Yun Li was slightly surprised. The offensive dead soul was different from the intelligent type and the powerful type. The former had strong burst damage, while the latter had a sensitive brain and strong power. No matter what kind of recycler it was, there were disadvantages.

But in the face of absolute power.

It's all nonsense.

Yun Li looked serious, and suddenly he could understand why this Lao Deng came to find him in the middle of the night.

"You want me to come over?"

Cheng Yan's eyes flashed with pride, "Indeed, you still understand my thoughts."

"In the entire recycling bureau, I am not the only one who can use the first level, including the earth level recycler. If you let me go, you are obviously going to kill me. Cheng Yan, what do you want to do?"

Yun Yan's face was gloomy, and every sentence she spoke was filled with questions.

The displeasure was palpable.

In fact, Cheng Yan rarely assigned tasks. In Yun Li's 200-year career, she was assigned only insignificant tasks. Only this time, she was asked to do it as a recycler who had just risen to the earth level. Facing the aggressive general-level dead souls.

It is undoubtedly a soft attack.

"I will send five first-order ones to assist you."

Cheng Yan sighed, "There are not many people around me who can use it. Most of them are doing tasks and counting down tasks. You are the only one who can still use it."

That was because she disliked her for being too idle. Yun Li glanced at him, suddenly feeling a bit evil. Her eyes fell directly on the ring on Cheng Yan's finger. It was a small and exquisite jade ring with the figures of flowers, birds and plum blossoms engraved on it. Similar patterns look lifelike and uncanny.

What's different about this jade ring is that it's made of pink jade. Being worn by Cheng Yan, a grown man, it looks too effeminate.

Cheng Yan frowned, maybe Yun Li's eyes were too intuitive, he rubbed the jade ring with his fingers, blocking Yun Li's sight.

"Yan Shu comes with me, I can think about it."

"No!" As soon as Yun Li spoke, Cheng Yan decisively refused, and even glared at Yun Li with dissatisfaction, "There's no point in Yan Shu going with you. You can choose someone else. Anyone can do it."

"I only want Yan Shu." Yun Li's attitude was clear. Except for Yan Shu, no one else could make Cheng Laogou willing to protect her.

With the protection of an old dog, she is still afraid that she will not survive?
"If you want me to take risks and do things for you, you have to be sincere, otherwise, I won't go." Yun Li spoke decisively.

Cheng Yan was clenching his back teeth now. After a long time, he sighed deeply, "I really...can't defeat you."

"You chose me alone, isn't it because that dead soul may have something to do with me, so I have to go, but my life is very valuable." Yun Li chuckled, "So be obedient. Give it to me Yan Shu."

She raised her finger, and before Cheng Yan could retort, the jade ring finger slowly floated away from Cheng Yan's hand and landed firmly in Yun Li's palm.

A delicate porcelain doll wearing a pink tutu and satisfying all the evil tastes of an old dog appeared in front of Yun Li. Yan Shu held Yun Li's arm and whispered, "I'll go with you."

"Yan Shu!"

Cheng Yan's voice of dissatisfaction sounded, and Yan Shu trembled all over, showing pitiful eyes to Cheng Yan, as cunning as a little fox with a bit of pitiful eyes.

Yan Shu has fox eyes, his eyes are very attractive, and he can control Cheng Yan to death.
This is also the reason why she, as the only Shiki Spirit, can stay by Cheng Yan's side for 100 years.

It can only be said that each mountain is higher than the other, and Yun Li is very happy to see it.

"Okay, you go." Cheng Yan had a headache and glared at Yun Li fiercely.

Yun Li wanted to ask about the follow-up matter, so Cheng Yan said, "Go to Lingwang. Lingwang has what you want to know."

Only then did Yun Li remember that there was another APP. Just to avoid attracting attention, Cheng Yan changed the Lingwang APP to the Undertaker app. He was afraid that someone would find out. When Yun Li clicked on it, he thought it was a website that sells coffins and cemeteries. , the most expensive coffin inside is said to be cut with diamonds and sold for [-] million.[-] million, I wonder if she will be able to sleep in such a coffin in her lifetime.

Only after logging in can you view the real situation inside.

Country E is a place rich in dead souls. Both senior brothers and masters make their homes in Country E.

That dead soul has been on the hot search. It is said that it is a dead soul that can freely control its form, and can also disguise itself as an ordinary person and blend in with the crowd.

What she is best at is killing. She saw a few photos of the recyclers who were tortured and killed. Among them, the men were the most cruel. They had their hearts ripped out and eaten dry. The women were a little gentler, and at most they were just a few seconds. After eating the soul, the body is still intact.

Among the ten recyclers, one was still alive, but that one became a vegetative state and was still recovering from his injuries in the underworld. Yun Li synthesized the characteristics of several recyclers.

came to a conclusion.

This dead soul has a beautiful appearance, with a curved front and a curved back, but it is a recycler of the fire attribute.

I especially love that the only living woman is from country C, and she looks a bit similar to Yun Li.

No wonder Yun Yan would look for her. Good things don't happen to her, but bad things happen to her. Daqing is just using her as a bait.

For dead souls who have independent consciousness and can blend into humans, their strength is definitely higher than hers, and they are proficient in the art of disguise.

"Do you have anyone to suspect?" Yun Li turned his head and asked Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan forwarded a profile to her, which showed two profiles of the suspect ab.

One is Yuze, a handsome and morally popular handsome boy from e-country who has recently appeared, and the other is a veteran actor in the entertainment industry, Huolai.

Both are popular idol actors in e-country and are deeply loved by the public.

Yun Li glanced at the faces of the two people and fell into deep thought.

"Do you doubt these two? You want me to come close and give it a try?" Yun Li pursed his lips and saw Cheng Yan slowly shaking his head, "I have sent ten second-level people to try these two people, without exception. Only one survived.”

It sounds ridiculous, but only one survived.

Yun Li frowned, and his disgusted eyes fell on Cheng Yan again, "How dare you say that only one of you is alive?"

"If you can't find one out of ten, let's just kill them both, and it will be over."

A trace of surprise flashed across Cheng Yan's face, "Why didn't I think of that? What if both of them are..."

"No, there is only one."

He quickly came to his senses, "These two, after three months, I want to know who they are."

"I will arrange a reasonable identity for you, Yan Shu will assist you, and there are five first-level recyclers who will cover it for you secretly. Nothing will happen to you."

Every time Cheng Yan made such a promise, Yun Li had an ominous premonition. It wasn't that she didn't trust Yun Yan, but that this man had no credibility at all.

But fortunately, Yan Shu is by her side. Even if she has no credibility, she should... be able to save a small life.


On the plane to Country E, Yun Li met a familiar person, Xie Zhiyan. She was about to return to Country E after filming, but she didn't expect to meet her here.

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