Shen Si grabbed her collar and dragged her back, his tone still strong.


Yun Li saw the stubbornness in his eyes and was a little confused. There seemed to be something wrong with this man today.

How is this going?

Could it be that he was stimulated by something?
Yun Li was about to put her on her forehead, but Shen Si pinched her directly. Shen Si's hand was warm and cool, and he squeezed it a little tight. Something flashed in front of Yun Li's eyes, and then he saw Shen Si Yintang. It turned black, and there was still a strong black air lingering around him. The black air enveloped his whole body, and she was affected by it, and she was almost suppressed and couldn't breathe.

"Did you meet someone today? That person must have told you a fortune. You don't need me to tell you any more." Yun Li said, and the other person was probably a Taoist priest with profound knowledge. He might not be able to give him a fortune. That’s right.

"Do you think he is telling the truth or a lie?" Shen Si leaned into Yun Li's ear.

The face so close at hand and the sound of heavy breathing made Yun Li fascinated, but she still affirmed, "Seventy-eight points are right, and thirty-two points are wrong."

“What’s right and what’s wrong?”

Shen Si asked back.

"The mistake is, the person you met is me." Yun Li curled his lips, put his arms around Shen Si's neck, and nibbled on it.

The joy was instantly imprinted in her bones, and she turned into a pool of spring water in Shen Si's arms. She swayed gently to Shen Si's rhythm, and her delicate and fair face was stained with a thin red. At this moment, Shen Sibo Covering their lips, Yun Li pushed the pill hidden under his tongue into Shen Si's mouth, forcing him to swallow it. Shen Si's black eyes moved slightly, and he wanted to spit it out, but Yun Li forcefully chewed it back.

"Is it sweet?" Yun Li licked the corner of his lips, "It's a mint candy."

It really tastes like mint candy.

See her smiling slyly.

In fact, Shen Si didn't know that the taste of the Soul Locking Pill was just mint candies. The person who originally refined the pill tried it many times, but it was very bitter. He was afraid of bitterness, so he added a little sweetness to the pill. Mix and it becomes mint candy.

A warm current surged through his heart, and Shen Si suddenly found that the things that had been blocking there seemed to dissipate a lot.

Can a piece of sugar have such a big effect?Shen Si didn't believe it. He cast his eyes on Yun Li and said calmly, "It's definitely not some candy."

Yun Li's face froze, as expected of Shen Si, she couldn't deceive him at all.

"It's really nothing, but it's a good thing." She approached Shen Si, "It's a good thing that can help you."


On the eve of the bachelor's dinner, Bai Congzhi sent an invitation to Yunli and sent a car to pick him up in advance. Yunli was sitting in the spacious car and looked at the loose dress beside him, which covered her belly tightly. The white branches are solid, and the lower belly of the branches has a slight curvature. It looks like it has been there for a long time.

"Are you planning to marry your son?" Yun Li said, and Bai Congzhi stroked his belly, "If you don't tell me, I won't. This is the Yuan family's child."

Yun Li still admired her a little, after all...she could actually persuade Yuan Chenze, a man of [-], to accept the child in her belly, and she could also successfully win the joy of the men, women, and children of the Yun family.

As expected of a young lady born into a big family.

She smiled peacefully and gracefully, like a nourished little woman. It was obvious that she was extremely satisfied with this marriage.

Yun Li has a problem with riding in a car, especially since this road is quite familiar. She remembers that she had been in a car accident on this road. A few months ago, Uncle Li died here.

Suddenly, her peripheral vision fell on the driver in front of her. The driver remained silent and was wearing a hat and mask.

"Is this your new driver?" Yun Li asked.Only then did Bai Congzhi notice, "It doesn't seem to be our driver." Then he reacted, "Who are you?"

A bad premonition suddenly occurred, and the driver started to step on the accelerator and drove quickly towards the suburbs. this kidnapping? !
Realizing that something was wrong, Yun Li quickly used his spiritual power to protect Bai Congzhi, and then said, "If you want money, I will give you any amount."

The other party still didn't stop until the car stopped at an abandoned factory.

A black air lingered around the factory, with a strong and unpleasant smell, and the previous driver had disappeared, replaced by a skeleton covered in black air, with green eyes, looking at Looking at them, he laughed heartily.

"Xiao Li, what is this?" Bai Congzhi shrank into Yun Li's arms in fear.

Yun Li got out of the car with Bai Congzhi, and was shocked to find that there were holes and supports all around. Those things seemed to be controlled by someone, and they were moving towards the two of them.

After living for 200 years, Yun Li has never seen anything, but he didn't expect to encounter an evil spirit that can control corpses here.

It is better to say that they are evil spirits, rather than some people with evil intentions. They will kill people wantonly, control human bodies, and use them to kill people. They can drive so many animals. The opponent is very powerful, at least to a certain extent.

And those skeletons had black flowers growing on them. The flowers looked familiar and had a faint fragrance, which made her move slightly and almost fainted.

Bai Congzhi suddenly held his stomach and began to make a sound of pain.

"Xiao Li, my stomach hurts..."

Are these words poisonous? !
Yun Li was stunned, and then she covered Bai Congzhi with a layer of spiritual power. She took out her long sword and hacked at the skeletons. If one pile was killed, another pile would come over and get closer and closer. More and more came, and something seemed to move on the ground again, and countless vines shot up into the sky.

A figure appeared on the roof, wearing a beautiful black gothic dress and a pair of purple eyes.

That face was extremely familiar.

Liang...Liang Yueran?

"Long time no see, Yun Li." A faint voice sounded, and Chen Qiushui curled her lips, "This leather is still somewhat useful."

"I just didn't expect you to be so difficult to kill. I couldn't kill you even after several attempts. I had no choice but to take action myself."

Yun Li will never forget Chen Qiushui's eyes and voice. Even if she looks like someone else's face, Yun Li will recognize her.

"Chen Qiushui, you are still alive. Why are you possessing her? She is just an ordinary human being."

"Your words have no effect on me." Chen Qiushui said coldly, the corner of her mouth curled up, "You were the one who made Ba Ba hurt, you damn bitch!"

As he spoke, the flowers on the skeletons began to explode one by one, and the skeletons close to Yun Li began to self-mutilate and explode.

Yun Li was stunned and hurriedly applied spiritual power to himself. He watched the group of skeleton moths fly into the fire and explode into fireworks. What kind of evil cultivator is this woman? She can do such things. ?

He could also control these skeletons to blow people up, Yun Li bit his lip.

What a troublesome guy, even more troublesome than Kurosawa!

Seeing that the spiritual shield could no longer withstand it, Yun Li was heartbroken, picked up Bai Congzhi, and then forcibly started the teleportation.

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