A pair of emerald green eyes looked towards this side with a slight smile. The other person was from the E country, with the beautiful eyes unique to the E country people. However, he rarely showed his true eye color, so most fans and colleagues thought he was hot. He is from Country C, and his black hair is indeed a symbol of Country C.

Those aggressive eyes fell on Yun Li, just like a poisonous snake seeing the coveted wild fruit and eager to swallow it.

Most of the people who rest in the Royal Hotel are VIPs, who are considered to be first-rate and prestigious figures in the business world. Yan Kuan specially reserved the top floor in order to provide a comfortable environment for the crew, so there are not many outsiders on this floor. , except Shen Si, had booked in advance.

Several leading actors from the crew gathered around the door, one inside and one outside. One of them, Yun Li, whose name he couldn't name but was said to be the second female lead, muttered in a low voice, "They say Yu Ze is mentally ill. It seems true." of."

"Psycho, please don't talk nonsense. This person has a strong backer. What if he is offended and hidden?"

"Xue Zang? He almost killed that woman!"

"And one person died just yesterday. It's really unlucky here. I want to move out quickly."

Moving out is the wisest thing, and many people have begun to avoid it. Yun Li was tapped on the shoulder. She turned around and saw Xie Zhiyan. Xie Zhiyan had pale lips and was still wearing casual clothes. She whispered into her ear, "There's something wrong here. Otherwise, go back to Xie's house with me. Whenever I feel uncomfortable, I will go back to Xie's house."

There should be restrictions imposed by Master on the Xie family. Indeed, it would be safer for Xie Zhiyan to stay there.

There was a sound of something falling to the ground. At some point, Uze's manager had closed the door to block the sight and sound from outside, and then began to apologize in various ways.

I have to say that being an agent is quite tiring.

"I'm sorry, Yuze has caused trouble for you." The manager looked depressed, and it was obvious that he was very upset, and he didn't even have the confidence to argue.

He could only not hear sorry.

"This agent is pretty good." Xie Zhiyan pursed her lips, "I don't think Yu Ze is that kind of person."

"If he was really that kind of person, his agent would have run away a long time ago. He is not an agent for anyone, and this person is also a relatively famous gold medal agent."

The words awakened the person in the dream. Perhaps Xie Zhiyan had grown up in an environment surrounded by monsters and monsters. She needed to be cautious in everything. Even when she was filming outside and her body was covered with talismans, she had to be careful about people approaching her.

She always looks at people from a different perspective, which is strange but very reasonable.

"It's all gone." Yan Kuan approached with a look of displeasure on his face, "If the filming is delayed because of Yuze, all of you from China Entertainment will get out of the crew."

China Entertainment is a well-known entertainment company in country c. It has a branch in country e, and Yuze is the top traffic niche that China Entertainment has promoted.

"He disturbed our rest and also affected the shooting. It has already delayed the shooting time. We, Teacher Huo, have to go to a shooting. What can I say?" Huo Nai's assistant started to be aggressive. He was watching Huo Nai's face. , Huolai has always had a very good image in the entertainment industry in the past few years, and has never had any direct conflict with others, but today it is different. He has been able to show off to others.

Yan Kuan choked. He didn't know how to appease Huo Nai, so he could only laugh and said, "Senior Huo has something to do, so the filming will be postponed until tomorrow. What do you think of this? Let's film the third female and second male scenes first."

"No need." Huo Na glanced at Yun Li and turned back lightly, "I'm still looking forward to cooperating with Miss Yun, where we can have wine and meat."

Yun Li was stunned, wine...Chi Roulin?What does this mean?
Seeing her stunned, Xie Zhiyan explained to her in a low voice, "In one scene, the male protagonist's uncle specially set up a Hongmen Banquet for the male protagonist. The purpose was to get you closer to the male protagonist and let him accept you as his favorite concubine. In that scene, you have to seduce the male protagonist, and you have to be a little bolder and go into battle lightly." Thinking about this kind of scene is embarrassing, Xie Zhiyan made Yun Li look disheveled, and comforted her, "Actually, you can use a stand-in, that's I am often said to be unprofessional, and I have been told this several times, so I won’t need a substitute in the future.”

"Of course, Miss Yun is a newcomer, so she should be able to cooperate with me, right?" Huo Lao obviously had something to say.

Yun Li lazily talked to this damn BT, who looked like a human but was actually not a good guy. She knew very well that this guy was deliberately trying to get close to her, and acting was the closest.

However, this is also an opportunity. The closer she gets to Huo Nai, the more she can feel his aura, and she can judge whether he is the person Cheng Yan wants to catch. This is also a gamble.

"Senior Lao Huo." Yun Lip smiled but Huo Nai had already stretched out his hand to shake Yun Li's hand. As a result, Yun Li passed Huo Nai directly and walked towards Yuze's agent. She smiled slightly and said to The manager asked, "Can I meet Mr. Yu? I've been his fan for ten years."

The agent froze on the spot, a ten-year-old fan?Uzawa has only debuted for two years...what kind of person is he a ten-year-old fan?

Just as he was about to speak, Yun Li narrowed his eyes first. The manager suddenly had a premonition that he would be in trouble if he refused her, so he said, "Yuze has a bad temper. If you want to talk to him, be careful."

Being reminded of the existence of "be careful", Yun Li's eyes became more and more fearless.

Because the more something is lacking, the more something will be revealed.

Just like Yuze, as Xie Zhiyan said, if the agent can continue to be a bully for Yuze, it means that Yuze must have something different from others.

Debris was everywhere in the room. Yuze huddled on the sofa, revealing a pair of dim eyes. He hugged his knees and raised his eyes lightly, falling on Yun Li.

A light "roll" came out of his mouth.

"I won't roll away." Yun Li looked over the shards of glass, "I'm just curious, why do you like to throw things? Are you suffering from depression?"

"I heard that people with depression don't like others to bother them. Do you find me annoying? Or... do you want to beat me up too?"

Yuze's eyes darkened, and he stared at Yun Li, repeating the same word.


But this time he was obviously a little excited, and even his face turned rosy.

"That woman, the woman who was taken away, you didn't hurt her, right?"

Yun Li continued to ask.

"Yeah." It was rare for Yuze to squeeze out another word, but his expression was still light, as if all the joys, anger, sorrows and joys in the world, except "anger", did not appear in him, and the "anger" he expressed was also Just what others see.

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