Chapter 256 Yan Shu’s Past
"Yun Li!" Cheng Yan suddenly called her. She wanted to continue, but Cheng Yan pushed her back.

Well, you really can't say this nonsense.

"Chengju is a very good person and worthy of entrustment." Yun Li changed his words.

Yan Shu lowered his eyes, "Do you really think that I am good to you? No wonder I always miss you. Why don't you come back to me? I will be very happy."

He would be pissed to death from himself.

Yun Li is sure.

However, Yan Shu is still a child, so she must not be enlightened. Her real age should be quite old.

In addition, her face should be what it looked like when she died. She looks about 17 years old.

If Cheng Yan can think about a 17-year-old girl all day long, then he is indeed worse than a beast.

Even worse than a beast.

"Are you scolding me?" the warning voice continued, "I want to tell you that Yan Shu is seven hundred years old. She is not the young girl you think. She is my Shiling. I can do whatever I want!"

This arrogant tone is most likely because Cheng Yan has something on his mind.

"Don't meddle in other people's business, otherwise your performance will be deducted!"

This sentence is very Chengyan.

Yun Li suddenly didn't want to buy it anymore, "I think I'd better explain it clearly to Yan Shu, and by the way, let's learn about your special hobby."

"Shut up." Cheng Yan said in a deep voice.

"I said it." She held Yan Shu's hand and was about to speak when Cheng Yan said dissatisfied, "Okay, aunt, I'll apologize to you."

Yun Li smiled contentedly, "Your name is Yan Shu, did Yan Cheng get it for you?"

"My lord said, I am a Manzhu Shahua. I don't have a surname, so I was given a name."

Yan Shu.

Cheng Yan, special daughter.

Cheng Yan’s Manzhu Shahua.

Manzhu Shahua is also called Shuli. From the beginning, Cheng Yan's purpose was not pure and he deceived this little girl.

It's just that a girl who is seven hundred years old cannot be called a girl anymore.

"Your lord has quite bad taste."

This was definitely not a compliment, but Yan Shu raised his eyes, and those eyes were sparkling. Yun Li looked carefully and realized that her eyes were red, like dove blood gemstones, magnificent and beautiful.

"My lord is a very good person. He is very kind to me. He always takes care of me."

"What about you? Don't you want to enter reincarnation?"

Yun Li asked back.

The other party chose to remain silent.

"Actually... I would have died without you, but you saved me. I have been by your side to repay your kindness. I have repaid you for more than 200 years. It is enough."

"I'm leaving. There are many people around you, sir."

After she finished speaking, she met the smile on Yun Li's lips.

"That's not enough. I'm not Cheng Yan's servant. Master, senior brother, and those colleagues all live for themselves, not for Cheng Yan. We are just others. Cheng Yan is the same person from beginning to end."

"No, there is still you now."

She deliberately closed her consciousness to prevent Cheng Yan from hearing these words. She didn't want to help Cheng Yan, but she was too lonely in that position.

If Cheng Yan is alone, how long can he last?
He guards a huge soul recovery bureau. He took office when he was three hundred years old. There are many people in the bureau who are more respected than him. Without the strong protection of his master, it would be difficult for him to hold this position.He was forced to take office when he was still a teenager. Although Yun Li didn't like this old dog on the surface, in fact he had long been submissive in his heart.

Yan Shu raised his eyes. Yun Li rarely paid attention to this little lolita before. Today, he was surprised to find that her eyes were light pink and very beautiful. No wonder it was Manzhushahua. By the way, can Manzhushahua also become a spirit?
She is not interested in other people's family trees, she is just curious, "Can Manzhushahua also become a spirit?"

These words blurted out directly, and Yan Shu's face suddenly turned pale.

"I...I..." She hesitated and was speechless. Yun Li didn't want to press her, but her eyes turned red.She made people cry.

"What did you do? Yun Li!" Cheng Yan's roaring voice followed closely, and Yun Li realized that her sea of ​​consciousness suddenly opened up.

Cheng Yan jumped up and down in his consciousness and said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you make Yan Shu cry? Is this how my people were bullied by you?"

Yun Li twitched the corners of his lips, "I didn't bully her, I just asked her why she could become a spirit."

Cheng Yan sneered, "She grew up in the underworld. Later, her whole family was gone. I brought her back to raise her. She is the only one left in the Manzhushahua clan. If she doesn't become a spirit, she will be extinct!"

"You can't speak, so don't speak anymore."

It was still the same vicious-tongued Cheng Yan. Yun Li closed her eyes. She thought of Kuro Ze. He was a man of many evil deeds, but he was also the only descendant of the Crow Flower clan.

Just like the mermaid sisters, if you want to live, keep living.

It can only be nourished day by day with the blood of the ethnic group, and finally catalyzes it to become a dead soul.

She could suddenly think of the scene where Cheng Yan used the blood of other Manzhu Shahua to nourish Yan Shu. It must have been very painful.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

Yan Shu raised his eyes, then shook his head vigorously, "It's hard to hear what an adult says, so don't listen to him."

Yun Li raised his hand and rubbed her little head. She had grown up in the realm of underworld since she was a child. It is said that the realm of underworld is connected to the underworld. The shot of Manzhushahua in the water of underworld was also born in the realm of underworld. The soul later became Cheng Yan's spirit.

The sound of footsteps outside the door sounded again. Yun Li urged Yan Shu to return to the jade ring, and then lay down on the bed gently.

"Shh," she whispered. There was a black shadow crawling along the crack of the door. This kind of door is useless to dead souls.

The back crawled slowly on the ground, looked at two rooms, hesitated, and finally headed to Xie Zhiyan's door.

Yun Li seemed to smell a smell of blood. It was really strange. This blood... seemed to belong to someone else.

Before she could take action, Xie Zhiyan's room was filled with golden light, and countless talismans formed a small protective shield, shaking her back away.

Yun Yan's talisman was definitely dozens of times more powerful than hers. Even if it was used against general-level dead souls, it would still be a downgrade blow.

This guy is stupid enough. He wants to eat the extremely yin body, but he also wants to eat her, and he doesn't want to let go of either of them.

Then don't ask for both.

The black shadow almost abandoned his armor and ran out. Yan Shu whispered to her, "Do you want me to go get him back?"

"It's a substitute technique, very cunning."

Yan Shu was stunned, "A dead soul that can use concealment and substitution techniques, is he really the attacking dead soul?"

This is obviously a cunning fox.

Yun Li curled her lips slightly and laughed, "What if it's really not the case? Maybe Cheng Yan's news is wrong."

"By the way, the recycler in that ward has turned into a vegetative state. Is she still in country E?"

She suddenly asked, and Yan Shu whispered, "My lord, she said that she has been at the E-guo City Hospital and there is someone specializing in protecting her."

"Then her life is really good." Yun Li said something unclear.

Yan Shu wondered, how can it be called enjoyment when people have become vegetative?

(End of this chapter)

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