was another man whose heart was broken by his master.

"Because you want the Soul Locking Pill, you have to trouble Master to purify Shen Si's anger for you, but you won't let it go. Come and persuade him, okay?"

The young apprentice's voice was soft and soft, but it inexplicably made Cheng Yan feel a chill in his back.

He knew very well that those words of good advice were not words.

"Have I done it for you?" He reluctantly let go, "I'll help you, so don't look for your master. He is a busy man."

"Purify the hostility? Xiao Li, did you not take a good look at the Recycler Code I gave you?"

Yun Li was startled, what did the master mean?

Cheng Yantian said, "Do you know why many recyclers directly take away the soul of the missing person instead of purifying the hostility in him?"

"Because hostility can be deep or shallow, when you encounter a relatively strong hostility, it is very likely that there will be backlash during the purification process. That is to say, his hostility can cause you to become obsessed and be swallowed up by the hostility."

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