At first glance, these words are off-putting, and my beloved Rose asked, "Is it possible that she can be called Rose?"

"Her name is indeed Rose." Huo Nai played with the flowers, and the flowers exuded a very strong fragrance, similar to the incense of love, the kind that can be smelled at a moment's notice.

"She took the initiative to invite me this time, so I must perform well."

A gentleman with an affectionate face was about to meet the woman he loved deeply. This was supposed to be a dreamlike encounter, but the dream was soon shattered.

"Senior Huo, are you blowing the wind here?" Yun Li's slightly doubtful voice sounded. She was still wearing the same clothes, her hands were wiped in her coat pockets, and she stared at him with a pair of almond eyes, a little dissatisfied.

The enthusiasm of the fire was extinguished in an instant.

However, just when Yun Li spoke, the tall figure in front of him suddenly turned his back. Yun Li stiffened like a stone and was stuck in place. When the words came to his mouth, he swallowed them immediately, leaving only a look of shock on his face.

Catch...the bag capture scene? !

She quickly calmed down. This was her mission site and she would not allow anyone to disturb her. She could only continue to act stupid and said, "Senior Huo, let's go."

Huo Lai stuffed the roses into Yun Li's arms and came close to Yun Li. He was about to wrap his hands around her waist subconsciously, but was interrupted by a cold voice, "Now that we have met, why don't we have a casual meal together?"

His dark eyes fell on Yun Li, and his voice was a bit cold and could not be refused.

Yun Li subconsciously wanted to refuse, but when she thought that Shen Si might cause trouble, she could only continue to act stupid and said to Huo Na beside her, "Senior Huo, do you know this person?"

"You... don't know me?" Huo Lai raised his eyebrows, "Who are you?"

There were veins on the back of Shen Si's hands protruding outwards, showing that he was on the verge of exploding.

Chen Chen hurriedly stopped him and said, "This is our Mr. Shen, the president of the Shen Group. I have admired Mr. Huo for a long time. It is your honor to have a casual meal with Mr. Huo."

Even if it was just for free, Chen Chen still said something outrageous.

Even Yun Li couldn't help but admire him. Sure enough, Boss Ba's assistants were all different people.

Huo Nai's face looked a little ugly. The other party was obviously a fake fan and might disrupt his plan. He could only find an excuse to ask Yun Li.

He had been in contact with Yun Li for a few days and got to know this woman a little bit. She didn't like dealing with strangers the most.

"See what the rose means."

Rose?Yun Li saw the same doubt on the faces of the two people opposite.

"Then let's go together." Yun Li raised his eyebrows, and Huo Nai froze completely. He looked at Yun Li, but the other party seemed to not see him, and walked forward on his own, saying as he walked, "This restaurant It is said to be the best restaurant for dates and has extremely high ratings.”

There are many young couples who go in in groups of two, but there are only a handful of women like Yun Li who are accompanied by three handsome men.

The waiter was slightly surprised, and even looked at Yun Li with a bit of envy.

This woman is so beautiful and blessed.

Yun Li didn't know what the woman's eyes meant. She handed the jade plaque in her hand to the waiter, and then lowered her voice and said, "Is my senior brother Yun Wenshu here?"

When Leng Buding heard the big boss's name and saw that the person in front of her was the boss's sister, she suddenly became enlightened and opened a box for them directly. She said with a look of relief, "I won't tell your brother about this."

She met the waiter's strange eyes and twitched her lips, "Did you misunderstand something?" She was not here to do PG trading, she was here to work hard and earn results.

It was not easy to explain to the waiter that when Yun Li entered the box, he found Huo Nai and Shen Si sitting across from each other. Huo Nai wanted to please Shen Si properly, but found that the other person always had a straight face and did not want to talk to him at all. It didn't mean anything. This made the actor a little confused. This was the first time that someone had straightened his face.Until that cold face finally gained some life, at the same time, Yun Li pushed the door open and looked at Shen Si. She decisively avoided looking at him.

"You guys know each other." Huo Lai's tone was determined, and Huo Lai's eyes were dark, with a bit of sizing and suspicion.

"I don't know." A cold snort escaped from his nose. Shen Si folded his arms and glanced at Yun Li with a slightly cold look. She kept trembling. Why should she, a prefecture-level recycler, be afraid of a monster? The omission?
"But I think Mr. Shen likes roses very much, and roses are very popular. If Mr. Shen likes them, I don't want to flatter him."

Huo Nai chuckled and looked directly at Yun Li, "After all, I really love roses."

The roses in the corner were placed randomly by Yun Li, with a stiff expression on her face.

Being confessed by a dead soul is not something to be proud of for a recycler.

"Do you treat her as a commodity?" Shen Tao said with a heavy blow, "You treat a woman as a commodity. I didn't expect Mr. Huo to be such a scumbag."

The curse words came out of his mouth, but they were surprisingly pleasant to the ear.

Huo Nai's face turned blue and white, this person must have done it on purpose.

"No, I am sincere to Rose, without a trace of hypocrisy. I swear by the Lord God."

"Who is your main god?" Seeing him swearing, Yun Li asked, "Is he from E country?"

Huo Na was speechless, especially Yun Li's teasing words, which made his hair stand on end. Did this woman discover something?He seriously doubted that this was a Hongmen Banquet. In the play, he was the leading figure of the Hongmen Banquet, but outside of the play, he was different.

The kind that becomes someone else's paw and plays with them wantonly.

"I'm not from E country." He said bravely, "Miss Yun, why are you asking these questions? Don't you believe in love at first sight?"

"My husband and I fell in love at first sight." Taking care of Shen Si's emotions and keeping himself safe, Yun Li chose to talk nonsense.

"We also have a daughter, so Senior Huo, let's get down to business."

Yun Li smiled slightly, raised her hand, and struck the back of Chen Chen's neck directly with her spiritual power. Chen Chen fainted on the spot.

She didn't forget to rub her hands and walked up to Huo Nai, "Senior Huo, stop pretending. This skin can be used easily."

Huo Lai's pupils tightened.

"What do you mean by that?"

All the love in those affectionate eyes faded away, as if it had never existed.

Yun Li said, "The smell of you makes me very uncomfortable. I almost feel sick. You can smell it too, right?"

She blinked at Shen Si with a hint of flattery and coyness, but Shen Si didn't appreciate it. Instead, he turned his head and said coldly, "Who are you?"

His black eyes looked through the fire, and he could see the dirty soul inside. The soul was black.

The kind that is completely black.

"Two recyclers?" Huo Nai's eyes flashed with surprise, and then his playful eyes fell on Shen Si.

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